(1) This policy outlines the principles and conditions associated with Western Sydney University's (2) This policy should be read in conjunction with the Academic Staff Agreement 2022, the Professional Development Policy, the Code of Conduct, the Conflict of Interest Policy, the Travel Policy and the Academic Development Program Guidelines which are available from the ADP website. (3) The definition of (4) This Policy supports the Academic Staff Agreement 2022. (5) ADP will generally involve working with colleagues at other institutions, either overseas or within Australia. (6) The planned activities and outcomes of a Program are expected to relate closely to the goals of the University's Strategic Plan, to the needs of the applicant’s organisational unit, and to the objectives of the applicant’s Professional Development Review. (7) An ADP assists academic employees to pursue one or more of the following activities: (8) Other than in exceptional circumstances, an ADP will not be granted to: (9) ADP applications will be assessed on the merit of the individual program being applied for and will be granted in accordance with the conditions set out in this policy and the ADP Guidelines. Non-traditional patterns of achievement will be taken into account in the process, such as may be demonstrated by part-time staff, women, Indigenous staff, people with disabilities and people from non-English speaking backgrounds. Particular consideration will be given to the impact that career breaks and part-time employment have had on applicants with carer responsibilities, and accomplishments determined relative to opportunity. (10) The University sets conditions relating to applying for, granting and the taking of an ADP. These conditions may include but are not limited to: (11) The number of applicants approved in any year may be limited by the University's operational constraints. (12) The ADP Committee has the authority to approve ADP applications, except where additional approval is specified within the ADP Guidelines. Financial delegation in relation to this policy is covered in the Delegations of Authority Policy. (13) Employees on an approved ADP are considered to be on duty and must abide by the University's policies and procedures, and requirements of the Academic Staff Agreement 2022. Employees granted ADP who do not comply with the conditions of their ADP as set out in this policy and the ADP Guidelines may be required to repay the University some or all of the salary paid to them during the period of their ADP and any other travel assistance provided by the University, and/or be subject to discipline as outlined in the Academic Staff Agreement 2022. (14) The Health Safety and Wellbeing Policy sets out the University's obligations to ensure a safe working environment for its employees, and this includes while on an ADP. Employees granted an ADP are covered by the University's workers compensation provisions. Therefore, ADP applications must be considered in terms of risk to the employee, including during periods of proposed travel. The Travel Policy outlines the University's position on travel risk management. (15) An academic employee is eligible to apply for ADP if: (16) An academic employee is not eligible to apply for ADP if they: (17) Recognition of prior service as an academic employee at another Australian university for the purposes of eligibility will be determined by the Chief People Officer: (18) Nil. (19) The guidelines that implement this policy are available from the Academic Development Program website.Academic Development Program (ADP) Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Eligibility to Apply for an ADP
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
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* Note: where a fixed-term academic employee's application is successful, the ADP will only be granted if the employment continues (either fixed-term or ongoing) for a period equal to double the length of the ADP.
** Unpaid maternity leave will count for service for an ADP.
Note: exceptions are where, as part of an employment contract, an academic employee has negotiated a date to apply for ADP.
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