(1) The University strives to provide a safe, supportive and caring environment free from sexual assault or any unwanted sexual behaviours. (2) These procedures provide Western Sydney University staff with the process they are required to follow when a person makes a report of a sexual offence. (3) Sexual offences are crimes of violence. They describe a range of sexual acts committed against a person without their consent. Sexual assault occurs when someone is forced, coerced or tricked into sexual acts or exposed to sexual activity against their will. Sexual assault can also occur when a person is unable to consent, such as if they are substantially intoxicated by drugs or alcohol or asleep. All people regardless of age, cultural background and gender (men, women, transgender, intersex and others) may be the victims or perpetrators of sexual assault. (4) When the University becomes aware of an allegation of sexual assault, it will actively support the victim by providing information and facilitating access to relevant counselling, hospital, Police or legal services. A caring and empathic response to the victim can have a major influence on their recovery, their willingness to proceed with legal action and to seek medical and counselling services. For further information on how to respond when someone discloses sexual assault, refer to the University's Respect Now Always web page. (5) Sexual offences are different to sexual harassment because they are criminal offences. If a person makes a report of sexual harassment, it should be dealt with under the Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy. (6) These Procedures apply to all reports of sexual offences made to University staff, including reports from staff members, entity staff members, students, volunteers and visitors. They apply to conduct alleged to have occurred on University premises or during an off-campus activity anywhere within or outside Australia, including field work, placements, exchanges or internships or at University events. (7) In this document: (8) These procedures relate to the Code of Conduct, Student Code of Conduct, Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy, Complaint Handling and Resolution Policy, Academic Staff Agreement, Professional Staff Agreement, and Student Misconduct Rule. (9) A person who knows or believes that a sexual offence has been committed and has information that might be of material assistance in apprehending or prosecuting the offender is legally required to bring that information to the attention of the Police. Failure to do so without reasonable excuse is a criminal offence ( section 316 Crimes Act 1900 ). (10) University staff are required to report to the Police, however it is the victim's right to not to talk to the police if they choose, after a report has been lodged by the University. It is also the victim's right to decide whether to undertake counselling or medical treatment. (11) If a report of sexual offence is made, the relevant staff must immediately: (12) Campus Safety and Security will ask if the victim wishes a support person to be contacted to attend and will facilitate this process where necessary. Campus Safety and Security will provide assistance in organising transport for the victim and their support person to hospital if needed. (13) When transportation to hospital or attendance at hospital is required, Campus Safety and Security or the Counselling Service, in consultation with and with agreement from the victim, will contact the nearest NSW Sexual Assault Service. (14) If the victim requires assistance with communication or English is not their primary language, an interpreter can be organised through Campus Safety and Security or the Counselling Service. (15) If the victim is a staff member: (16) If the victim is a student: (17) If the alleged offender is a staff member or student: (18) The staff member who received the report of sexual offence must safeguard the victim's right to privacy by: (19) Staff should be aware that there are exemptions under the NSW privacy laws for disclosure of personal information where the disclosure is necessary to prevent a serious and imminent threat to the health or life of a person, or for law enforcement purposes. (20) Staff members are expected to cooperate with Police and/or misconduct investigations and processes. Staff may access assistance and support from the University's Office of General Counsel (02 9685 9895). (21) If the victim is under 18 years of age, the person receiving the report of the sexual offence must notify Head, Counselling Service, who will make a report to Family and Community Services. This is a mandatory report under the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 (NSW). (22) If there is likely to be any ongoing risk to the victim or others at any time, Campus Safety and Security should be notified in order to consider processes that may need to be put in place for the victim, the alleged offender and other members of the University community. (23) If the sexual offence is reported to the University, the Complaints Resolution Unit will keep the victim informed of the status of any University complaint process. (24) Regardless of how long ago a sexual offence occurred, if it occurred on campus or at a University-endorsed event, staff who receive the report are to follow the process at Part B clause (11). (25) For more information about sexual assault and the Respect.Now.Always. initiative launched by Universities Australia to ensure that university campuses are places of safety and respect for all students and staff, refer to the University's Respect Now Always web page. (26) These procedures have been adapted from ADFA "Commanders Checklist for Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assault" and ANU "Staff Protocols for Responding to an Allegation of Recent Sexual Assault".Sexual Offences (Staff Response) Procedures
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Procedures
Part A - Mandatory reporting of sexual offences
Part B - Staff response
Part C - Support for the Victim
Part D - Follow-up of Alleged Offender
Part E - Privacy
Part F - Other Follow-up
Part G - Historical Sexual Offences
Section 5 - Guidelines
Associated Resources
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Definitions from section 61 of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW).
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