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  • Master of Research PolicyThis policy establishes the academic governance of the Master of Research, which is a research training degree that prepares candidates for future Doctoral studies as well as professions in research.
  • Media, Social Media and Public Commentary PolicyThis policy facilitates media comment by staff, defines what is and is not acceptable in terms of media comment, details responsibilities for media management and media training and provides summary tips for handling media contact.
  • Medical Assistance PolicyThis document provides a framework for dealing with students who may be suffering from a serious health condition.
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing PolicyThe policy provides the University's commitment to developing programs that support a healthy and safe workplace and environment, and provides the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy for staff and students.
  • Microcredential ProceduresThe Microcredential Procedures set out the purpose and procedures for the development, approval, management and quality assurance for Microcredentials offered by Western Sydney University. They do not apply to award programs or subjects.
  • Mobile Telecommunication Devices PolicyThis policy details the basis on which mobile telephones are allocated to staff, the conditions of use that apply and the responsibilities of those approving and those using University mobile telephones.
  • Modern Slavery Prevention PolicyThis policy sets out the University's approach for modern slavery prevention and its commitment to identifying incidents and addressing risks of Modern Slavery and to ensure that responsibilities under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) are met.
  • Motor Vehicle - Private Vehicle Use Reimbursement PolicyThis policy details the conditions under which a staff member may use their own vehicle for University purposes and receive reimbursement of the cost.
  • Motor Vehicle PolicyThis policy regulates: purchase and use of University vehicles; pool and fleet vehicle conditions of use; salary sacrifice private use vehicles; vehicle change-over; traffic fines; and authorisation of drivers.
  • Motting and Hazing Prevention PolicyThis policy outlines the University's position on zero tolerance to bastardisation, motting and hazing, and the policies in which action may be taken where allegations of such behaviour occurs.