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  • Indigenous Australian Education PolicyThis Policy details the University's commitment to Indigenous education and sets out high level principles, objectives, protocols and associated procedures
  • Indigenous Australian Employment PolicyThis policy outlines the University's objectives and principles that underpin it's commitment to improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in the workforce.
  • Information Display PolicyThis policy details the process of obtaining and accessing a fixed noticeboard and the responsibility of relevant units.
  • Inherent Requirements Compliance ProceduresThe Inherent Requirements Compliance Procedures detail the procedure through which concerns regarding student non-compliance with Inherent Requirements are evaluated and actioned. The procedures, in conjunction with the Fitness to Practice Policy, specify the process Schools are able to follow to respond to situations where a student is failing, or may fail, to meet Inherent Requirements indicating compromised fitness to practice on placements, and posing a risk to public safety.
  • Injury Management PolicyThis policy details responsibilities and procedures with respect to injury management and rehabilitation of employees.
  • Intellectual Property PolicyThis policy defines and regulates the ownership and commercialisation of intellectual property of the University for academic staff, students and external parties.
  • Interest Rate Risk PolicyThis policy outlines the University's interest rate risk management strategy to minimise the impact of adverse movements of interest rates on the earnings of the University.
  • International Partnerships for Academic CooperationThis policy details the requirements and processes for developing international partnerships to be entered into by the University, including academic co-operation agreements. It provides a detailed checklist of matters needing to be addressed and a pro forma agreement.
  • International Student Fees and Refunds AgreementThis policy provides advice and information on the requirements regarding student fees and refunds agreement for international/overseas students in line with ESOS requirements.
  • Investment PolicyThis document sets out the steps for monitoring and reporting the investment and performance of money controlled by UWS.