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Environmental Management System Procedures

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Purpose and Context

(1) The Environmental Management System Procedures document is being expired effective 3 March 2015. The subject matter will be addressed in the revised Environmental Management System Manual published on the same date (3 March 2015).

(2) This document contains detailed procedures related to specific aspects of the University's Environmental Management System (EMS), including:

  1. Identification of Aspects and Impacts;
  2. Identification of Legal and Other Requirements;
  3. Environment Training;
  4. Environmental Communications;
  5. Non-Conformance and Corrective and Preventive Actions;
  6. Management Reviews; and
  7. Environment Management System Audits.

(3) These procedures apply to the conduct of environmental management activities on all UWS campuses and must be read in conjunction with the University's Environmental Management Policy, Environmental Management Plan, Environmental Management Operational Control Procedures and relevant statutes.

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Section 2 - Definitions

(4) For the purpose of these procedures:

  1. Environmental Aspect - is an element of an organisation's activities, products or services that can interact with the environment (e.g. application of pesticides and fertilisers).
  2. Environmental Impact - is any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organisation's activities, products or services (e.g. air pollution, water pollution, contamination of soil and groundwater).
  3. Environmental Management System Audit - Is an audit carried out by the Office of Audit and Risk Assessment, which is a documented, systematic and independent verification process for examining and evaluating objective evidence to verify that all procedures relating to the system have been established, documented and effectively implemented.
  4. Environmental non-conformance - is non-fulfilment of a requirement e.g. a deficiency or error or problem that represents or results in an environmentally unacceptable situation, or a situation that does not comply with the Environmental Management System.
  5. Operational or Site Environmental Audit - is an audit carried out by Office of Capital Works and Facilities to identify the environmental aspects and impacts associated with the site activities and processes. This may include audits to determine environmental legislative compliance.
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Section 3 - Policy Reference

(5) Refer to the University's Environmental Management Policy.

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Section 4 - Procedures

Part A - Identification of Aspects and Impacts

(6) It is a requirement of ISO 14001 that organisations must demonstrate a process of identifying its environmental aspects in order to determine those which can or have significant impacts.

(7) The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that UWS is able to determine the environmental aspects associated with all of its activities that have the potential for significant environmental impacts.

(8) This procedure is referred to in the UWS Environmental Management System Manual as Environmental Management System Procedure Part A (EMSP Part A).

(9) An initial assessment was conducted during the establishment of the Environmental Management System to identify environmental aspects and impacts associated with all facilities, and existing activities and services at UWS Campuses. The output of the initial assessment was input to the Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register for the UWS.

(10) An assessment and regular review of the environmental aspects and impacts of all UWS activities, products and services forms the basis for setting the environmental objectives and targets of the Environmental Management Plan.


Staff Member Duties
Vice-Chancellor and President Endorse the Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register.
Environmental Manager Co-ordinate the development and implementation of the Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register. Co-ordinate annual reviews of the Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register. Undertake relevant updates of the Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register. Ensure that significant impacts are identified and appropriate management processes are put in place. Consult with the relevant Executive Directors, Deans /Heads of Units to assess significance of environmental aspects.

(11) Identify all facilities and existing activities and services undertaken at all UWS Campuses.

(12) Identify all environmental aspects for the facilities and existing activities and services identified. This is the component of the activity that may interact with the environment and commonly involve spill, release, discharge, disturbance or emission.

(13) For each environmental aspect, identify the associated environmental impacts. The environmental impacts may be either actual or potential impacts. An environmental aspect may have multiple environmental impacts.

(14) Evaluate the significance of each environmental impact using table which incorporate both adverse and positive environmental aspects, evaluations of consequences, and evaluations of likelihood.

(15) The significance of environmental impacts is determined during the risk evaluation process. Environmental impacts are prioritised for management purposes as detailed in a Risk Priority Scale. As a guideline, any environmental impact that has a score greater than 16 is identified as a Priority (A) impact. The assessment of significance is based on the following criteria:

  1. how often the impact is likely to occur;
  2. the potential severity of the impact; and
  3. the sensitivity of the environment which would be impacted upon either on or off site.

