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Academic Programs Advisers Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose and Context

(1) In order to facilitate the establishment and maintenance of high quality academic programs and a productive educational environment within Schools, the University has established a number of academic advising positions. The positions support and contribute to the School's plans for its academic programs, research and engagement activities.

(2) The purpose of this policy is to provide information on the academic programs advising positions of Director, Academic Program, Director of Portfolio and Academic Program Advisors and to clarify the relationship between these roles.

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Section 2 - Definitions

(3) Nil.

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Section 3 - Policy Statement


(4) Appointment to Director, Academic Program, Director of Portfolio and Academic Program Advisor roles are based on merit (refer to the Recruitment and Selection Policy).

(5) The roles of Director, Academic Program, Director of Portfolio and Academic Program Advisor are available to academic employees, usually as a fraction of and concurrent with their substantive employment. Appointments to these roles are for a period of up to three years.

(6) Delegation to appoint is in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy.

(7) The number, fraction and focus of the above positions allocated in each School depend on the complexity of the programs, academic issues and size of the School, and will be approved by the Vice-Chancellor and President on submission by the Dean.

(8) Appointments to Director, Academic Programs or Director of Portfolio will ordinarily be Academic Level D and E employees. Appointments to Academic Program Advisor will ordinarily be from Academic Level C employees. Only in exceptional circumstances where there are no appropriate Level D or E employees in the case of Director, Academic Program and Director of Portfolio, or Level C employees in the case of Academic Program Advisor, should a Level C or Level B employee respectively, be appointed. In such circumstances, employees should be directed to undertake the higher level duties on a periodic basis with adequate training and support.

Remuneration and Incentives

(9) Remuneration and incentives are based on the substantive academic level of the appointee. These may include an allowance, a professional development grant and/or workload variation. Allowances and grants paid through payroll will attract income tax. Items purchased through grants and allowances may also attract tax and it is advisable to seek advice from the Finance Office before commitment to purchase is made.

(10) Where an allowance is paid for Director of Portfolio, Director, Academic Program or Academic Program Advisor positions, this will be superable if the position is being undertaken for a period of 12 months or more.

(11) The amount of the professional development grant will be at the discretion of the Dean, but will not exceed the maximum amount specified in the attached schedule.

(12) Appropriate items of expenditure that may be made against the professional development grant must be discussed with the Dean beforehand and must form part of a staff development plan. If necessary, employees may discuss expenditure processes with the Office of People or the Finance Office.

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Section 4 - Procedures

(13) Opportunities to apply for these positions will normally be afforded via expressions of interest from ongoing academic employees or fixed term academic employees whose contracts extend beyond the period of the appointment.

(14) Where an academic programs adviser position is vacant for a period of less than six weeks, for example while the incumbent is on leave or while recruitment is taking place, the Dean may appoint an academic employee to the temporary vacancy.

(15) In exceptional circumstances, the Vice-Chancellor and President in consultation with the relevant Dean, may directly appoint an academic programs adviser for a specified period.


(16) Consultation will take place between the delegated officer and the prospective appointee and the appropriate workload will be determined based on the requirements of the School and in accordance with the School Work Plan Committee guidelines and the Staff Agreement. If an increase in fractional appointment is required, the Dean must submit a recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor and President/Deputy Vice-Chancellor/Senior Executive for consideration and approval.

(17) Prospective appointees will be provided with a relevant position description prior to workload consultation.

Reporting Lines

(18) The Director of Portfolio reports to the relevant School Dean or their nominee. The Director, Academic Program reports to either the Dean or the Deputy Dean of the relevant School depending on each School's requirements. The Academic Program Advisor normally reports to the Director, Academic Program.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(19) Nil.