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  • Biological and Gene Technology Work Safety PolicyThis Policy specifies requirements related to the handling and safety of biological materials and to minimising risks of biohazardous work procedures in laboratories at University campuses.
  • Board of Trustees Ethical FrameworkThis document provides a point of reference against which decisions related to Leadership and Governance can be tested to ensure that those decisions are evidence based, reasonable and consistent with the University's Values and Beliefs and not based on personal conviction. The Board of Trustees approved the Ethical Framework for University
    Governance [10/4/2019:6]
  • Brand and Visual Identity Management PolicyThis policy outlines the importance of brand and visual identity management in terms of supporting the University's reputation. The document sets out the University's policy on brand and Visual identity and procedures and guidelines for its management and enhancement.
  • Breastfeeding on University Premises PolicyThis policy provides the University's position and support in recognition of the need for parents to breastfeed and work/study on University premises. It is applicable to all employees and students who wish to combine breastfeeding and paid work and/or studies.
  • Bullying Prevention GuidelinesThis document provides guidelines that will assist in recognising bullying and understanding the effect of bullying behaviour on work and learning places. It also provides guidance in terms of responsibilities of victims of bullying, persons witnessing bullying or to whom bullying has been reported.
  • Bullying Prevention PolicyThis policy provides definitions of bullying and other unacceptable behaviour. It outlines responsibilities and action to be taken in response to complaints about bullying.
  • Business Continuity Management PolicyThis document provides procedures and responsibilities in relation to critical disruptions and continuity of business operations.