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  • Web PolicyThis document describes the University's Web Policy which aims to provide an effective University-wide framework for governance and management of matters related to web delivery of information and services.
  • Western Sydney University (Constitution) Rule 2019This rule is published pursuant to the publication of the Universities Governing Bodies (Western Sydney University) Order 2019 which amended the Western Sydney University Act 1997 and Western Sydney University By-Law 2017. This Rule prescribes the size and membership of the Board of Trustees of the University in accordance with the provisions of the Western Sydney University Act 1997 (NSW), as amended by the governing body membership provisions prescribed under the Universities Governing Bodies Act 2011 (NSW).
  • Western Sydney University (Governance) RuleThe Western Sydney University (Governance) Rules prescribe: Board of Trustees meeting requirements; role of the Vice-Chancellor and President; University emblem; affiliation with the University including affiliation of student associations; and functions.
  • Western Sydney University (University Seal and Authentication) RuleThis document details requirements for the utilisation and management of the University's Seal.
  • Whistleblowing (Reporting Corruption and Other Serious Wrongdoing) PolicyThis policy reflects NSW law with respect to whistleblower protection, public interest (protected disclosures) and outlines the procedures, contact points and responsibilities with respect to receiving and handling protected disclosures by maintaining confidentiality and protection. It defines the areas of disclosure being corrupt conduct or fraud, maladministration, serious and substantial waste and information contravention.
  • Whistleblowing (Reporting Corruption and Other Serious Wrongdoing) ProceduresThese procedures support the Whistleblowing (Reporting Corruption and Other Wrongdoing) Policy.
  • Working from Home ProceduresThis document has been developed as part of the University's requirements under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) to reflect the University's commitment to a flexible and productive workforce and support employee wellbeing.
  • Working with Children (Workers and Students) PolicyThis policy details requirements of child protection legislation for University staff and students who might work with children and covers prohibited persons, screening, working with children checks, and notifications.
  • Workplace Flexibility PolicyThis policy details requirements, responsibilities, procedures and arrangements for workplace accommodation that may be available to assist staff with carer responsibilities.
  • Workplace Surveillance PolicyThis policy forms the notice to staff under the Workplace Surveillance Act of the kinds of camera, computer and tracking surveillance that is undertaken by the University.