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  • Learning Technologies PolicyThis policy establishes a coordinated approach to ensure that technologies are used effectively and efficiently, and in a pedagogically appropriate way to enhance educational quality and the student learning experience.
  • Legal Services PolicyThis policy outlines the principles and procedures to be followed when requesting legal services or advice. It applies to all officers and staff of the University.
  • Legislation - University Act and University By-LawThis document provides direct links to the University of Western Sydney Act 1997 and the University of Western Sydney By-law 2002.
  • Library Collection Development PolicyThis policy guides the Library's collection activity via collection development principles and associated procedures dealing with the acquisition of particular categories of materials. It also covers access to the collections and deselection.
  • Library Collections Access PolicyThis policy prescribes loan conditions and requirements, eligibility, loan periods and loan related services as well as fines and penalties.
  • Litigation, Claims and Disputes PolicyThis policy outlines the principles and procedures to be followed when requesting legal services or advice and applies civil disputes, claims or litigation to which the University is a party.
  • Local Achievement Rewards PolicyThis document outlines the process by which supervisors and managers can reward employees at a local level where they have performed above and beyond expectations.