(16) The Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register is reviewed by the Environmental Manager on an annual basis as a minimum or earlier as required through regular management system reviews. If any changes are required, the Environmental Manager will consult with representatives of the relevant Dean, /Unit Head to assess significance of environmental aspects before amending the Register.

(17) Prior to the establishment of new activities, services and facilities at UWS Campuses, the environmental aspects and impacts of the new activities will be reviewed and updated, if necessary. Amendment to the Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register are made in consultation with representatives of the relevant Director, Dean /Unit Head. Appropriate control procedures will be developed to minimise the impact of new activities on the environment, where required.


(18) The Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register is held by the Environmental Manager, maintained in accord with the UWS Records Management Policy. The register is retained until superseded by new assessments of environmental aspects and impacts.

Part B - Identifying Legal and Other Requirements

(19) It is a requirement of ISO 14001 that organisations establish and maintain a procedure to identify and have access to legal and other requirements to which the organisation subscribes, and which are applicable to the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services.

(20) The purpose of this procedure is to describe the mechanism that UWS uses for identifying, updating and maintaining access to all relevant legal and other requirements to ensure that UWS is addressing all current legal requirements. This procedure is also designed to ensure that these requirements are understood, communicated and are readily accessible by all relevant UWS staff.

(21) This procedure is referred to in the UWS Environmental Management System Manual as Environmental Management System Procedure Part B (EMSP Part B).


Staff Member Duties
University Secretary and General Counsel Regularly review legal requirements. Assess applicability to UWS related activities, services and facilities. Develop a Legal and Other Requirements Register to be used for all UWS Campuses activities, services and facilities. Communicate relevant legal and other requirements and associated changes to the Manager, Grounds and Environment.
Environmental Manager Assist the development of the Legal and Other Requirements Register. Notify all relevant UWS staff of relevant legal and other requirements and associated changes.

(22) The University Secretary and General Counsel prepares a Legal and Other Requirements Register that includes relevant Commonwealth and New South Wales Legislation and other requirements including Australian Standards and Codes of Practice, where relevant.

(23) The register includes all legislation and other requirements that apply to the activities, services and functions that are undertaken within the UWS Campuses boundaries as well as off site activities such as field work, waste and chemical transportation to and from site.

(24) Where applicable the legal and other requirements register includes a summary of the UWS obligation (this is the interpretation of how the Act or requirement applies to the site specific activity, service or function) associated with the legal requirement.

(25) The University Secretary and General Counsel or delegate reviews on a (monthly/quarterly) basis relevant journals, web-sites and periodicals to determine all forthcoming new and altered environmental legislation that is applicable to UWS.

(26) The University Secretary and General Counsel or delegate provides on a (monthly/quarterly) basis this information to the Environmental Manager.

(27) The Environmental Manager notifies all relevant UWS staff of these changes through the UWS Intranet.

(28) The University Secretary and General Counsel or delegate updates the legal and other requirements register annually to reflect changes in legislation identified during the (monthly/quarterly) review process. Amendments to the legal and other requirements register are undertaken in consultation with the Environmental Manager to ensure any changes in environmental aspects are reflected, as required in the legal and other requirements register.

(29) UWS staff can gain access to the Legal and Other Requirements Register via the UWS Intranet.


(30) The Legal and Other Requirements Register will be reviewed by the University Secretary and General Counsel on an annual basis to identify, update and maintain access to all relevant legal and other requirements.


(31) Reference to the Legal and Other Requirements Register is included within the Environmental Awareness training that is provided for relevant UWS staff.


(32) The Legal and Other Requirements Register is provided on the UWS Intranet.

Part C - Environment Training

(33) It is a requirement of ISO 14001 that organisations provide the appropriate training relevant to achieve environmental policies, objectives and targets to all personnel within an organisation. Personnel need to have the knowledge required to perform tasks in an efficient and competent manner and the knowledge of the impact of their activities on the environment.

(34) The purpose of this procedure is to provide a uniform and consistent system for induction and training of all UWS staff to ensure that all staff are aware of how their activities interact with the environment and to ensure that they are aware of their responsibilities in relation to the Environmental Management System.

