(1) This policy establishes the composition and appointment of supervisory panels and the role and responsibilities of academic supervisors of research higher degree candidates. All supervisors (academic, external academics and industry-based supervisors) must comply with this policy. (2) This policy articulates the highest standards of practice and integrity in conducting academic supervision of Higher Degree Research (HDR) candidates, given the understanding that research education is a complex and highly specialised form of teaching requiring specific types of educational pedagogy. These standards apply to all HDR candidates, academic supervisors and HDR programs, regardless of the mode (remote, online or face-to-face) or location of delivery (candidates who are on campus, offshore, or otherwise working off campus). (3) Research education is a shared responsibility that involves academic governance bodies such as Western Sydney University's Research Studies Committee (RSC) and School or Institute Research and Higher Degrees Committees (SIRHDC) as well as the Deans, Director, Research Institutes and Associate Dean, Research and HDR or Higher Degree Research Directors (HDR Directors) and the Graduate Research School (GRS), acting within a policy framework to foster an enriched and successful candidature culture. (4) The University uses a panel system of supervision. Members of a panel will seek to impart knowledge of research methods to their candidates and to guide them in becoming excellent researchers participating in the many relevant communities they engage, from disciplinary to the broader public. The process of supervision should stimulate the candidate's scholarly and research potential and should encourage candidates to participate in and contribute to the research culture of the University, its Research Institutes and Schools. (5) This policy should be read in conjunction with the following policies and guidelines: (6) Definitions for the purpose of this policy: (7) Responsibilities for supervisory capacity include: (8) Each HDR candidate has a panel of at least two internal supervisors, one of whom is designated as Principal Supervisor, and the other(s) as Co-supervisor(s). The number of supervisors on a supervisory team will be determined by the requirements of individual candidatures and the supervisory roles/expertise required. A doctorate panel should preferably have three supervisors if one member is external to the University. The Principal Supervisor should consider the inclusion of Co-supervisors from other Schools and Research Institutes where cross-disciplinary research is being undertaken. (9) The Dean or Director, Research Institute will approve the establishment of the supervision panel. They will also ensure cross-unit approval for the inclusion of supervisors from other organisational units. (10) The Dean or Director, Research Institute will approve changes of Principal Supervisor. (11) The Dean or Director, Research Institute will approve changes or additions to a supervisory panel, in cases where the Associate Dean, Research and HDR or HDR Director is a member of that panel. (12) The Associate Dean, Research and HDR or HDR Director will approve all other changes or additions to a supervisory panel. (13) Changes to the supervisory panel do not constitute grounds for an extension of candidature or scholarship. (14) All changes to candidature supervision must be reported to the GRS in a timely manner. Refer to the Supervision of Research Candidates Procedures, Clause (4)b. (15) Supervisors must not supervise HDR candidates with whom they have a close personal relationship. Supervisors in a close personal relationship must disclose a conflict of interest to the Dean or Director, Research Institute at the time of the panel formation. The supervisory panel must include at least one member who is independent of that relationship to enable the University to deliver its Duty of Care to the candidate. The supervisor who is independent of the relationship between the other supervisors must be actively involved in the supervision of the candidate and must provide sign off on all HDR Candidatures Milestones. (16) If there is a conflict dispute between the candidate and the supervisory panel, the candidate, Principal Supervisor or Co-supervisor should refer the matter in the first instance to the relevant Associate Dean, Research and HDR or HDR Director. The dispute may be escalated to the Dean or Director, Research Institute, or Dean, Graduate Studies and Researcher Development. (17) All level D and E permanent and fixed-term academic staff are listed on the HDR Supervisor Register as eligible to be active Principal Supervisors and Co-supervisors. (18) All level A, B and C permanent and fixed-term academic staff are listed on the HDR Supervisor Register as eligible to be active Co-supervisors. They may be listed as eligible to be active Principal Supervisors if they have co-supervised an HDR candidate to completion or have other relevant academic experience. See Clauses (32) and (33). (19) Contract academics, conjoint and Adjunct Professors or Associate Professors, Research Fellows and Emeritus Professors can be included on the HDR Supervisor Register with approval from the Dean, Director, Research Institute or Dean, Graduate Studies and Researcher Development. (20) All University academics must be accredited and listed as active on the HDR Supervisor Register before they can be allocated to candidates. (21) Inactive supervisors will not be permitted to join new supervisory panels. However, inactive supervisors may become active by completing the requirements outlined in Clauses (10) and (11) of the Supervision of Research Candidates Procedures. (22) A Principal Supervisor must currently: (23) An academic staff member who transitions from being a permanent or fixed-term member of staff to holding an Adjunct appointment or who