(1) Western Sydney University recognises that conferences are an important part of the academic, community engagement and commercial activities of the University. There are significant benefits for the University and staff through appropriate involvement in conferences from the sharing of knowledge, enhancement of the image of the University and potentially, in increased earnings. (2) This document sets out the policy of the University with respect to conferences involving the University which are open to participation by external parties. The nature of the involvement could include organisation, sponsorship, co-branding or funding. It excludes conferences which are open to participation by University staff, students and/or contractors only, which are covered in the Staff Conferences and Planning Days Policy. (3) The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to all staff, students and contractors in the management of University resources and risks in order to facilitate the smooth conduct of conferences. Any conference proposal would need to comply with the Commercial Activities Guidelines of the University and other policies as applicable. (4) For the purposes of this policy: (5) Conferences are an important part of the academic, community engagement and commercial activities of the University. There are considerable benefits for the University and staff through appropriate involvement in conferences from the sharing of knowledge, enhancement of the image of the University and potentially, in increased earnings. Given the value of conferences and potential risks if the University's involvement is inappropriately managed, this policy aims to ensure the achievement of the following key objectives: (6) The University requires compliance with the University Policies listed in the Associated Information page in any involvement with conferences, including but not limited to: (7) In addition the University has specific compliance requirements with respect to the use of the University Brand (eg Logo) and University visual identity. Refer to the Brand and Visual Identity Management Policy. (8) The University will not have any involvement with conferences that involve the promotion of the following: (9) All Conferences must have a senior University sponsor who has overall responsibility and accountability for the involvement of the University. The sponsor may delegate operational responsibilities to a designated project manager to ensure the following: (10) Academic approvals should be sought from the Dean, as required. (11) All proposals to host a conference require completion and approval of a Conference Business Case prior to commencing arrangements. Proposals are to be approved by the appropriate University Delegate in accordance with the University Delegations of Authority Policy - Delegations Schedule CC - Commercial Activities Delegations. Proposals that involve revenue or expenditure in excess of $100,000 are also to be endorsed by the University's Business and Infrastructure Development Committee (BIDC) and entered in the University's Commercial Activities Register. (12) Assistance is available to complete the Business Case from Commercial Services and Governance. (13) It is recommended that University facilities are utilised where available. If the conference is on campus, then coordination and booking is required with the use of facilities. Where a web presence is required for a conference, the business case must include provisions for both implementation and maintenance and/or a timeline for decommissioning. When a conference is hosted by the University on University facilities, administration and organisation can be outsourced, or alternatively needs to be coordinated in conjunction with the following areas: (14) Where the University organises a conference on behalf of an external organisation which involves the payment of monies from/to the organisation, a contract is required between the parties which clearly outlines the rights and obligations of the parties and should be executed by the authorised delegate in accordance with the University's Delegations of Authority Policy. (15) A Business Case forms part of the approval process for conference hosting. It should contain sufficient information to brief the approval authority and/or the University's Business and Infrastructure Development Committee (BIDC) on background to the conference, as well as all the necessary information required to make an informed decision as to why the University should undertake this project. The Business Case should also elaborate any risks associated with the project as well as risk management measures that will be employed. The Business Case together with a Budget Summary are to be submitted to the approval authority and if required the University's Business and Infrastructure Development Committee prior to any arrangements being booked or confirmed. (16) This document provides guidelines on developing a Business Case. A template is provided in the Associated Documents to this Policy. (17) The Business Case should cover the following areas: (18) In summary the recommended sections of the Business Case are: (19) The Business Case template outlines the suggested and/or required content for each of the above sections. (20) Where the conference organisation is complex and involves several activities and/or parties, the Business Case should outline who is responsible for managing the project. The following activities should be considered as a minimum: (21) External organisers may be used to facilitate conference organisation. (22) The University's contracted Travel Management Provider is to be used to coordinate travel, accommodation and non-University venue hire. They may also be used to coordinate other aspects of the conference depending on the complexity of the event.Conference Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Statement
Top of PageSection 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
Part A - Introduction
Part B - How to use this Document
Part C - Sections and Structure of the Business Case
Part D - Project Management
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