(35) This procedure covers all induction and training in relation to the Environmental Management System at all UWS Campuses.

(36) This procedure is referred to in the UWS Environmental Management System Manual as Environmental Management System Procedure Part C (EMSP Part C).


Staff Member Duties
Environmental Manager Develop, coordinate and implement the General Environmental Management System Awareness Induction Program and the Specific Training Program. Ensure all UWS staff receive the General Environmental Management System Awareness Induction Program. Ensure relevant UWS staff receive the Specific Training Program as required. Update, review and implement any changes to the Specific Training Program in response to new practices, equipment and facilities. Nominate the General Environmental Management System Awareness Induction Program and the Specific Training Program provider. Consult with the representatives of relevant Dean /Unit Head.
Director, Organisational Development Assist in the Specific Training Program development, implementation and review process.
Deans /Heads of Units Notify the Environmental Manager of new staff within their School/Unit. Identify the environmental training needs of UWS staff within their School/Unit and notify the Environmental Manager. Support the Environmental Manager in the implementation of the General Environmental Management System Awareness Induction training and the Specific Training.

Development of Environmental Training Programs

General Awareness Induction Training

(37) Prior to developing the General Environmental Management System Awareness Induction Training Program, the UWS Environmental Manager is to:

  1. Review roles and responsibilities;
  2. Identify operations and procedures;
  3. Identify associated impacts; and
  4. Identify training requirements for specific roles.

(38) The Environmental Manager is responsible for the development of the General Environmental Management System Awareness, Induction and Training Program.

(39) The Environmental Manager is to review the General Environmental Management System Awareness, Induction and Training Program considering the elements identified in Step 1 on an annual basis if necessary.

Specific Training

(40) Prior to developing the Specific Training Program the Environmental Manager in consultation with representatives of the Deans / Heads of Units is responsible for identifying training needs upon evaluation of:

  1. work practices;
  2. associated impacts; and
  3. competence for the tasks at recruitment in terms of existing experience, training and education.

(41) Based on the training needs identified in Step 1, the Environmental Manager, in consultation with the Director, Organisational Development develops a training needs matrix for specific roles (position descriptions) within the UWS organisation.

(42) Based on the training needs matrix and assessment completed in Step 1, the Environmental Manager develops the Specific Training Program for UWS staff whose activities have the potential to cause a significant environmental impact.

(43) The Environmental Manager reviews the Specific Training Program considering the elements identified in Step 1 on an annual basis and amends the Specific Training Program if necessary.

Implementation of Environmental Training Programs

General Awareness, Induction and Training

(44) Prior to the implementation of the General Environmental Management System Awareness, Induction and Training Program the Environmental Manager is to:

  1. identify staff that are required to undertake the training; and
  2. notify staff prior to undertaking the training.

(45) The Environmental Manager is responsible for the implementation of the General Environmental Management System Awareness, Induction and Training Program.

(46) The Environmental Manager the General Environmental Management System Awareness, Induction and Training provider that conducts the training.

(47) The training provider keeps the training attendance records.

(48) The General Environmental Management System Awareness, Induction and Training Program is to be undertaken by all UWS staff to ensure that they are aware of:

  1. the importance of compliance with the Environmental Management System;
  2. the significant environmental aspects and impacts, either actual or potential, of their activities and the environmental benefits of improved personal performance; and
  3. their roles and responsibilities in achieving conformance with the Environmental Management System.

(49) The Environmental Manager is responsible for ensuring all contractors attend the General Environmental Management System Awareness Induction Training Program.

(50) The Environmental Manager is responsible for ensuring all new staff undertake the General Environmental Management System Awareness Induction Training within 3 months of commencement.

(51) The Office of People and Culture are responsible for providing a list of all new staff to the Environmental Manager on a monthly basis, showing their unit and status.

(52) The Environmental Manager is responsible for ensuring all students receive an Induction Package which includes information on the Environmental Management System and the importance of conformance with the Environmental Management System.

Specific Training

(53) Prior to the implementation of the Specific Training Program the Environmental Manager is to:

  1. identify staff that are required to undertake the training; and
  2. notify staff prior to undertaking the training.

