(1) Western Sydney University acknowledges the need for students to be represented equitably and fairly through an independent and accountable organisation. (2) Student representation at a higher education level is important as student representatives are a critical component of effective communication between students and the University administration. (3) The overarching purpose of student representation at the University is to provide students with an opportunity to voice their views, suggestions and concerns through a proper and efficient process. (4) The voice of the student body is important in the governance of the University; student representatives and student members suggest, develop, and implement solutions that are campus specific and University wide. (5) The University also sees the role that active student participation has in fostering a vibrant University community, and promotes all forms of student participation either through student representation or other approved channels, such as being actively involved in Clubs and Societies. (6) The University is committed to ensuring that all students have the ability to participate in any way they can. The University has a number of avenues available for students to become actively involved in the University and some of the ways students can participate is on: (7) The elected student representative bodies, including the Student Representative Council and the Editors of the student newspaper, are integral elements in student representation and participation. (8) For the purpose of this policy, definitions for the following are set out below: (9) The University is committed to student representation and participation through: (10) To carry out these aims, the University will establish a Student Representative Council and an independent student publication. (11) The guiding principles for this policy involve: (12) The University will consult with elected student representatives and/or student members and the wider student community on the expenditure of any collected Student Services and Amenities Fees. (13) The rules and responsibilities regarding the election of student representatives on the Student Representative Council and independent student publication are described in the Student Representation and Participation Procedures. (14) The Office of Governance Services is responsible for the administration of an independent and unbiased elections process for all elected student member positions for Academic Senate and its standing committees in line with the Elections Policy. (15) The Vice-President, People and Advancement is responsible for the effective functioning and efficient execution of this policy, and is the approval authority for the Student Representation and Participation Procedures. Refer to the Student Representation and Participation Procedures and webpage for further enquiries. (16) Nil.Student Representation and Participation Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
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