(1) Western Sydney University uses a number of mechanisms to communicate information to staff, students and the community, including University email accounts, the University's website, other on-line portals, publications and information display surfaces. (2) While the University prefers electronic methods for official communication, information display and signage is an important contributor to the corporate identity of the University. The University provides a range of display surfaces in strategic locations for both official and informal notices for staff, students and University-related organisations. (3) This policy provides the overarching strategy for information display and display surfaces. The policy does not deal with the content of official notices or of communications with students. (4) The policy is to be read in conjunction with the relevant University guidelines listed at the end of this document which coordinates corporate identity information and wayfinding with spatial, architectural and landscape elements to form a communication system within the campus environment. (5) For the purposes of this policy: (6) The governing principles for information display at the University are: (7) Digital and non-digital notices may only be displayed on designated information display surfaces on all campuses, which are strategically located at student hubs and main vehicular/pedestrian thoroughfares to maximise the capture audience. (8) University related notices are generally displayed on shared digital screens and/or noticeboards. The Division of Operations and Commercial will assess applications for exclusive use digital screens on a case by case basis. (9) Official University notices are also placed on the University's website and other on-line portals and publications. It is the responsibility of all staff and students to acquaint themselves with the contents of relevant announcements. (10) Each business unit/school is to submit a Client Change Advice Form to the Division of Operations and Commercial in relation to any staff relocations, department restructures and/or name changes that occur within that business unit/school so that all affected wayfinding signage can be updated. (11) All signage must comply with this policy, other relevant policies and University signage and information display standards. The Division of Operations and Commercial will remove any signage that is not approved as required by these procedures. (12) Students and staff who post notices that are inconsistent with University policies may be subject to disciplinary procedures under the Student Misconduct Rule, or the Academic and Professional Staff Agreements, respectively. (13) The Division of Operations and Commercial is responsible for approving the locations of proposed commercial advertising. The Office of Marketing is responsible for approving the content of commercial advertisements. Feedback regarding content can be provided to the Director, Marketing. (14) The Division of Operations and Commercial is responsible for approving all proposed commercial tenancy signage, brand frontage and environmental graphics. (15) The Division of Operations and Commercial is responsible for the selection, location, placement and associated infrastructure of commercial, shared and exclusive digital screens. Information Technology and Digital Services is responsible for the selection, installation, networking and maintenance of shared and exclusive digital screens; and the Office of Marketing is responsible for the approval, design and upload of content on shared digital screens, the approval and design of content on exclusive digital display boards, and the approval of content on commercial digital screens. (16) Requests for University related advertisements must be made to the Office of Marketing by submitting a Digital Screen Ad Request Form. (17) To install a digital screen (commercial, shared or exclusive), a business unit/school/University-related organisation: (18) The relevant business unit/school/ University-related organisation is responsible for their exclusive digital screens and: (19) Shared and exclusive digital screens will be connected to the main University Information Technology and Digital Services network system and may be used in the event of an emergency or for a University-wide broadcast. (20) The Division of Operations and Commercial may review exclusive digital screens and may revoke exclusive use where these procedures are not followed. (21) The Division of Operations and Commercial and Information Technology and Digital Services may remove or relocate digital screens as required. (22) The Division of Operations and Commercial is responsible for the location, standard, design, installation and maintenance of all exclusive and shared noticeboards. (23) To install a fixed noticeboard or to convert a shared noticeboard to an exclusive noticeboard, a business unit/school/University-related organisation: (24) The relevant business unit/school/University-related organisation is responsible for exclusive noticeboards and: (25) Students/business units/schools/University related organisations using University premises may post notices on shared noticeboards but the Division of Operations and Commercial will review these noticeboards regularly and will remove any material that is inconsistent with its policies. (26) The Division of Operations and Commercial will arrange for all noticeboards to be cleared of all items at the end of each teaching period. (27) The Division of Operations and Commercial will undertake audits of noticeboards from time-to-time to ensure they are located in student hub areas and main pedestrian thoroughfares, and may remove or relocate noticeboards as required. (28) The Division of Operations and Commercial is responsible for the location, standard, design, content and installation of all permanent signage. Feedback regarding permanent signage can be provided to the Vice-President, Operations and Commercial. (29) To install and/or update a permanent sign, a business unit/school/University-related organisation: (30) The Division of Operations and Commercial is responsible for the location, standard, design, installation and maintenance of poster pillars. Feedback regarding locations of poster pillars can be made to the Vice-President, Operations and Commercial. (31) University students, student services related organisations and student-run organisations using University premises may post notices on poster pillars but the University will review these pillars regularly and may remove any material that is inconsistent with its policies. (32) The Division of Operations and Commercial may arrange for all poster pillars to be cleared of all items when required and at the end of each teaching period. (33) The Division of Operations and Commercial is responsible for: (34) To install a temporary sign, a business unit/school/University-related organisation: (35) Flags and banners must be fixed to designated structures unless the Division of Operations and Commercial otherwise approves in writing. (36) Temporary signage for events may be displayed only for the duration of the event and an additional day either side of the event for installation and removal. (37) This policy is to be read and applied in conjunction with the following guidelines and standards:Information Display Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions and Abbreviations
Top of Page
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Top of PageSection 4 - Procedures
Commercial Advertising
Commercial Tenancy Signage
Digital Screens
Fixed Noticeboards
Permanent Signage
Poster Pillars
Temporary Signage
Section 5 - Guidelines
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