Honorary Titles and Awards Procedures
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
(1) These procedures provide the nomination, conferral and appointment processes for honorary titles and awards in accordance with the Honorary Titles and Awards Policy.
Top of PageSection 2 - Definitions
(2) For the purposes of these procedures:
- Appointment means placing a person in an honorary position for a specified period;
- Conferral means bestowing a title or award in an honorary capacity, usually in perpetuity;
- TAFE means Technical and Further Education.
Section 3 - Policy Statement
(3) These Procedures support the Honorary Titles and Awards Policy.
Top of PageSection 4 - Honorary Titles and Awards Conferred by the Board of Trustees
(4) The Honorary Titles and Awards conferred by the Board of Trustees are:
- Emeritus Chancellor of the University
- Emeritus Professor of the University
- Honorary Fellow of the University
- Community Fellow of the University
- Doctor of Laws honoris causa
- Doctor of Letters honoris causa
- Doctor of Science honoris causa
Part A - Nomination and Evaluation
(5) Nominations for the honorary titles and awards conferred by the Board of Trustees must be made without the nominee’s knowledge.
(6) Nominations must remain in strict confidence until the Board has approved a recommendation. In exceptional circumstances it may be appropriate for the Chancellor (or nominee) to contact the nominated person before a recommendation is made to the Board of Trustees.
(7) At any time during the year, any member of the University community may, in confidence, nominate a person to be conferred an honorary title and award listed in this Part, however, an individual may not nominate themselves.
(8) The nomination must be made in writing to the Vice-Chancellor and President and include:
- a summary statement of the reasons the nominated person should be conferred the title or award, having regard to the award criteria as set out in the Honorary Titles and Awards Policy, and be suitable for use as a citation;
- a detailed curriculum vitae; and
- any statements in support of the nomination.
- A nomination for Emeritus Professor must include statements from at least three full professors of the University (comprising representation from at least two different areas of the University).
(9) The Board Executive Committee will normally consider a nomination at its next scheduled meeting and may seek the views about a nomination, from one or more distinguished persons who are external to the University. For a Professor nominated to the title of Emeritus Professor:
- for scholarly excellence in a specific field of study, or bringing academic distinction to the University through the general development of a specific field of study nationally and/or internationally, the distinguished external person/s will usually be professor/s in the relevant subject area; or
- for material contribution to the overall development of the University, the distinguished external person/s will usually be senior academic leader/s (e.g. vice-chancellor or deputy vice-chancellor) of another university.
(10) The Board Executive Committee may seek further confidential advice, as necessary, on any nomination it evaluates.
(11) The Board Executive Committee will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
(12) At its own instigation, the Board Executive Committee may recommend persons to the Board of Trustees for honorary titles and awards.
Part B - Conferral and Appointment
(13) When the Board of Trustees resolves to confer an honorary award:
- the Chancellor (or nominee) may contact the nominated person (or their nominee) to ascertain their willingness to accept the award or title; and
- the University will normally confer the title or award at the next session of graduation ceremonies and may invite recipients to deliver the occasional address at the ceremony.
(14) The nominator for an honorary title or award, that is conferred by the Board, will be notified in confidence about the outcome of the nomination once the Board's delegate has notified the nominee.
Part C - Privileges and Conditions
(15) The holder of an honorary title of Emeritus Chancellor, Emeritus Professor, Honorary Fellow or Community Fellow or an honorary doctorate:
- is regarded as having the equivalent University rank for ceremonial occasions, as relevant, and may use their honorary title when carrying out any activity that forms part of their contribution to the University;
- is entitled to those privileges and benefits as determined by the relevant approval authority from time to time. Privileges are conferred at the University's discretion and depend on the recipient's continued connection to the University and may include access to library, information technology and other resources;
- may use their title when they carry out any activity which forms part of their contribution to the University;
- is expected to make a sustained contribution to the University in such areas as:
- representing and promoting the University in their spheres of influence; and
- facilitating the exchange and sharing of knowledge, experience and expertise in pursuit of the University's mission, goals and strategic plan;
- does not represent or act as the University's agent, employee or partner, and must not directly or indirectly bind the University;
- is not entitled to receive remuneration in that capacity;
- has no authority to exercise any functions delegated to, or otherwise normally associated with, a person at the equivalent University rank;
- is not entitled to membership of any University governing body; and
- must comply with the University's laws, rules and policies as they relate to their activities.
