(1) The purpose of this policy is to assist in facilitating the proper and effective management of parking and traffic on all University campuses and to inform staff, students, visitors to, and tenants of, the University of the responsibilities when parking at the University. (2) University premises are private property and the University, as the owner, has the right to regulate access to and utilisation of them. This document sets out the University's requirements with respect to the entry, operation and parking of vehicles on University premises. It applies to all vehicles and the drivers of those vehicles whenever they are entering or on University premises. (3) The provisions expressed in this policy apply 24 hours a day, seven days a week. (4) For the purpose of this policy: (5) The University requires all persons who seek to park a vehicle on its premises to comply with the conditions set out in this policy and any attendant documentation, including but not limited to the Parking Fee Schedule. (6) Non compliance with these conditions may result in penalties being applied. Failure of the University to strictly enforce any or all aspects of this policy shall not be construed as a waiver for the future enforcement of the rule(s). (7) Notwithstanding the following, the University reserves the right to negotiate commercial arrangements for parking in specific instances, such as a commercial precinct and commercial tenants located on campuses as appropriate. (8) The following vehicles only are permitted to enter the University grounds: (9) No person shall operate, park or allow a vehicle to be parked in the University grounds except in accordance with this policy. (10) At all times, on all roads on University owned land pedestrians have right of way. (11) Speed limits as marked on various University campuses. (12) Paid parking operates on a permit system encompassing one calendar year on all campuses except Blacktown Campus, where the precinct is governed by a community title, and Westmead Precinct, which is a commercial site. Annual parking permits are valid up to 31 December of the year of purchase. (13) All persons intending to park on University premises must purchase and display a valid UWS parking permit (refer Section 4). The permit may be an annual parking permit, pay and display one day permit, or scratch and display one day permit. [Those in possession of a Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) Mobility Parking Scheme (MPS) card are not required to purchase a parking permit from the University]. (14) To be recognised as valid, parking permits must be clearly visible at all times, and further to this: (15) RTA MPS card must be displayed on vehicles parked in disabled parking bays. (16) Motorcyclists are required to register their motorcycle and parking permit details with the security office on campus if they are unable to display their permit as described above. (17) The University will not issue multiple permits for the payment of a single fee. Accordingly, individuals who own and drive more than one vehicle must register both vehicles (up to a maximum of two) and transfer the permit as necessary between those vehicles. Permits are not otherwise transferable. (18) Annual parking permits are issued by the Office of Capital Works and Facilities. (19) Pay and display one day permits are available from permit machines located on Penrith, Parramatta, Campbelltown, Hawkesbury, and Bankstown campuses. (20) Scratch and display one day permits can only be purchased by divisions, units, colleges, or schools from the Office of Capital Works and Facilities via email to Parking: parking@uws.edu.au. (21) The displayed permit will determine the designated parking bay the holders can park as set out in Table 2 (see Part D). While the University endeavours to provide sufficient parking, access will be limited by the physical space available. Parking permits allow the applicant to park on University premises, but provide no guarantee that a parking bay will be available. (22) Where bays designated for use by a particular permit are full, parking permit holders should contact Campus Security Services on the relevant campus for advice. Full bays are not considered a valid excuse for violation of this policy. (23) Parking permits will be issued to eligible applicants. Table 1 indicates those persons who are eligible for the various types of parking permits provided by the University. (24) Subject to availability, Dedicated Reserved parking permits (red) are assigned a numbered parking bay on the nominated campus only and are eligible to park in Communal Reserved (blue) or General (yellow) parking bays on all other campuses. (25) Eligibility for an RTA MPS card is determined by the RTA and applicants for such permits need to apply directly to the RTA. (26) Parking permits must only be used by the applicant, who retains responsibility for proper use at all times. (27) Parking and standing is prohibited at all times on all roads in access lanes within car parks on University owned land except to the extent specifically authorised by notice, by marking or