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  • Teaching and Learning - Fundamental CodeThis code outlines the responsibilities of staff and students with regard to the teaching and learning process in order to maintain the highest standards.
  • Teaching and Learning Procedures - Multimedia Production and UseThe policy sets out how the University encourages and guides the use of lecture recording and publication of content for the benefit of students.
  • Third Party Provider PolicyThis policy provides the principles for the delivery of Western Sydney University courses and units by Third Party Providers (TPPs), both onshore and offshore, and provides clear responsibilities and accountabilities for the management and quality assurance of TPPs.
  • Timetabling PolicyThis policy outlines the requirements and procedures related to the generation and operation of the University's teaching timetable and the booking of spaces held in the timetabling system database, Syllabus Plus.
  • Timetabling Procedures(Expired)The procedures outline the process for the annual preparation of the University timetable and give effect to the Timetable Policy.
  • Tobacco Sponsorship PolicyThis policy explains the University's position in respect to accepting funding from tobacco companies or foundations primarily funded by such companies.
  • Travel PolicyThis policy outlines the principles underlying official business travel by staff and students which is funded or partially funded by the University. It also details the safety requirements and processes for obtaining approval, making travel arrangements, and payments related to dual-purpose travel.
  • Treasury PolicyThis policy defines the University's approach to the management of financial risks associated with treasury operations of the University. It sets out the strategies for managing financial risks that the University is to employ as well as the procedures for executing, monitoring, reporting and reassessing these strategies.