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Compliance Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose and Context

(1) The purpose of this policy is to enable the University and its staff to achieve its compliance objectives in its operations and activities by promoting positive compliance culture, and implementing a uniform and responsive risk-based compliance management program.

(2) This policy applies to all University staff, and all its current and future activities.

(3) The policy should be read in conjunction with relevant University policies, including the Code of Conduct.

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Section 2 - Definitions

(4) The following definitions apply for the purposes of this policy:

  1. Compliance means meeting the requirements of all relevant laws, University codes of conduct and the policies applicable to the University as a whole, and to individual schools and units.
  2. Compliance Culture means the values, ethics, and beliefs that exist throughout the University, and interact with its structures and systems to produce relationships and behaviours that are conducive to both positive compliance and strategic outcomes.
  3. Compliance Management Program means a set of interrelated or interacting systems, processes and controls to achieve organisational compliance.
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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(5) Western Sydney University is committed to complying with all laws, agreements, standards, codes relating to its operations and governance. In particular, the University recognises its obligations to its students, its staff, and the wider community to provide a safe environment that adopts the highest standards of accountability. The University will maintain the highest standards of diligence in all areas of public accountability, through its policies, in meeting its legal obligations, in the maintenance of the Compliance Management Program, and in the promotion of a positive compliance culture.

(6) The University's Compliance Management Program operates on the following principles:

  1. The University always retains the responsibility for compliance even for activities that are outsourced to third-parties.
  2. Integration with other University functions of legal, governance, risk, and audit.
  3. Embedding of compliance obligations in University-wide policies, processes, procedures and practices for managing relationship with external and internal stakeholders.
  4. Responsibility for managing and reporting compliance issues applies to all University staff, including executive management. Each individual is responsible and accountable for his or her own awareness of and compliance with applicable laws and policies.
  5. Independence of the compliance function to ensure objective application and context of the compliance management program taking into account the University's size, nature, complexity, and operating environment.
  6. Expectation of high standards of conduct and accountability from all levels of staff within the University.

(7) The University is committed to the Compliance Management Program's continual improvement, and will embed the enhancement principle of "Develop, Implement, Evaluate, Maintain" in its specific procedures.

(8) This policy and Compliance Management Program are consistent with the Australian Standard Compliance Management Systems Guidelines (AS ISO 19600:2015).

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Section 4 - Procedures

(9) Nil.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(10) Refer the Compliance Operational Manual.