Section 5 - Honorary Titles and Appointments made by the Vice-Chancellor and President
(16) The Honorary Appointments made by the Vice-Chancellor and President are:
- Distinguished Professor
- Distinguished Fellow
- Professor and Associate Professor
- Vice-Chancellor’s Professional Fellow
- Community Awards
Part D - Nominations and Evaluation
Distinguished Professor
(17) Nominations for Distinguished Professors occur triennially or in response to performance excellence.
(18) Nominations are based on the verifiable outcomes, outputs and national and international standing of the nominees.
(19) Nominations must contain:
- An Executive Summary page listing the main achievements of the applicant in dot form. A narrative (no more than 3 pages) describing the applicant’s contributions to any of the pillars of academic performance (research, teaching, engagement and global impact). The emphasis should be placed on quality and impact and should explain their own distinct contributions.
- Up to five references from referees who are identified in their own right as leaders in the field. At least one of the referees must be international.
- Other supporting documentation (up to five pages), such as an abridged curriculum vitae showing qualifications, specific contributions to research, education, engagement and global impact, appointments, honours awards, and membership of the learned academies or equivalent organisations.
(20) Nominations will be assessed by a panel comprised of:
- Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Education
- Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Research, Enterprise and Global
(21) On the assessment panel’s behalf, the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Research, Enterprise and Global will recommend recipients of the Distinguished Professor title to the Vice-Chancellor and President.
(22) The Vice-Chancellor and President will make a determination based the panel’s recommendation.
(23) In addition to considering and approving recommendations of the assessment panel, the Vice-Chancellor and President may, at their own discretion and at any time, award the title of Distinguished Professor to a professor of the University who has achieved eminence at a national or international level, such as having attained a Federation Fellowship, ARC Fellowship or equivalent national or international award carrying substantial funding of several years’ duration.
(24) Existing Distinguished Professors, other than those directly appointed by the Vice-Chancellor and President, may reapply prior to the end of their current term. Their performance will be reviewed by the panel to determine whether it has continued to meet the criteria of this award.
(25) The Vice-Chancellor and President will report any appointments of Distinguished Professors to the next meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Distinguished Fellow, Professor and Associate Professor
(26) The Vice-Chancellor and President may, at their discretion, appoint a person as a Distinguished Fellow, Professor, Associate Professor for the duration of that person’s tenure with the University.
(27) The Vice-Chancellor and President may seek advice as appropriate before appointing a person as a Distinguished Fellow, Professor or Associate Professor.
(28) The Vice-Chancellor and President will report such appointments to the next meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Professional Fellow
(29) The Vice-Chancellor and President may, at their discretion, appoint a former employee of the University, as a Vice-Chancellor’s Professional Fellow in recognition of sustained service at a level of excellence during their tenure at the University in an Executive level role.
Community Awards
(30) The Vice-Chancellor and President, may, at their discretion, grant a Community Award to a person or an organisation external to the University where they have made a substantial contribution to improving the quality of life of members of the Greater Western Sydney region.
Part E - Conferral and Appointment
(31) The University will normally confer the Distinguished Professor and Professional Fellows at the next session of graduation ceremonies and may invite recipients to deliver the occasional address at the ceremony. In exceptional circumstances the title may be conferred at a ceremony other than a scheduled graduation.
(32) The Distinguished Professor will also receive a University Medal in recognition of the Award.
(33) The Office of People will provide the recipient of Distinguished Professor, Professor, Associate Professor, Distinguished Fellow and Professional Fellow appointments with a letter which sets out:
- details of the appointment and applicable conditions;
- notice of any facilities the University will provide to the recipient;
- details of the Vice-Chancellor and President's right to withdraw the appointment by written notice;
- date of review of the appointment, where appropriate.
