(1) These Procedures are designed to provide detailed information about the application, admission, supervision and examination processes for Bachelor (Honours) (2) These Procedures should be read in conjunction with the Curriculum Design and Approvals Policy (CDA Policy), Curriculum Design and Approvals Procedures - Curriculum Structure, Admissions Policy, Examinations Policy, Examinations Procedures, Conflict of Interest Policy, Assessment Procedures - Review of Grade and Academic Appeals Procedures. (3) The structural requirements for Honours (4) These Procedures apply to embedded and end-on Honours (5) For the purpose of these Procedures, definitions that apply can be found in the Policy DDS Glossary. (6) Admission processes and criteria for Honours (7) Depending on the (8) Admission to an AQF Level 8 Bachelor (Honours) (9) Where an Honours (10) For Honours (11) Where students are invited to enrol in the Honours (12) If the usual processes under the Admissions Policy are not appropriate, admission to an end-on or embedded Honours (13) Where admission is by application and the number of applications exceeds the availability of supervised places, the School Academic Committee (SAC) shall rank applicants based on the published admission criteria, on recommendation of the School Honours Coordinator or designated position within the School. This ranking will be used to ensure that offerings do not exceed supervised places. (14) The AAM must include marks from a minimum of 80 Western Sydney University credit points. (15) Students must satisfactorily complete the preceding AQF 7 Bachelor degree before they can enrol in an end-on Honours (16) Where required, an autonomous sanctions compliance review must be completed before students can be enrolled in the Honours (17) Where required, Ethics approval must be given before any experimental work, data collection or fieldwork may be commenced. (18) Each Honours candidate will have a Principal Supervisor. Good practice is to have a minimum of one Co-Supervisor, or team-supervision arrangements, where suitably qualified Co-Supervisors or team members are available. (19) The Principal Supervisor must be listed on the School's register of Honours supervisors, and at least one of the supervisors: (20) Where a student has issues or concerns regarding the supervision of their Honours studies, they should approach the School Honours Coordinator or equivalent position within their School for help managing the issues. Where this position is involved in supervision or supervision concerns, the student may approach the School's Associate Dean, Research and HDR or Deputy Dean for advice. (21) Where an issue is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, they should be referred to the Complaint Management Policy. (22) The overall requirements for a written thesis or non-standard thesis are outlined in the Curriculum Design and Approvals Procedures - Curriculum Structure (Compulsory Research). Detailed requirements for the thesis, including approved formats and its submission will be published in the School Honours Guidelines. (23) A student may apply for an extension of time for thesis submission up to three working days before their originally approved submission date. Any variations to this timeline must be approved by the School Honours Coordinator or nominee. Extensions can only be granted in accordance with University policies. (24) An application for extension must be submitted under the (25) The Subject Coordinator must approve applications for extensions and advise the student of the decision. If a School requires the Subject Coordinator to consult with the School Honours Coordinator or nominee, and/or advise them or the SAC of any extensions granted, this will be specified in the School Honours Guidelines. (26) Where an Honours (27) The significant (28) Where examiners are only internal to the University, there will be an independent moderation process to assure quality and consistency of internal examination. (29) Each School will determine its process for recommending and approving examiners for the significant (30) Examiners will not be supervisors or co-supervisors; examiners will make independent determinations on the significant (31) Where there is a marked discrepancy of 10 or more marks between significant (32) Final examination results are made available to students through the University's standard processes for releasing results. (33) Honours levels are awarded only as follows: First Class (highest level of Honours), Second Class, and Third Class(lowest level awarded). Second Class has two divisions of performance identified: Division 1 (highest) and Division 2. (34) The level of Honours is determined using the criteria in the relevant approved and published School Honours Guidelines. (35) The criteria used for awarding the level of Honours will: (36) The School Honours Coordinator or equivalent role coordinating this work at the School considers examiner’s reports, marks, and other information as specified in the School Honours Guidelines and recommends the level of award to the SAC, which approves the Honours (37) Honours levels are made available to students through the University's standard processes for confirming their eligibility to graduate. Students must not be advised of their Honours levels before they receive this official notification. (38) After each (39) The Assessment Committee will monitor the processes that are used to ensure consistency of Honours assessment across markers and student cohorts, including external benchmarking. (40) The Assessment Procedures - Review of Grade and procedures will apply to all (41) Appeals that relate to more than one (42) Appeals not related to individual (43) School Honours Guidelines are developed and endorsed by the SAC, approved by Education Committee and published on University School webpages and as associated information to these procedures and the Curriculum Design and Approvals Procedures - Curriculum Structure. (44) School Honours Guidelines are reviewed annually and include the School's criteria and processes for managing its Honours Curriculum Design and Approvals Procedures - Honours
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Section 3 - Admission
Section 4 - Supervision
Section 5 - Thesis Submission
Section 6 - Examination
Section 7 - Award Levels
Section 8 - Review of Grade
Section 9 - Appeal Against Level of Honours
Section 10 - School Honours Guidelines
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