(54) The Specific Training Program is to be undertaken by all UWS staff whose activities have a direct influence on a significant environmental impact.

(55) The Specific Training Program is competency based. Competency requirements are developed by the Environmental Manager with assistance from the Director, Organisational Development. Competency assessment includes recognition for prior learning or experience.

(56) The Environmental Manager is responsible for the implementation of the Specific Training Program.

(57) The Environmental Manager is to nominate the Specific Training provider that conducts the training.

(58) The Specific Training provider is responsible for retaining records to demonstrate the competence of the UWS staff in terms of completion of the Specific Training.

(59) Office of People and Culture are responsible for providing a list of all new staff to the Environmental Manager.

(60) Representatives of the Deans /Heads of Units will contribute to identifying the environmental training needs of UWS staff within their School/Unit in consultation with the Environmental Manager.

(61) The Environmental Manager is responsible for ensuring all staff undertake the identified Specific Training.

(62) The Environmental Manager is responsible for ensuring contractors are obliged via explicit contractual provisions to ensure that their personnel are also competent and that they are able to demonstrate this if required.


(63) The Specific Training Program is reviewed by the Environmental Manager in consultation with the Director, Organisational Development on a yearly basis to ensure that any courses developed meet content and competency requirements.

(64) The Directors and Deans /Heads of Units are responsible for ensuring those identified to attend the General Environmental Management System Awareness, Induction and Training Program, and the Specific Training Program, and have completed the identified training.


(65) Records of The General Environmental Management System Awareness, Induction and Training Program and Specific Environmental Training Program are held by the Environmental Manager.

(66) Training records and attendance records are held by the Training provider.

Part D - Environmental Communications

(67) It is a requirement of ISO 14001 that organisations establish and maintain procedures for communication and reporting with regards to its environmental aspects and impacts and Environmental Management System. The provision of appropriate information to employees and other interested parties serves to motivate employees and encourage greater public understanding and acceptance of the organisation's efforts to improve its overall environmental performance.

(68) This procedure outlines requirements for internal and external communication.

(69) This procedure is applicable to all UWS staff and applies to communication both internally and with external parties.

(70) This procedure is referred to in the UWS Environmental Management System Manual as Environmental Management System Procedure Part D (EMSP Part D).


Staff Member Duties
Environmental Manager Develop, coordinate and implement the Environmental Communication Procedure. Ensure all UWS staff are aware of the Environmental Communication Procedure. Consult with the relevant Directors, Deans /Heads of Units.
Deans, Heads of Units Identify the Environmental Communication needs/issues within UWS and externally. Support the Manager, Grounds and Environment in the implementation process of the Environmental Communication Procedure.

Internal Communication

(71) The Environmental Manager is responsible for providing environmental information to all UWS staff or address queries regarding:

  1. environmental aspects and impacts;
  2. legislative and regulatory requirements;
  3. guidelines and standards;
  4. Environmental Management System requirements and amendments; and
  5. environmental performance.

(72) The Environmental Manager provides the environmental information identified in Step 1 to all UWS staff on a six monthly basis or as required through the UWS Intranet. The Internal Communications Manager will advise on the best internal communications channels to use.

(73) All UWS staff are responsible for communicating environmental issues or queries to the Environmental Manager, as required, by e-mail or by telephone.

(74) Where required, the Environmental Manager will consult with representatives of the Dean /Heads of Units on environmental issues.

(75) The Environmental Manager coordinates an annual Management Review meeting (refer to EMSP Part F Management Review).

External Communication

(76) All incoming external inquiries relating to environmental issues are attended to by the UWS Environmental Manager.

(77) Environmental inquiries conveyed by letters, emails or phone calls made by external stakeholders are forwarded to the Environmental Manager. External stakeholders include community groups or members, research partners, auditors or regulatory authorities.

(78) The Environmental Manager is responsible for responding to environmentally related inquiries and for keeping records of all incoming and outgoing correspondence. Correspondence is recorded in a register for external correspondence held by the Environmental Manager in accordance with UWS Records Management Policy.