by an authorised person. This prohibition applies irrespective of whether a "No Standing" notice is displayed. These notices, when displayed, are directed rather to non-University personnel not expected to be completely aware of the Traffic and Parking Policy. The prohibition against parking and standing means that a vehicle may be stationary only for the minimum time necessary to set down and pick up passengers. (28) At all times parking is permitted only in established parking bays and not on University roads or elsewhere within the University grounds. There are five types of designated parking bays. All bays are clearly identified by coloured line markings/signage. Table 2 lists each type of parking bay and the applicable permits which provide the holder with eligibility to use the designated parking bay. Exceptions to this clause are as follows: (29) Vehicles are to be parked or placed wholly within the parking areas denoted by painted lines or other marking, and are not to be parked or placed so as to obstruct the free and safe passage of vehicles in the access lanes in car parks. (30) Vehicles parked within the University campus contrary to signs and/or road markings, or in a manner so as to cause and obstruction or safety hazard, will be subject to a penalty. (31) A system of fines, determined by the NSW State Government, will operate where staff, students, visitors to, and tenants of, the University park in contravention of this policy. The State Debt Recovery Office operates the SEINS systems and is the University's agent for the collection of fines. (32) Penalty notices are the responsibility of the individual registered to the vehicle in his/her name or his/her family name and are subject to enforcement in the same way as if the offence occurred on a public street. Repeated breaches will result in the withdrawal of parking permits and/or the non-renewal of parking permits. In a situation where the vehicle receiving the infringement notice is owned by the University, the person who had control of the vehicle at the time the vehicle was parked illegally is deemed to be in receipt of the infringement notice. (33) Appeals relating to penalty notices issued by UWS under the SEINS system should be directed to State Debt Recovery Office in the first instance. (34) Penalty notices contain instructions on how the penalty may be addressed. Upon receipt of a Penalty Notice the section marked "Methods of Disposal to Finalise this Matter" (on the notice) contains the relevant information on how to pay the fines. (35) Penalties apply for but are not limited to: (36) Misuse of the RTA MPS Card will be reported to the RTA and may result in heavy penalties. (37) Nothing in relation to this policy will prohibit any Police enforcement on any campus. (38) The University assumes no responsibility for the care or protection of vehicles or contents while operated or parked on University premises. (39) Locating an authorised parking bay is the responsibility of the driver. Lack of parking space, mechanical problems, inclement weather conditions, time constraints, or other causes are not considered valid excuses for violation of this policy. (40) Failure of the University to strictly enforce violations of this policy shall not be construed as a waiver for the future enforcement of the policy. (41) The fees for parking are determined by the University and are set out in the Parking Fee Schedule that is approved by the Vice-Chancellor. University staff and students will be notified of parking fees for the following year with reasonable notice. The University reserves the right to vary parking fees annually. Parking fees will be subject to annual CPI adjustments. (42) Annual parking permits are available for purchase on line via the parking website. At the time an application for a parking permit is completed, payment can be made through the UWS iPay internet site. The iPay system allows customers to purchase via credit card or alternatively print an order form from the iPay site and then pay in person at any Australia Post Office, pay from a bank account using BPAY or POST Billpay, pay over the phone or pay by mailing a cheque to a UWS Post Office box. (43) Permanent/Fixed Term Employees are eligible to pay via iPay or by salary deduction or salary sacrifice. (44) Casual Employees and contractors are ineligible to pay by salary deduction or salary sacrifice. (45) There are no provisions for reduced or pro rata parking fees for part-time or casual employees. (46) All parking permits will be sent to the applicant via mail to the address provided on the parking application form. (47) Parking permits will be issued only after receipt of the parking application and payment notification. (48) Commercial tenants are subject to all aspects of this policy including the purchase of valid permits and parking of vehicles consistent with signage and University policy contained therein. (49) Scratch and display one day permits are managed and provided by the Office of Capital Works and Facilities for University divisions, units, colleges, and schools in multiples of ten. Purchasing requests