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  • Naming Recognition PolicyThis policy deals with the naming of property and facilities, organisational units, academic positions and scholarships and prizes. It provides the principles and processes required when considering the application for and approval of naming rights.
  • Naming Recognition ProceduresThe Naming Recognition Policy and the Naming Recognition Procedures replace the Naming Policy. At its 7
    December 2022 meeting the Board of Trustees approved these Procedures and that the approval authority
    for these Procedures is the Vice-Chancellor and President, in line with Delegation HH12 of the Delegations of
    Authority Policy [Resolution 7/12/2022:9]. These Procedures support the Policy, the latter which now applies
    to commercial, contractual and sponsorship arrangements if they include naming rights. The revised Policy
    and Procedures have been significantly amended for clarity, improved syntax and written in plain English.
    The Guidelines are now available as associated information to the Procedures.
  • Naming Recognition Procedures - Memorial EstablishmentThese guidelines provide advice to staff, students and the University community on the process for establishing a memorial, the types of memorials and who in the University can assist. It also establishes a framework for a coordinated approach to establishing memorials at the University.