(79) Any legal enquiries relating to environment issues are attended to by the University Secretary and General Counsel who is responsible for answering the enquiry in consultation with others (i.e. the Vice-Chancellor and President in the event of a major incident).

(80) Any media related inquiries are addressed to the UWS Director, Marketing and Communication, or his delegate, who is responsible for responding to the enquiry made.

(81) External publicity related enquiries are addressed to the UWS Director, Marketing and Communication who is responsible for responding to the enquiry made.

(82) The Environmental Manager is responsible for the provision of information on UWS environmental performance and environmental initiatives to the Director, Marketing and Communication for inclusion in the annual report on the UWS Internet home page.


(83) Environmental Communication Procedures are reviewed by the Environmental Manager on an annual basis to identify, update and maintain access to environmental information to all UWS staff and externally.


(84) The UWS Environmental Manager records all incoming and outgoing environmental correspondence in the register of external correspondence.

Part E - Non-Conformance and Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure

(85) It is a requirement of ISO 14001 that organisations establish and maintain a procedure for dealing with actual and potential non-conformance and for taking corrective action and preventive action.

(86) The purpose of this procedure is to establish and maintain systems for:

  1. assuring that non conformances in the Environmental Management System are identified, documented, evaluated and rectified; and
  2. mitigating any impacts caused and for initiating and completing corrective and preventive action.

(87) This procedure is referred to in the UWS Environmental Management System Manual as Environmental Management System Procedure Part E (EMSP Part E).


Staff Member Duties
Environmental Manager Manage the effective implementation of this procedure Manage the documentation and close-out of non-conformances raised in relation to the EMS. Regularly review the non-conformance report register.
Auditors Identify environmental non-conformances and complete non-conformance report forms, as required.
All UWS Staff Ensure completion of any corrective or preventive actions identified as a result of an audit, inspection or third party complaint.

Identification of Non-Conformances

(88) Non conformances or potential non conformances or deficiencies may be identified in any of the following situations:

  1. as part of inspections, supervision or monitoring of routine or non-routine activities e.g. inspection of hazardous material storage areas.
  2. during audits conducted in accordance with procedure for Environmental Audit (EMSP Part G).
  3. observed during external system reviews of the environment records, processes, reports and procedures.
  4. following significant third party complaints either verbal or written.

Documentation of Non-Conformance and Corrective Action

(89) Non conformances, in whatever situations they are observed, may be divided into two types:

  1. major non conformances - a non-conformance which requires large scale corrective action to ensure sound environmental management, e.g. a large scale contamination event, EMS procedure not followed.
  2. minor non-conformances - a non-conformance which requires small-scale corrective action to re-establish sound environmental management, e.g. a small contained spill, EMS form not completed correctly.

(90) All non conformances are recorded using a Non-Conformance Report Form (EMSP Part E - 1). Each Non-Conformance Report is given a unique reference number which is related to the audit, inspection or activity. The person responsible for identifying the non-conformance completes the Non-Conformance Report Form.

(91) All non-conformance report forms are copied to the Environmental Manager who co-ordinates and ensures that they are investigated and corrective and preventive actions are taken (see Management of Non-Conformance). The Environmental Manager maintains the Non-Conformance Report Register and ensures effective implementation and follow-up.

(92) Corrective and preventive actions are identified and recorded on the Non-Conformance Report Form. Corrective and preventative action provide the mechanism to:

  1. undertake corrective (reactive) action to eliminate the causes of non-conformance;
  2. undertake preventive (proactive) action to eliminate potential causes of non-conformances;
  3. handle third party complaints; and
  4. suggest improvements to the Environmental Management System.

Management of Non-Conformance and Corrective Actions

(93) The Environmental Manager or the person responsible for the audit or activity, (e.g. Unit Head ) reviews and investigates the non-conformance.

(94) The Environmental Manager in consultation with the auditee or person responsible for the activity shall determine:

  1. how the impacts can be successfully remedied to ensure sound environmental management;
  2. whether the regulatory authority eg. Department of Environment and Climate Change, requires to be notified of the non-conformance.

(95) The agreed corrective actions are documented on the Non-Conformance Report (EMSP Part E-1) by the person responsible and are approved by the Environmental Manager.

