Document Feedback - Review and Comment
Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document
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DO NOT exit from the interface until you have completed all three stages of the submission process.
(1) The purpose of these procedures is to inform staff on the process to be followed for the appointment of supervisory panels and the role and responsibilities of academics when supervising Higher Degree Research (HDR) candidates. (2) Definitions for the purpose of this policy: (3) See the Higher Degree by Research Procedures - Supervision. (4) The GRS will administer HDR supervision panel records. Documentation in many cases will be managed at School or Institute level (i.e. eForms). (5) School and Research Institutes must have procedures in place to: (6) If the appointment of a new Principal Supervisor is required, then either the Co-supervisor or an alternate eligible supervisor shall be appointed to the role of Principal Supervisor with the approval of the Dean or Director, Research Institute. The suitability of the Co-supervisor or other proposed supervisors must be discussed with the candidate. Such candidatures will be assessed on a case-by-case basis to ensure that the candidate is appropriately supported. (7) If a breakdown of the supervisory relationship occurs, all reasonable attempts will be made to resolve a breakdown in the supervisory relationship. Attempts at mediation should be made by the Associate Dean, Research and HDR or HDR Director. The Dean, Graduate Studies and Researcher Development must be advised of the issues that have arisen and be involved in mediation if the issue is not able to be resolved at School or Institute level. Use of independent mediators may be used if mediation is not able to resolve the issue. (8) Where an appropriate replacement Principal Supervisor cannot be identified within a reasonable timeframe (see Clause (30) of the Higher Degree by Research Procedures - Supervision), the Associate Dean, Research and HDR or HDR Director may require the candidate to take a period of leave until an appropriate supervision panel is in place. (9) The HDR Supervisor Register is owned and administered by the GRS. The GRS maintains a record of all Principal Supervisors and Co-supervisors at the University. (10) Western Sydney University academics must apply to be registered and complete the registration requirements via a Supervision Registration Form. (11) To have a status of ‘active’ all supervisors must, in the first instance, complete the online training module ‘HDR Supervisor Training’. (12) To maintain the status of ‘active’, all supervisors must: (13) Appropriate professional development activities to satisfy Clause (12)a include, but are not limited to: (14) Where a supervisor has participated in an external activity (e.g. a workshop or conference attendance) or another activity that they feel constitutes appropriate professional development, they may make a case to the Dean, Graduate Studies. (15) Attendance at external activities must be reported to the GRS for record-keeping. (16) The Principal Supervisor is responsible for managing administrative requirements associated with candidature including: (17) Principal Supervisors will ensure that the respective responsibilities and commitments of candidates and supervisors are agreed by counter signing the HDR Student/Supervisor Compact document within two months of candidature and lodging it with the Associate Dean, Research and HDR or HDR Director. Refer to Section 5 - Guidelines. (18) Principal Supervisors are expected to provide advice and mentoring concerning supervisor roles and responsibilities to less experienced panel members especially Early Career Researchers. (19) The Co-supervisors are responsible for: (20) The role and responsibilities of an industry-based external supervisor will be determined on a case-by-case basis as determined by the needs of the HDR candidate and with the endorsement of the Principal Supervisor and the approval of the Associate Dean, Research and HDR or HDR Director. (21) Industry-based supervisors will not be allocated University workload, and they are not required to be on the HDR Supervisor Register. (22) Information will be provided at orientation that includes the Responsible Conduct of Research Policy, HDR policies, processes and procedures, Responsible Conduct of Research Procedures - Animal Research Ethics, and the relevant Degree policy. (23) End-User Advisors provide advice and expertise, and access to resources and research settings in addition to those provided by the supervisory panel. (24) End-User Advisors can be added to the supervisory panel via the HDR Application Portal at the commencement of an HDR’s candidature or via a Variation of Candidature Form during the candidature. (25) End-Users Advisors are not included on the Supervisors Register. (26) The School Dean or Director, Research Institute will be provided with annual reports of supervisor metrics by the Dean, Graduate Studies and Researcher Development, including student attrition, candidature progress and completion times, complaints and grievances, prizes and awards as well as candidate examination results. (27) Good supervision practice is rewarded and recognised through nominations for the Vice-Chancellor’s Excellence Award for Excellence in Postgraduate Research Training and Supervision, in School and Institute prizes, and in promotion criteria. (28) The relevant Dean or Director, Research Institute may request a review of a supervisor’s status if that supervisor is: (29) Supervisors identified as failing to perform their duties to a satisfactory standard will be notified as being at risk and reported to the relevant Associate Dean, Research and HDR or HDR Director. An initial warning will be communicated to the supervisor, and a training or mentoring plan will be developed and agreed upon with the Associate Dean, Research and HDR or the HDR Director. (30) The Dean, Graduate Studies and Researcher Development will be notified or supervisors identified as being at risk and will advise the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Research, Enterprise and Global. (31) Supervisors whose active status on the Supervisors Register is removed as a result of being at risk may apply for reinstatement if they are able to demonstrate that they have since achieved the criteria for active status. (32) Issues and grievances relating to supervision of HDR candidates will be managed in a timely manner that aims to achieve informal resolution without escalation to senior staff. Candidates and supervisors are expected to seek negotiated solutions to any problems prior to initiating a formal complaint. When grievances cannot be resolved between the Supervisory Panel and candidate, representations should be made to the relevant Associate Dean, Research and HDR or HDR Director and unresolved matters can subsequently be escalated by any party to the Dean or Director, Research Institute and to the Dean, Graduate Studies and Researcher Development if necessary. Candidates have access to the processes set out in the University's Complaint Management Policy. (33) A Supervisors and Higher Degree Research Candidates Compact. (34) HDR Supervisors webpage – Details of Supervisor Training and resources (staff login required).Supervision of Research Candidates Procedures
Academic Senate approved the retirement of the Supervision of Research Candidates Procedures (AS24/06:04) on publication of the revised Supervision of Research Candidates Policy which was published on 1 January 2025 with new title of ‘Higher Degree by Research Procedures-Supervision’.
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Procedures
Supervision Panel Appointments
Supervision Replacement during Candidature
Registration of Supervisors
Professional Development Activities for HDR Supervisors
Responsibilities of the Principal Supervisor
Responsibilities of the Co-Supervisors
Responsibilities of the External Supervisor
Appointment of End-User Advisors
Monitoring Supervision Performance
Grievances and Complaints
Section 5 - Guidelines