is an Emeritus Professor may continue in the role of Principal Supervisor. (24) Exceptions can be made to Clause (22)d where a University academic staff member has demonstrated capacity to supervise, has equivalent research experience, who is active in research and publishing in, or otherwise making original contributions to, a relevant field or discipline. This exception must be approved by the Dean or Director, Research Institute of the relevant School/Research Institute or the Dean, Graduate Studies and Researcher Development. (25) A Principal Supervisor will not support more than the equivalent of six full-time (6 FTE) research candidates. (26) Exceptions can be made to Clause (25) to the number of FTE candidates supported by a Principal Supervisor, where the Principal Supervisor has demonstrated the capacity to do so. This exception must be approved by the relevant Dean or Director of the relevant School or Research Institute or the Dean, Graduate Studies and Researcher Development. (27) Schools and Research Institutes are responsible for ensuring that supervisory responsibilities are properly credited in staff workloads and reflected in the Academic Unit Work Plan Policy. (28) The Principal Supervisor is responsible for guiding a candidate in the design and implementation of research, and for monitoring and reporting on the candidate's progress, and to work with candidates to modify research plans when research is disrupted by external factors impacting on access to University facilities and fieldwork sites. The Principal Supervisor is expected to meet responsibilities outlined in the Supervisor HDR Candidate Compact. Refer to the Supervision of Research Candidates Procedures, Clause (33). This includes responsibilities to maintain regular contact, fortnightly as a minimum with the candidate to provide intellectual guidance and academic supervision, to provide pastoral care, to monitor candidate’s health and wellbeing, and to facilitate referral to student support services. Supervision panels also provide advice on career development opportunities and addressing skills gaps to assist graduate employability. (29) A Co-supervisor must: (30) The Co-supervisors are responsible for providing candidates with additional guidance and support in the design and implementation of their research. Co-supervisors are expected to maintain contact with candidate as required according to an agreed schedule and to participate in whole panel meetings with the candidate at least once per semester (see the Supervisor HDR Candidate Compact). Refer to the SSupervision of Research Candidates Procedures, Clause (33). (31) An acting Principal Supervisor must be appointed by the Associate Dean, Research and HDR or HDR Director during any absence of more than three months by the Principal Supervisor. (32) Co-supervisors may apply to upgrade to Principal Supervisor status if they have a research profile recognised under the relevant School or Institute Work Plan as at least ‘Substantial Research’. Approval for this upgrade is the responsibility of the relevant Associate Dean, Research and HDR or the HDR Director. (33) Co-supervisors must have acted on the supervisory panel of at least one HDR completion prior to approval of Principal Supervisor status. An Associate Dean, Research and HDR or HDR Director may recommend an upgrade based on academic experience without the HDR completion. This recommendation must be approved by the Dean or Director of the relevant School or Research Institute. (34) Where an HDR candidature is undertaken in partnership with industry, an industry supervisor must be nominated; this nomination must be endorsed by the Principal Supervisor and approved by the relevant Associate Dean, Research and HDR or HDR Director. (35) An End-User Advisor may be appointed to a supervision panel as approved by the relevant Associate Dean, Research and HDR, HDR Director where it is deemed that advice and disciplinary expertise together with access to resources and/or a research setting which are complementary to those provided by the University would be beneficial to the candidature. (36) Supervisors of Indigenous candidates or supervisors of non-Indigenous candidates undertaking Indigenous-related research are highly recommended to undertake training in Indigenous Research Methodologies and culturally competent Indigenous supervision. (37) Supervision performance will be reviewed by Associate Dean, Research and HDR or the HDR Director with respect of student attrition, candidature progress and completion times, complaints and grievances, prizes and awards as well as candidate examination results. (38) In cases of poor supervision performance or serious violation of the Australian Code of the Responsible Conduct of Research or other relevant policies, appropriate measures and sanctions will be taken in accordance with relevant HR policies and procedures, including review of supervisor status, or limitation of supervision load for a specified period. (39) Supervisor professional development activities are to be undertaken every two years to remain on the Supervisor Register. (40) Supervision of Research Candidates Procedures. (41) A Supervisors and Higher Degree Research Candidates Compact.Supervision of Research Candidates Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Top of PageSection 2 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 3 - Supervision Capacity
Part A - Panel Supervision
Part B - Active HDR Supervisors
Part C - Principal Supervisor
Number of Candidates
Part D - Co-supervisors
Part E - Acting Principal Supervisor
Part F - Upgrade from Co-Supervisors to Principal Supervisor Status
Part G - External Industry based Supervisors and End-User Advisors
Part H - Supervision of Indigenous HDR Candidates
Part I - Supervision Performance
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
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