(96) The agreed corrective actions must identify responsibility for completing the corrective action and the timescale to complete the action.

(97) The agreed corrective actions are implemented by relevant personnel. All corrective actions are rechecked to ensure compliance to the Environmental Management System.

(98) The Non Conformance Register (EMSP Part E-2) is maintained by the Environmental Manager for ready reference and effective follow-up. The Environmental Manager verifies that the agreed corrective and/or preventive action is implemented.

(99) At regular intervals, the Environmental Manager reviews outstanding non-conformances, assesses progress or reasons for lack of, and arranges further actions as required, to ensure completion in a reasonable time frame.

(100) The Non-Conformance Report Form is signed off and closed if the follow-up action is satisfactory. If the results are not satisfactory, the new non conformance observed shall be treated as per this procedure.


(101) The Environmental Manager undertakes regular reviews of the non-conformance register for tracking and measurement purposes.


(102) All completed Non-Conformance Report Forms and the Non-Conformance Report Register are held by the Environmental Manager, according to the UWS Records Maintenance Policy.

Part F - Management Review

(103) It is a requirement of ISO 14001 that organisations conduct a review of the Environmental Management System to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.

(104) The purpose of this procedure is to provide the process of undertaking an annual management review of the Environmental Management System to ensure its continual suitability, adequacy and effectiveness, and to provide a mechanism for reporting on UWS environmental performance.

(105) This procedure applies to all of the UWS Environmental Management System. The management review should be comprehensive and broad enough to address the environmental aspects or all UWS Campuses' activities, services and facilities.

(106) This procedure is referred to in the UWS Environmental Management System Manual as Environmental Management System Procedure Part F (EMSP Part F).


Staff Member Duties
Vice-Chancellor and President Vice-Chancellor or delegate is to attend the Environmental Management Review meeting. Endorse the Environmental Management Review Report.
Environmental Manager Collate information and facilitate the Environmental Management Review meeting. Prepare the Environmental Management Review Summary Report. Update the Environmental Management System on a yearly basis, as required. Inform the relevant UWS staff of the Environmental Management System changes.
Deans /Heads of Units Participate in the Environmental Management System Review process.

(107) The Environmental Manager is to collate information including Audit Actions Reports and Incidents Reports to be discussed at the Management Review meeting that is to be set up with the following attendees:

  1. Vice-Chancellor and President or delegate;
  2. Director, Audit and Risk Assessment;
  3. Environmental Manager;
  4. Manager, Work Health and Safety Unit;
  5. University Secretary and General Counsel;
  6. Director, Capital Works and Facilities; and
  7. Deans /Heads of Units or delegates.

(108) Minutes shall be taken including recommendations that will be documented for actions and responsible parties.

(109) The Environmental Management System Review is conducted on a yearly basis.

(110) The review addresses the following:

  1. environmental performance of UWS such as incident reports and audit results;
  2. review of environmental aspects and impacts;
  3. need for amendments to the Environmental Management Policy;
  4. progress towards achieving objectives and targets and amendments to the objectives and targets; and
  5. need for changes to elements of the Environmental Management System.

(111) Based on the meeting outcomes, the Environmental Manager prepares the Environmental Management Review Report.

(112) The Environmental Management Review Report is sent to the Vice-Chancellor and President for endorsement.

(113) Once endorsement is received, the Environmental Manager makes the appropriate changes to the Environmental Management System.

(114) The Environmental Manager is responsible for tracking completion of the actions identified in the Environmental Management Review Report.

(115) The Environmental Manager notifies the relevant UWS staff of the Environmental Management System changes.


(116) All Environmental Management System Review documents including Meeting Minutes and the Environmental Management System Review Reports are held by the Environmental Manager, in accord with the UWS Records Maintenance Policy.

Part G - Environment Management System Audit

(117) It is a requirement of ISO 14001 that organisations must establish and maintain programmes and procedures for periodic Environmental Management System audits to be carried out to ensure that the Environmental Management System is operating according to set parameters.