Part F - Privileges and Conditions
(34) Once appointed, Distinguished Professors will be asked to propose a particular project/activities to support the Mission/promote the Institution for the appointed 5 years. This can include travel opportunities to support the strategic directions of the University or to conduct a piece of work within the University.
(35) Distinguished Professors will receive a loading in addition to their Professoriate salary. That loading will be determined by the Vice-Chancellor and President, in consultation with the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Research, Enterprise and Global.
(36) Distinguished Professors are required to present a public lecture as part of the Professorial lecture series.
(37) A Vice-Chancellor’s Professional Fellow may provide advice to the Vice-Chancellor and President from time to time as required, and may participate in events, selection panels, reviews and projects in an honorary capacity.
Top of PageSection 6 - Honorary Appointments made by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-Presidents, Deans of Schools and Directors of Institutes
(38) Honorary appointments made by the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Research, Enterprise and Global are:
- Centre for Western Sydney Industry and Community Associates
- Adjunct Professors
- Adjunct Associate Professors
(39) Honorary appointments made by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Education are:
- TAFE Associate Appointments
- Industry Curriculum Fellows
(40) Honorary appointments made by Deans of Schools and Directors of Research Institutes are:
- Adjunct Fellows
- Visiting Professors
- Visiting Fellows
Part G - Nominations and Evaluations
Centre for Western Sydney Industry and Community Associates
(41) Applications for Industry and Community Associates must be submitted to the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Research, Enterprise and Global via the Industry and Community Associate Application Form.
(42) The aligned Research Theme Champion and Director for the Centre for Western Sydney will provide a recommendation to the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Research, Enterprise and Global.
(43) The Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Research, Enterprise and Global will make a decision having regard to the application, the recommendation and any other relevant material.
Adjunct Appointments
(44) Applications for adjunct appointments must be submitted to the Dean of the hosting School or the Director of the hosting Research Institute on the Adjunct Appointment Form.
(45) Adjunct title holders from overseas must ensure they have the correct visa, particularly where the University is sponsoring the visa. The type of activities, the proposed length of stay, whether the recipient is to undertake employment or is to be paid for living costs or other arrangements will determine the type of visa required.
(46) Before appointing an individual from overseas, the host School or Research Institute must:
- contact the Relocations Consultant in the Office of People as to the visa requirements; and
- ensure any international appointee who receives a living expenses allowance from the University is registered with the Office of People, whether or not the University sponsors their visa.
(47) Applications for renewal of adjunct appointments must:
- be made at a reasonable time before the appointment is to lapse;
- be made on the Adjunct Appointment Form; and
- include evidence of the person's demonstrable, positive contributions made during the preceding period of appointment.
Visiting Appointments
(48) The hosting School or Research Institute must submit applications for visiting appointments to the relevant Dean or Director.
(49) The Dean or Director will make a decision having regard to the application, the purpose for which the application is made and the School or Institute's resources.
(50) Visiting title holders from overseas must ensure they have the correct visa, particularly where the University is sponsoring the visa. The type of activities, the proposed length of stay, whether the recipient is to undertake employment or is to be paid for living costs or other arrangements will determine the type of visa required.
(51) Before appointing an individual from overseas, the host School or Institute must:
- contact the Relocations Consultant in the Office of People as to the visa requirements; and
- ensure any international appointee who receives a living expenses allowance from the University is registered with the Office of People, whether or not the University sponsors their visa.
(52) Applications for renewal of Visiting Appointments must:
- be made at a reasonable time before the appointment is to lapse;
- be made on the approved form; and
- include evidence of the person's demonstrable, positive contributions made during the preceding period of appointment.
TAFE Associate Appointments
(53) The relevant TAFE Institute may apply to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Education for a TAFE Associate Appointment.
(54) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Education will consider applications for renewal of TAFE Associate Appointments based on evidence of demonstrable, positive contributions during the preceding period of appointment.
