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  • Health Safety and Wellbeing PolicyThis policy details the key responsibilities of all sections of the University in meeting work and occupational health and safety legal obligations.
  • Health Safety and Wellbeing Procedures - Alcohol and Drug Control These procedures provide the University's framework, consistent with legislative requirements, for the responsible distribution and consumption of alcohol and other drugs and sets out overarching requirements for securing, managing and using Schedule 4 and 8 Drugs in research and teaching activities.
  • Health Safety and Wellbeing Procedures - Dangerous WeaponsThese Procedures apply to all members of the University community, including staff, students and visitors and sets out the University's position on the possession and use of dangerous weapons on its premises.
  • Honorary Titles and Awards PolicyThis policy describes the honorary awards conferred by the University and details the requirements and procedures related to nominations and approvals.
  • Honorary Titles and Awards ProceduresThese procedures provide the nomination, conferral and appointment processes for honorary titles and awards in accordance with the Honorary Titles and Awards Policy.
  • Honours ProceduresThese procedures describe the requirements related to Honours degree programs, including the structure of the Honours component, and requirements related to students and examinations.