Student Misconduct Rule
Part 1 - Preliminary
1 Name of rule
2 Commencement
3 Purpose and application
Part 2 – Investigation
4 Reporting Misconduct
5 Preliminary investigation
6 Notice to student
Part 3 – Hearing
7 Who investigates, hears and decides Misconduct or appeals
8 Fresh or new allegations
9 Admission of Misconduct
10 Notice of hearing
11 Requirements at hearing
12 Questioning witnesses
13 Failure of student to attend hearing or respond to notice
14 Decision and report
Part 4 – Appeals
15 Grounds of appeal
16 Lodging an appeal
17 Appeals procedures
18 Appeal decision
19 Notification of outcome of appeal
20 No further internal appeal available
Part 5 – Sanctions for Misconduct
21 Categories
22 Category 1 Sanctions
23 Category 2 Sanctions
24 Category 3 Sanctions
25 Minimum Sanctions for certain types of Misconduct
26 Restrictions or conditions following temporary exclusion or removal
27 Suspended Sanctions
28 Effective date
29 Matters to be taken into account
30 Effect of Sanctions
Part 6 – Committee Constitution
31 Convening and constitution
32 External members
33 Quorom
34 Disqualification and casual vacancies
35 Chair
Part 7 – Temporary Restriction Orders
36 Purpose
37 Who may impose
38 Procedure
39 Nature and scope
40 Notification
41 Compliance
42 No internal appeal
Part 8 – Suspension Orders
43 Purpose
44 Nature and scope
45 Notification
46 Variation, lifting and expiry
47 Compliance
48 No internal appeal
Part 9 – Miscellaneous
49 Procedural requirements and powers
50 Student and staff cooperation
51 Hearings to be conducted in private
52 Recording of proceedings under this Rule
53 Support persons
54 Withholding results and restrictions on graduation
55 Allowance for academic disadvantage
56 Fairness and conflicts of interest
57 Other action
58 University may designate person to present evidence for University
59 Status of prescribed deadlines
60 Meaning of no further internal review of appeal
61 Administrative errors or omissions
62 Recording and implementing decisions
63 Suspension of misconduct proceedings
64 Savings provisions
65 Effect
Part 10 – Dictionary and Delegations of Authority
66 Definitions
Word or expression
academic integrity
Acting with the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility in learning, teaching and research. Students, teachers, researchers and all staff are expected to act honestly, to be responsible for their actions, and to show fairness in every part of their work. Staff are expected to be role models for students. Academic integrity is important for an individual’s and an academic unit’s reputation (source: Exemplary Academic Integrity Project at the University of South Australia).
academic misconduct
Examples of academic misconduct include but are not limited to:
a. bringing unauthorised materials or devices into an examination or assessment activity;
Misconduct (whether it be academic, general or research) that is either specified as Category 2 Misconduct in this Rule, or would, if substantiated, attract a Category 2 Sanction.
Category 1 Sanction
a. the Dean of a University School;
A period of time during which a unit of study is taught and assessed.
67 Interpretation
68 Power to delegate
69 Guidelines
Schedule 1 – Who Investigates, Hears and Decides Misconduct
Director of Learning, Online Education Services
Investigate, hear and decide Category 1 Misconduct by a respondent student enrolled in, or undertaking a Unit taught by Online Education Services.
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research
Hear and decide Category 1 research misconduct.
Schedule 2 – Authorised Officers Who May Impose Temporary Restriction Orders
(clause 40(1)(b))
Chief Student Experience Officer and Dean
Director of Learning, Online Education Services
Any online facilities, resources or other privileges
Chief Student Experience Officer and Dean
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The Board of Trustees of Western Sydney University makes the following rule under section 41 of the Western Sydney University Act 1997 and the Western Sydney University By-law 2017.
(1) This is the Western Sydney University (Student Misconduct Rule) 2015.
(1) This Rule commenced on 1 January 2016.
(1) This Rule applies to all students of the University and to students registered in a University Affiliate Course.
(2) This Rule also applies to all allegations of Misconduct, including those alleged to have occurred before the commencement of this Rule but which have not been dealt with under any previous rule, policy or other process for Misconduct.
(3) This Rule makes it an offence for any student to engage in any one or more of the following types of Misconduct:
including Misconduct that occurs:
(1) Any person who reasonably suspects a student has committed Misconduct may report it to any one or more of the following:
Note: Staff employed by a University Affiliate must ensure that the report is made to the appropriate Authorised Officer in accordance with Schedule 1 to the Rule.
(2) Following discovery or referral of alleged Misconduct, the Authorised Officer must as soon as possible do one of the following things as appropriate:
(1) When conducting a preliminary investigation, the Authorised Officer can, as appropriate:
(2) If the Authorised Officer wants to interview a respondent student as part of a preliminary investigation, the Authorised Officer must notify the respondent student in writing, and:
(3) If the Authorised Officer wants to decide the matter on the papers, the Authorised Officer must notify the respondent student in writing and:
(4) At any interview with the respondent student, the Authorised Officer is to:
(5) The Authorised Officer does not have to interview, or give copies of any evidence to, the respondent student during a preliminary investigation if the Authorised Officer reasonably believes that this would:
(6) Following the preliminary investigation, the Authorised Officer is to do one of the following, as appropriate:
(1) Following a decision under clause 5(6) (c) or (d), the Authorised Officer must notify the respondent student of the decision made, and, if imposing a Category 1 Sanction:
(1) Schedule 1 to this Rule sets out the Authorised Officers, Senior Authorised Officers and Committees that have the power to investigate, hear and decide Misconduct and impose Sanctions.
