(1) The relationships Western Sydney University enters into can affect the reputation/brand of the University. Outgoing sponsorships are activated to build, maintain or enhance the reputation and brand of the University. Sponsorships should aim to improve staff and student recruitment opportunities for the University, enhance our reputation in the areas of learning and teaching and research and/or improves relationships with the University's communities. (2) The purpose of this policy is to provide a governance and management framework for the University's external sponsorship agreements to ensure that any such agreement: (3) This policy includes all outgoing and sponsorship programs, both cash and in-kind, supported by the University to acceptable external organisations. (4) This policy excludes gifts, bequests and sponsorship by an external organisation to the University. (5) This policy applies to all areas of the University and its wholly-owned entities. (6) For the purposes of this policy: (7) The policy objectives are to: (8) The University views its contributions and sponsorships as long-term investments that reflect its commitment to the community and/or its partners and only proposals that are consistent with the University's current corporate strategy, values and brand will be considered for sponsorship. (9) The University will not support external/outgoing sponsorship activities that include: (10) The University reserves the right to review all third parties involved in an external/outgoing sponsorship arrangement, and to withdraw from the sponsorship agreement without penalty if a conflict of interest is apparent. (11) Whilst sponsorships can be initiated by any part of the University, they must adhere to the requirements of this policy and be approved by the Director, Corporate Communications. (12) External/outgoing sponsorships must have approved agreement terms, which must require activities to be regularly reviewed and measured. (13) External/outgoing sponsorship agreements must have clear ownership and management responsibilities. (14) All external/outgoing sponsorship agreements must be reported to the Office of Marketing and Communication. (15) The University's sponsorship of an event or activity can comprise of in-kind support, financial support, or a combination of both. (16) In the negotiation of any sponsorship arrangement, the commercial value of all in-kind support must be clearly identified and acknowledged. (17) When submitting an external/outgoing sponsorship proposal for approval, unit heads must give consideration to the University's requirements for supporting external/outgoing sponsorships as detailed in Sections 1 - 3 of this policy. This includes the type of support such as in-kind or financial. Advice on in-kind and financial support can be found in Section 5 Guidelines. (18) The University has determined that external/outgoing sponsorships must offer a benefit to the organisation, staff and students and/or the community. They should also support the University's Strategic Plan. The University places high value on a sponsorship that offers: (19) In assessing a sponsorship application, it is necessary to consider any benefits available to the University. The benefits may include, but should not be limited to: (20) Where a School or other area within the University receives an external/outgoing sponsorship application or initiates a proposal to sponsor, the unit head must notify the Director, Corporate Communications of the proposal, who will provide advice. (21) The decision to approve an external/outgoing sponsorship proposal lies with the Director, Corporate Communications. (22) Unit heads must complete the External Sponsorship Application Form and an external sponsorship plan and submit both to the Director, Corporate Communications for approval. These must be submitted at least four weeks before the planned external/outgoing sponsorship commences. (23) To assist with the preparation of sponsorship applications an External Sponsorship Application form has been developed, refer to Appendix 1. (24) Best practice involves the development of an outgoing sponsorship plan to ensure the University is getting the greatest benefit/value from the sponsorship program or event. Unit heads must complete a Checklist for Submitting an External Sponsorship Proposal which is available in Appendix 2. (25) At the conclusion of an outgoing sponsorship program, a full evaluation of the program must be undertaken by the unit responsible. The Office of Marketing and Communication are able to assist in this process. (26) A copy of the completed external sponsorship evaluation must be submitted to the Director, Corporate Communications within 4 weeks of the completion of the external sponsorship. (27) Where the external sponsorship program is ongoing, it must be evaluated annually by the relevant unit head. Annual evaluations must be submitted to the Director, Corporate Communications within 4 weeks of the end of the annual cycle. (28) Use of the University name, logo, trademarks and brand assets are governed under the University's Delegations of Authority Policy and the Brand and Visual Identity Management Policy. The Director, Corporate Communications has delegated authority to approve use of the University's name, logo, trademarks and all brand assets for the purposes of promoting the University, including sponsorship arrangements. (29) Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Pro Vice-Chancellors, Deans, Directors, and senior staff of University entities are responsible for enforcing this policy in their area of responsibility. (30) All units should promote cohesive co-ordination of sponsorship activities with a clear delineation of roles and responsibilities. (31) Each activity should be evaluated and assessed against the desired strategic and brand positioning objectives of the University. (32) Sponsorship proposals should be assessed against the criteria outlined in this policy. (33) A holistic approach should be developed for the stakeholder management of sponsorship relationships and to ensure end-to-end project management of each activity/program. (34) Potential benefits to the University in each activity/program should be maximised by looking for areas of cooperation across internal Schools and units and external partners and communities. (35) Feedback mechanisms should be established to report on the success of each activity and to review these periodically. (36) It is imperative that the cost benefit and return on investment of the sponsorship activity is understood. (37) Specifically, in-kind support could entail access to University facilities, venues, equipment, and resources. This includes access to advice or support from University staff, project management support from the Office of Marketing and Communication, access to the Universitycommunity through involvement in University events and activities, support of the activity by the supply and distribution of University merchandise or inclusion of the activity details or sponsored organisation in University promotional material including: (38) Financial Support can entail a one-off or ongoing financial contribution over a specified period covering specified programs and activities.University Funded External Sponsorship Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Procedures
Part A - Consideration of External Sponsorship Arrangements
What the University looks for in sponsorship arrangements
Assessing the benefit to the University
Part B - Sponsorship Applications
Part C - Evaluation of Sponsorship Programs
Part D - Branding of Sponsored Programs
Part E - Responsibilities
Section 5 - Guidelines
Part F - Guidelines for Outgoing Sponsorship Agreements
Part G - In-kind Support
Part H - Financial Support
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