must be submitted to Parking via email parking@uws.edu.au by an authorised delegation officer in accordance with the University's Delegations (Administrative) Policy. Payment for scratch and display one day permits may be made by journal transfer (please refer to the Charge-Out of Expenditure Policy. It is incumbent on the individual inviting the visitor to campus to ensure the parking policy is met. (50) Official visitors to the University and volunteers may be provided with a scratch and display one day permit by the division, unit, college or school who invited the visitors or volunteers. (51) Visitors not provided with a scratch and display one day permit must ensure that they have purchased a pay and display one day permit. (52) Visitors are required to display a valid parking permit. (53) Students who commence in Autumn semester, who have purchased an annual parking permit and withdraw from their study at the University prior to and including March 31 may be entitled to a parking refund on receipt of written request, validation of withdrawal and the parking permit to the Office of Capital Works and Facilities. Refund requests must be submitted to Parking via email parking@uws.edu.au. (54) Students who commence in Spring semester, who have purchased an annual parking permit and withdraw from their study at the University prior to and including August 31 may be entitled to a parking refund on receipt of written request, validation of withdrawal and the parking permit to the Office of Capital Works and Facilities. Refund requests must be submitted to Parking via email parking@uws.edu.au. (55) Fortnightly parking payments will cease if employment is terminated for staff paying via salary deduction or salary sacrifice. As a result, staff will not be liable for any additional payments or eligible for any refund. (56) No other refunds or reductions to the applicable fee will be considered. (57) Salary sacrifice or salary deduction fortnightly parking payments will be cancelled on advice to the Office of Human Resources and when the annual parking permit has been returned to the Office of Capital Works and Facilities. (58) If the division, unit, college, or school of a staff member is relocated to another campus, the approval to occupy a Dedicated Reserved (red) parking bay on the new 'home' campus will be based on the availability of the Dedicated Reserved (red) parking bay on the new campus. (59) If the division, unit, college, or school of a staff member is relocated to another campus, the approval to occupy a Communal Reserved (blue) parking bay on the new 'home' campus will be based on the availability of the Communal Reserved (blue) parking bay on the new campus. (60) Dedicated Reserve (red) and Communal Reserve (blue) parking permits are provided subject to availability of the relevant parking spaces on that campus. In the event that a parking space is not available, eligible applicants will be placed on a waitlist. (61) As spaces become available, Dedicated Reserve (red) and Communal Reserve (blue) parking permits may be issued in the order that they were received according to the waitlist. (62) Nil.Traffic and Parking Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of Page
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Part A - Entry into University Grounds
Part B - Traffic
Part C - Parking Permit System
Eligibility for Parking Permits
Permit Type
Permit Colour (if applicable)
Eligible Applicants
General Parking Permit
Staff, students and visitors to the University
Communal Reserved Permit
Staff and students of the University, subject to availability
Dedicated Reserved Permit
Staff and students of the University, subject to availability
White Permit
Senior staff who have purchased a Communal Reserved Permit (Blue) or Dedicated Reserved (Red) Permit and Board of Trustee Members
Pay and Display One Day Permit
Staff, students and visitors to the University
Scratch and Display One Day Permit
Divisions, Units, Colleges, Schools
Part D - Parking
Bay Colour
Eligible Permit Types
General Parking Permit, Pay and Display One Day Permit, Scratch and Display One Day Permit, Communal Reserved Permit, Dedicated Reserved Permit, Residential Parking Permit, RTA MPS Card, White Permit
Communal Reserved Permit, RTA MPS Card, Dedicated Reserved Permit, White Permit
Dedicated Reserved Permit (numbered bay on nominated campus only)
Loading Zones - As per RTA guidelines, Hotspot Parking - short term parking only to attend meetings and are only available to senior staff (general/academic) who purchase a Dedicated Reserved Permit (red) or Communal Reserved Permit (blue) White Permit
Disability (RTA)
RTA MPS card (disabled bays) as per RTA guidelines
Part E - Penalties and Fines
Part F - University Liability
Part G - Determination, Approval and Application of Parking Fees
Section 4 - Procedures
Part H - Payment of Annual Parking Permit
Part I - Scratch and Display One Day Permits
Part J - Visitors
Part K - Refunds
Part L - Ceasing Automatic Deductions
Part M - Relocation
Part N - Waitlists
Section 5 - Guidelines
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