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  • Academic Appeals ProceduresThis document sets out the standard procedures for students to appeal against a range of academic decisions, ensuring consistency, and applies especially where the relevant University policy does not set out the procedures for submitting an appeal.
  • Academic Development Program (ADP) PolicyThis policy details the procedures and requirements for PDP (Professional Development Program) leave: eligibility; duration; application; assessment; College PDP Committees; responsibilities; appeals; financial assistance; PDP reports; and application template.
  • Academic Governance PolicyThis policy delineates roles and responsibilities with respect to the academic governance of the University. In particular it defines the role and membership of the Academic Senate and the other academic committees of the University.
  • Academic Programs Advisers PolicyThis policy details the circumstances under which a position of Academic Adviser will be established and appointed.
  • Academic Promotions PolicyThis policy establishes the principles, eligibility requirements and required fields of academic practice for academic promotion to Levels B, C, D and E.
  • Academic Records Issuance PolicyThe Academic Records Issuance Policy defines the types of official statements that provide academic records to students, and sets out the ways in which their contents may be used to ensure the information provided by the University is fit for purpose and consistent.
  • Academic Staff Agreement 2022This formal industrial agreement between the University and the Union deals with employment of academic staff. It covers: employment contracts; salaries allowances and superannuation; leave; equal employment opportunity; organisational change; occupational health and safety; discipline; academic management development and performance; flexible work practices; and other employment related matters.
  • Acceptable Use of Digital Services PolicyThis policy prescribes the standards and behaviours that users of the University's computing, networking, information and communication resources must adhere to. It provides a code of practice, details penalties, and defines user groups.
  • Accident, Injury, Incident, Hazard Reporting and Investigation PolicyThe policy details requirements and responsibilities for the reporting of accidents, injuries, incidents and hazards.
  • Additional Work PolicyThis policy supplements provisions in the Academic Staff Enterprise Agreement relating to additional work for UWS or its entities and states that for tax purposes all payment must be made via the payroll.
  • Admissions and Welfare (International Students Under 18 Years) ProceduresThese procedures provide the steps an international student's parents/guardian and the University are to take when the University is to accept responsibility for the student's accommodation and welfare while they are under 18 years and students of the University.
  • Admissions PolicyThis policy covers all aspects related to the admission of students to the University's academic programs, both undergraduate and postgraduate, for domestic and overseas students. This includes receiving an offer, deferring studies, direct entry and alternative entry pathways.
  • After Hours Access and Safety PolicyThis policy details the conditions for accessing University facilities in accordance with appropriate authorisation and outlines expectations regarding safety management.
  • Anatomy PolicyWestern Sydney University runs teaching and research activities in the fields of medicine and health sciences which could involve the conduct of anatomical examinations. This document sets out requirements and procedures related to the management and utilisation of the University's anatomy facilities and the receipt, handling, storage and disposal of bodies and human tissues used for research and teaching purposes.
  • Animals on Campus PolicyThis document explains the University's requirements and procedures with respect to animals brought or found on its campus.
  • Appointment By Invitation PolicyThis policy sets out the principles and procedures under which staff may be appointed by invitation.
  • Art Collection Development and Access PolicyThis policy defines how Western Sydney Creative will develop, manage and use of the University’s Art Collection.
  • Articulation Pathways PolicyThis policy outlines the University's position and processes for developing articulated pathways for students into Western Sydney University courses from other educational institutions. This includes proposing and approval of the pathways and the arrangements for granting of advanced standing and guaranteed entry.
  • Assessment PolicyThis policy provides the framework for assessment at the University, using a criteria and standards-based approach to student assessment. It also provides information on final grades and official results as part of the assessment processes.
  • Assessment Procedures - Review of GradeThis policy deals with formal requests for a review of grade.
  • Asset Management PolicyThis policy details the management of the University's Assets including the Assets Register.
  • Associate Degree Course Advisory Committee Policy(Expired)This Policy establishes the rules for the operation of the Course Advisory Committee for Associate Degree courses taught by UWSCollege. Course Advisory Committees are one way of obtaining external feedback on course proposals, as required by the Award Courses and Units Approvals Policy.