(1) These guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Professional Development Policy. (2) Nil. (3) Nil. (4) Nil. (5) An employee may be eligible to undertake a study visit to another university(ies) or institution(s). A study visit is usually of short duration from a few days to two weeks duration where an employee undertakes a study visit to a similar unit or area at another university or institution. The purpose of a study visit is to further the employee's professional development and study other business practices, processes or systems to support the implementation of improvements or organisational change initiatives at the University. (6) The opportunity to undertake a study visit or other forms of career development should be discussed by the employee with their supervisor at the time of the annual performance, planning and development meeting and form part of the employee's Individual Development Plan. (7) The University will support a short study visit to another institution(s) which is directly relevant to the employee's work. Support will be in the form of granting work time to undertake the study visit and a contribution towards part or the full cost of travel and accommodation. Funding for the study visit will be met from the Unit budget. (8) All full-time or part-time employees who have completed a minimum of the equivalent of 12 months continuous service and who have satisfactorily met performance expectations may apply for a study visit. Applications must be approved by the Unit Head. (9) Employees seeking to organise a study visit are required to make written application to their Unit Head with the support of their line supervisor and include the following: (10) Where an application for a Study Visit is not approved, the Unit Head will advise the employee in writing.Professional Development - Study Visit Guidelines
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
Conditions of a Study Visit
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