Industry Curriculum Fellows
(55) Applications for Industry Curriculum Fellow must be submitted via the Industry and Community Curriculum Fellow Application Form.
(56) The definition of industry is broad and includes business, community, education and government sectors (persons not employed by Western Sydney University).
(57) The Pro Vice-Chancellor, Learning and Teaching will receive applications and provide a recommendation to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Education.
(58) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Education will make a decision having regard to the application, the recommendation and any other relevant material.
(59) Applications for renewal of Industry Curriculum Fellow Appointments must:
- be made at a reasonable time before the appointment is to lapse;
- be made on the approved form; and
- include evidence of the person’s demonstrable, positive contributions made during the preceding period of appointment.
Part H - Conferral and Appointment
(60) When a decision to appoint an Industry Associate has been made, the Office of the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Research, Enterprise and Global will:
- notify the applicant of the outcome;
- ensure approval of the appointment by the Associate’s place of employment; and
- initiate the appointment process through the relevant HR systems.
(61) When a decision to appoint an Industry Curriculum Fellow has been made, the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Education will:
- notify the applicant of the outcome; and
- initiate the appointment process including honorarium, if applicable, through the relevant HR systems.
(62) When a decision about an Adjunct or Visiting appointment has been made, the relevant Dean or Director will:
- notify the applicant of the outcome;
- initiate the appointment process through the relevant HR system; and
- notify the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Research, Enterprise and Global of the appointment.
Part I - Privileges and Conditions
(63) Adjunct, Visiting and TAFE Associate appointees:
- may nominate the University as the host institution for the purpose of research applications, subject to compliance with the University's policies and procedures with respect to the conduct of research and management of grants, including associated staff appointments and supervision of students. Any publications resulting from the research must recognise the University and list the University as the academic affiliation;
- are responsible to the unit head of the hosting School or Institute, where applicable;
- are not entitled to receive any remuneration for their honorary roles;
- may access the resources of the host School or Institute as approved by the relevant manager with delegated authority;
- are covered by the University's public liability insurance while undertaking activities as an employee of, under the direction or control of, or at the request of, the University, or as relevant to their position with the University;
- have no authority to exercise any functions delegated to or otherwise normally associated with a person at the equivalent University rank;
- have no authority to commit or authorise expenditure of University funds; and
- subject to applicable visa and University travel conditions, are:
- eligible to co-supervise higher degree candidates in accordance with the Higher Degree by Research Procedures - Supervision;
- able to represent the University at professional forums, conferences and seminars.
(64) TAFE Associate appointments will enable and promote the TAFE NSW-University partnership and foster collaborative arrangements between the partners through activities which include:
- organising and promoting joint TAFE NSW-University activities, such as:
- staff development seminars/workshops,
- commencing TAFE student seminars/workshops/orientation,
- planning and designing other collaborative projects;
- lectures/seminars by TAFE adjuncts at the University in discipline areas where there are significant numbers of TAFE pathways students;
- contributing to and engaging in collaborative research on topic areas relevant to the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Learning and Teaching under Tertiary Education Pathways and Partnership, such as:
- partnering with the University in externally funded research grant applications,
- engaging in joint presentations at conferences,
- engaging in joint published research,
- providing advice on and jointly developing new pathways from TAFE to the University.
(65) Industry Curriculum Fellows contribution to partnership pedagogy may involve:
- providing industry knowledge, insights and expertise to support the development and delivery of curriculum;
- participating in curriculum review and renewal process.
(66) Industry Curriculum Fellows:
- are responsible to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Education or nominee;
- may use the title of Western Sydney University Industry Curriculum Fellow for the period they hold the position.
Contribution to Living Expenses
(67) Each year, the Vice-Chancellor and President will approve a schedule of maximum payments for reasonable contribution towards living costs and expenses for Visiting and Adjunct appointments, which will be set in accordance with relevant University policies and Australian Taxation Office (ATO) requirements.