(118) The purpose of this procedure is to provide means for:

  1. assessing conformance with, and the effectiveness of the UWS Environmental Management System;
  2. determining whether environmental performance standards are being maintained in all activities; and
  3. bringing audit findings to the attention of Management for timely action.

(119) This procedure is referred to in the UWS Environmental Management System Manual as Environmental Management System Procedure Part G (EMSP Part G).


Staff Member Duties
Environmental Manager Develop, implement and review the Environmental Management System Audit Program. Undertake relevant updates of the Environmental Management System Audit Program. Nominate a qualified auditor or a qualified lead auditor. Facilitate access to UWS staff, facilities and documentation during the audit. Notify UWS staff of the audit findings. Consult with the relevant Dean /Heads of Units.

(120) Prior to the assessment of the Environmental Management System Procedures that are the subject of the biennial audit (every two years), the Environmental Manager considers current operational risks, giving priority to the higher operational risks, historic performance and past auditing frequency at UWS Campuses.

(121) Based on the above considerations the Environmental Manager assesses which procedures (e.g. Environmental Operational Control Procedures such as Waste Management Procedure, Pesticide Management Procedure or Environmental Management System procedures such as Identification of Environmental Aspects and Impacts) will be subject of the biennial audit.

(122) The Environmental Manager develops the Environmental Management System Audit Program that includes:

  1. audit subject/focus;
  2. where the audits are to be conducted;
  3. when the audit is to be timed; and
  4. who will be responsible for conducting and completing the audit.

(123) The Environmental Manager ensures that the Environmental Management System Audit program is implemented.

(124) Prior to the Environmental Management System Audit, the Environmental Manager nominates an auditor or auditors for each scheduled audit. For teams of two or more a lead auditor will be nominated.

(125) The Environmental Manager ensures that the nominated auditor is independent of having direct responsibility for the area being audited. Where practicable, an auditor from one division will audit another division.

(126) All environmental auditors shall be suitably qualified and have attended, as a minimum:

  1. the UWS environmental awareness training program; and
  2. an accredited auditor training course (quality or environment).

(127) Prior to the Environmental Management System Audit an auditor needs to:

  1. determine the scope of the audit such as to determine whether the UWS conforms to the requirements for environmental management in accordance with AS/NZ ISO 14001 and whether the UWS Environmental Management System is properly implemented and maintained;
  2. notify the Auditees; and
  3. develop an audit checklist.

(128) The nominated auditor(s) conduct an audit by:

  1. interviewing key UWS staff,
  2. observing practices;
  3. inspecting control infrastructure; and
  4. examining systems and processes that relate to the audit scope identified in clause (3)

(129) The nominated auditor/s:

  1. record audit results on the audit record.
  2. highlights non-conformances, opportunities for improvement and good practices in accordance with.
  3. formulates recommendations for preventive and/or corrective actions to address relevant audit findings.
  4. communicates findings with Auditees.
  5. prepares an Audit Summary Report that identifies any issues raised, corrective action to be taken and due date for corrective action.
  6. submits the Audit Summary Report to the Environmental Manager as well as to UWS staff responsible for carrying out corrective actions.

(130) The Environmental Manager:

  1. reviews and amends the Environmental Management System Audit Program based on audit findings.

(131) Audit findings and corrective actions are tracked to completion in accordance with.

(132) The Environmental Manager is responsible for:

  1. reviewing and amending the Environmental Management System Audit Programme on an annual basis; and
  2. documenting and providing the information on the results and audits to the relevant UWS staff.


(133) The Environmental Management System Audit Program is reviewed by the Environmental Manager on an annual basis in consultation with the Director, Audit and Risk Assessment to ensure the Environmental Management System is operating according to set parameters.


(134) For training refer to the UWS audit training requirements.


(135) All Environmental Management System Audit documents including Audit Summary Report and non-conformance reports/forms are held by the UWS Environmental Manager.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(136) There are a considerable number of statutes which govern various elements of environmental management. Links to key pieces of legislation, University Policy and related documentation are available on the associated information page for the Environmental Management Policy. A more detailed list of legislation, which summarises some of the key area of impact, is provided in the Environmental Management Legal Register.