(1) This policy provides the basis for the payment to be made to: (2) For the purpose of this policy: (3) Where a member of the University's Senior Executive, Executive or Senior Staff is asked to act in a higher level position equivalent to the Senior Leadership Group or higher for a period of at least four consecutive weeks, they are to receive an allowance for the whole period involved. The Vice-Chancellor and President may waive the four consecutive week requirement in exceptional circumstances. (4) The allowance payable will be 10% of the current TRP of the staff member who is acting in the more senior role. (5) An allowance shall not be payable where a period of leave of absence taken by an employee whilst acting in a higher level position exceeds five consecutive working days. (6) The relieving Executive or senior staff member’s substantive position may be fully or partly relieved by an acting senior staff member. (7) In circumstances where an Executive Member is asked to assume, on a caretaker basis, the executive management responsibilities or part thereof of another Executive Member's portfolio in addition to their own substantive responsibilities, it would normally be the case that the caretaker member's substantive responsibilities would be relieved with a full or partial acting arrangement by a member of the University's Executive or Senior Staff for the corresponding period. (8) Where this is not possible the caretaker Executive Member will receive a loading payment as determined by the Vice-Chancellor and President for each major portfolio area assumed. (9) Nil. (10) Nil.Executive Level Acting Arrangements Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Top of PageSection 2 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Statement
Acting into a Higher Executive Level Position
Assuming Additional Executive Member Portfolio Responsibilities
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
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