(68) The Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Research, Enterprise and Global may approve a Visiting or Adjunct appointee receiving a contribution towards the cost of their living expenses for part or all of the period of appointment on recommendation of the Dean or Director of the hosting School or Institute. The amount approved will normally be up to the maximum limit, however the Dean or Director, Research Institute may make a submission in writing to the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Research, Enterprise and Global for a higher amount.
(69) Payments to Visiting and Adjunct appointees towards the cost of living expenses are subject to the following conditions:
- The allowance will be paid through the payroll office. Appointees must have an Australian bank account. Appointees from overseas and not citizens of Double Tax PAYG Exempt Countries must apply for an Australian Tax File Number for that purpose.
- For the first 21 calendar days, the allowance will not attract tax.
- From the 22nd day, the whole allowance will be taxed under the PAYG system, consistent with ATO requirements or where the overseas appointee is exempt from paying tax under Double PAYG Exempt Countries Agreement.
- Fewer than 21 days - allowances will be reimbursed on evidence of receipt. Appointees must submit their receipts to the relevant unit head/delegated officer for reimbursement by the Finance Office. Note the tax free 21 day period does not reset if the appointee is to leave the University and return.
- 21 days or more - allowances will be paid on a fortnightly basis into an Australian bank account and cannot be paid as a lump sum or by other means such as by submission of an invoice.
- The housing unit must complete the payment authority form for all living expenses paid through the payroll office and submit to the Office of People.
(70) Payments that the University makes to Visiting and Adjunct appointees from overseas may be taxable in their home country and appointees should seek advice on any likely tax implications.
(71) Travel arrangements for Visiting, Adjunct and TAFE Associate appointments funded by the University will be consistent with the Travel Policy.
Top of PageSection 7 - Withdrawal of Honorary Status
(72) The approval authority may at any time, in its absolute discretion, withdraw an honorary title or award if it considers its continuation is not in the best interests of the University.
(73) The University will notify the honorary award recipient or title holder of a withdrawal in writing, and adjunct and visiting title holders will be given one month's notice before the decision takes effect.
(74) There is no appeal to a decision of the approval authority to withdraw an honorary title or award.
(75) Adjunct, visiting and community title recipients may terminate their association with the University by providing one month's written notice to the University.
Top of PageSection 8 - Employment
(76) Subject to any applicable visa conditions and University travel policies and processes, honorary recipients may:
- undertake a casual or fixed-term appointment for the University after receiving an honorary title or award. The University will issue a separate contract of employment for the work; and
- apply for an externally advertised position with the University in accordance with the Recruitment and Selection Policy.
(77) Where an honorary recipient accepts an ongoing position with the University, or any University position that will conflict with their honorary status, the recipient must resign their honorary status or the conferring authority will terminate their honorary status.
(78) An honorary recipient who has previously separated from the University on the grounds of redundancy (whether voluntary or otherwise) cannot be re-employed on any basis—including as a casual employee—until the period of time equivalent to the total redundancy payment (that is, notice and payment per year of completed service) has elapsed, unless the re-employment represents a clear occupational change from the persons’ previous position.
Top of PageSection 9 - Administrative Responsibilities
Host Unit
(79) The host unit will:
- provide an induction and organise access to University resources for honorary recipients the host unit determines is appropriate; and
- initiate the appropriate action at the beginning and end of the appointment, i.e. appointment, termination or extension and will advise the Office of People.
Office of People
(80) The Office of People will:
- provide advice and support to the host unit and honorary recipients on appropriate procedures, and associated issues including migration, visa and taxation rules;
- process appointments following approval of an honorary recipient, including issuing a letter of offer which includes all approved conditions and entitlements;
- maintain records within the University's official records management system in respect of adjunct and visiting appointments, enabling the University to report on these appointments when necessary;
- notify the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Indigenous Leadership where a person is appointed to an identified position or is a person who identifies as an Indigenous Australian; and
- include all appointment privileges and conditions relating to honorary titles in letters of offer or contracts of engagement; and
- provide advice and guidance about the appropriate choice of title if requested.
Section 10 - Guidelines
(81) Guidance on the use of honorary titles is provided in the Honorary Award Titles Usage Guidelines.