Emergency response

Campus Safety and Security have developed the University's Emergency Response Guidelines which outline the correct emergency response procedure for different types of emergencies.

Emergency action summary

Call 1300 737 003

In the event of an emergency:

  2. Quickly assess the extent of the Emergency
  3. Notify personnel in the immediate area
  4. Do not attempt any action that would jeopardise your safety or the safety of any other person
  5. Contact Campus Safety and Security on 1300 737 003 and provide the following information:
    • Who is calling and your present location
    • The specific nature and location of the emergency
    • The phone extension you are calling from
    • If known, the nature and extent of any injuries to persons
  6. If it is safe to do so, and your assistance is not required at the emergency site, remain at the phone you are calling from until assistance arrives.
  7. When instructed to evacuate the area, proceed in a calm, orderly manner to the designated safe areas.
    • DO NOT assemble near any building or other structure
    • Take your personal belongings e.g coat, handbag, briefcase with you
    • Don't lock doors as you leave
    • Under no circumstances re-enter the buildings until authorised to do so by the Emergency Controller or their representative.
  8. Please remain calm as assistance will be sent to your location.

Calling emergency services

You can contact emergency services using an internal telephone by calling 0-000 the first '0' is necessary to obtain an outside line.

You may contact Campus Safety and Security by:

  • Dialling extension 2300 via an internal telephone
  • Calling 1300 737 003
  • Using an emergency contact point

Media Liason

During or following any emergency ALL media inquiries are to be referred to the University's Office of Marketing and Communication.

The Office of Marketing and Communication will then determine (where practicable in consultation with other appropriate senior staff) what statements will be made.