(1) This purpose of these procedures is to guide the University Schools and Research Institutes in their responsibilities regarding the provision of facilities and resources to support Higher Degree Research (HDR) candidates in their studies. (2) Definitions for the purpose of this policy: (3) See Research Higher Degree Candidature Essential Resources Policy. (4) Schools and Research Institutes must have procedures in place to: (5) HDR candidates will outline CSF requirements as part of their Confirmation of Candidature (CoC) and these requirements will be reviewed in their Annual Progress Report (APR). (6) Notwithstanding clause (5) of this procedure, resources requirements, expenses and opportunities may arise that had not been anticipated at the time of CoC or APR may be considered. (7) Requests must be endorsed by the Principal Supervisor before submission for approval. (8) The Associate Dean, Research and HDR or the HDR Director will consider the timing of the requests and take a "whole of candidature" view of CSF requests prior to approval by the School Dean or Director, Research Institute. (9) Schools and Research Institutes must have procedures in place to: (10) Schools and Research Institutes must have established procedures and utilise data to inform allocation of space and storage for future sessions and for anticipated incoming HDR cohorts. (11) As outlined in Part F of the Research Higher Degree Candidature Essential Resources Policy, the University Library is expected to establish procedures for access to campus and online library holdings, and specific software and training for referencing. (12) The Graduate Research School (GRS) will ensure that appropriate and accessible information is available to candidates on support services including: (13) Where registered disability support and/or an Academic Reasonable Adjustment Plan (ARAP) is in place, procedures for meeting requests for additional support or reasonable adjustments, including resources will be put in place by the relevant School or Research Institute and the Disability Advisor. (14) Schools and Research Institutes will have procedures in place to refer HDR candidates to appropriate University resources and supports services. (15) The GRS and Schools and Research Institutes will communicate to all HDR candidates the availability of and the procedure for access to support services at HDR orientation and training programs. (16) Nil.Research Higher Degree Candidature Essential Resources Procedures
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of Page
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Procedures
HDR Candidature Support Funds
Application and Approval of CSF
Workspaces, Storage, CIT Facilities and Office Materials
Diversity and Pastoral Care
Section 5 - Guidelines
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