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  • Parking and Traffic PolicyThis policy and associated documents regulate the arrangements for parking and traffic management on the University's campuses including parking permits and the payment of fees, traffic arrangements and penalities for non-compliance.
  • Personal and Discretionary Expenditures PolicyThis document provides direction and guidance for staff in dealing with expenditures of a personal and discretionary nature.
  • Personal Professional Association Membership Fees PolicyThis policy outlines the circumstances under which the University will meet the cost of personal professional association membership fees.
  • Placement PolicyThe purpose of this policy is to provide the principles and procedures for the approval and management of student placements undertaken as a requirement of a unit or program of study. Students may arrange their own placements or schools may arrange relevant placements in accordance with this policy.
  • Placement ProceduresThese procedures provide a foundation for the governance, administration, and roles and responsibilities of stakeholders involved in the delivery of Placements.
  • Policy FrameworkThis document provides the framework for the development, approval and publication of University rules and University-wide policies, procedures and guidelines. The purpose of the policy is to establish standards and formats that make the overall suite of policies easy to access and understand, consistent with each other and also to ensure that they are kept up to date.
  • Posthumous Awards and Aegrotat Grades PolicyThis policy addresses the granting of posthumous awards, in the event of a student's death, and of aegrotat grades, in circumstances where the student has suffered permanent disability or incapacity.
  • Privacy Data Breach Response PlanThis document sets out the procedures to be followed by University staff in response to suspected, actual or eligible breaches of University held data.
  • Privacy Impact Assessment ProceduresThese procedures supports the University's compliance with privacy laws, staff who manage new or revised projects, technology and digital systems, products, services, programs and/or initiatives, that involve the collection, use, access, disclosure or sharing of, or storage or destruction of personal, health or sensitive information, or staff who are responsible for making decisions about how that is handled, must ensure that potential privacy impacts are considered throughout the entire undertaking concerned. Therefore, it is the responsibility of those staff to comply with these Procedures.
  • Privacy Management PlanThis Plan details the requirements of NSW privacy law and elaborates on how the University is affected and complies.
  • Privacy PolicyThis policy reflects the requirements of NSW privacy law. It defines personal and health information and summarises the privacy principles that the University must comply with relating to the collection, storage, access, use and disclosure of personal and health information.
  • Procurement PolicyThis policy articulates the principles relating to procurement at Western Sydney University and the requirements that university staff must adhere to when undertaking procurement activities, including using NSW Government or University suppliers, undertaking quotes, tenders or direct negotiations with suppliers.
  • Professional Development - Continuing Professional Development GuidelinesThis document outlines the principles of continuing professional development for staff.
  • Professional Development - External Exchange or External Secondment GuidelinesThis document provides guidelines on applying for, approval of and conditions for an external exchange of an external secondment for staff.
  • Professional Development - Study Visit GuidelinesThis document provides guidelines on applying for and approval of Study Visits by staff.
  • Professional Development in Learning and Teaching PolicyThe substantially revised and renamed Professional Development in Learning and Teaching Policy has replaced the Foundations of University Learning and Teaching (FULT) Program Policy. The Policy encompasses professional development for all staff involved in teaching work, from PhD students doing casual teaching through to the Professoriate. This includes not only continuing academic staff but also those on fixed-term and casual contracts and professional staff supporting teaching work; whether working part-time or full-time.
  • Professional Development PolicyThis policy details requirements and procedures with respect to professional and staff development, study leave, education support allowance, approved study, examination leave, secondment and staff exchange.
  • Professional Staff Agreement 2022This formal industrial agreement between the University and the Unions deals with employment of professional staff. It covers: employment contracts; salaries allowances and superannuation; hours of work; leave; equal employment opportunity; organisational change; work health and safety; discipline; position classification; performance management; flexible work practices; and other employment related matters.
  • Program Transfer PolicyThis policy covers the process of transferring from one course (including internal course transfer), or from a key program to another.
  • Progression PolicyThis policy covers matters relating to identifying and dealing with poor performance, including "at risk" students; multiple failures; conditional enrolment, suspension or exclusion for unsatisfactory academic performance and appeals; and maximum length of enrolment.
  • Progression ProceduresThese procedures operationalise the University's framework for identifying and managing students who are not making appropriate progress in their program of study and give effect to the University's legal obligations to monitor student progression, including under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000. They apply to all University coursework award programs, including programs with embedded honours and University programs taught by third parties as outlined in the relevant Third Party Agreement. It does not apply to programs with a significant research component, including end-on Honours and Higher Degree Research (HDR) programs.
  • Purchase Additional Leave Scheme PolicyThis document outlines the procedures for the FlexiYear Scheme which allows staff access to apply for "purchased leave" arrangements.