(2) Committees may be assisted in an investigation by the Director, Governance Services.
(1) If a fresh or new allegation(s) is made against the respondent student, whether or not it is related to the original allegation before a finding is made, then the new allegation(s) may be heard and decided together with the original allegation at the discretion of the relevant decision-maker. However, the respondent student must first be sent:
(1) A respondent student may, at any time before a hearing commences, admit an allegation of Misconduct and, if so, must be given a reasonable opportunity to make an oral or written statement about any Sanction to be imposed by the Authorised Officer or Senior Authorised Officer.
(2) If a respondent student admits all allegations of Misconduct (or facts giving rise to those allegations) before a hearing commences, the Sanction will be decided by:
(3) If a respondent student admits to only some of the allegations of Misconduct (or facts giving rise to those allegations) before a hearing commences, the matter must proceed to be heard and decided in accordance with this Part.
(4) The respondent student must be notified of the final Sanction imposed by the Authorised Officer for the Senior Authorised Officer, and the notice must include:
(1) At least 10 business days before hearing an allegation of Misconduct, the respondent student must be sent a notice that:
(2) A notice of hearing may (but does not have to) include copies of any evidence about the allegation then available. Any available evidence may be excluded or redacted if disclosure at that time could unreasonably:
(3) If allegations or particulars to allegations contained within a notice of hearing need to be amended, the respondent student must be sent a fresh notice that complies with subclause (1).
(4) Nothing in this clause prevents a respondent student requesting an earlier hearing date or agreeing to the 10-day notice period being reduced, provided that the respondent student’s written consent is obtained.
(1) The Authorised Officer, Senior Authorised Officer or Student Misconduct Committee must at any hearing of an allegation of Misconduct:
(2) At a hearing, a respondent student is entitled to a reasonable opportunity to:
(3) Any hearing conducted under Part 3 may be recorded in any form in accordance with clause 52 of this Rule.
(1) There is no automatic right for a respondent student to cross-examine witnesses in proceedings under this Rule. Questioning of witnesses may be permitted by an Authorised Officer, Senior Authorised Officer or the Chair of a Committee subject to this clause or any other provision of this Rule.
(2) A respondent student or, if applicable, his or her advocate may only question witnesses:
(3) The Authorised Officer, Senior Authorised Officer or the Chair of a Committee can, if appropriate, direct that witnesses may only be questioned using some form of telecommunications (such as video conferencing) and with or without the respondent student being present. If this occurs, the respondent student must be given details of the substance of that witness’ evidence and a reasonable opportunity to respond to that evidence before any finding is made.
(4) The Authorised Officer, Senior Authorised Officer or Chair of a Committee can direct that questioning of a witness cease, or continue in an alternative form contemplated in subclause (3), if, acting reasonably, the decision-maker forms the view that:
(1) A hearing must proceed to its conclusion if the respondent student does not attend the hearing without reasonable excuse.
(2) The Authorised Officer, Senior Authorised Officer or Chair of a Committee has discretion to adjourn a hearing or extend a deadline for a short period of time, if the decision-maker considers it is reasonable to do so in the circumstances.
(1) Following a hearing, the Authorised Officer, Senior Authorised Officer or Committee must:
(2) A decision (including any Sanction) takes effect immediately from the date on which the report is sent to the respondent student, subject to any appeal.
(1) A respondent student may appeal to an Appeals Committee against a finding of Misconduct or the imposition of a Category 1 Sanction or Category 2 Sanction.
(2) There is no internal appeal available from:
(3) An appeal may only be made on any one or more of the following grounds:
(1) A respondent student must lodge an appeal with the Office of Governance Services no later than 20 business days following notification of a finding made or Sanction imposed for Misconduct.
(2) At the time the respondent student lodges an appeal, they must specify:
(3) The Director, Governance Services may refuse to accept an appeal that does not meet any of the criteria stated in this Rule.
(1) The Appeals Committee:
(2) At least 10 business days before hearing an appeal, the respondent student must be sent a notice that:
(3) At least 10 business days before deciding an appeal on the papers, the respondent student must be sent a notice that:
(4) Any hearing conducted under Part 4 may be recorded in any form in accordance with clause 52 of this Rule.
(5) An appeal must proceed to its conclusion if the respondent student does not:
(6) If a respondent student withdraws an appeal before the Appeals Committee decides it, then:
(1) The Appeals Committee must limit its inquiry to the grounds of appeal specified in the notice of appeal and in accordance with clause 15(3).
(2) For appeals involving a ground of new or fresh evidence, the Appeals Committee is to:
(3) For appeals on any other ground, the Appeals Committee must:
(4) If the Appeals Committee dismisses an appeal, then the original finding of Misconduct and decision to impose a Sanction will stand.
(5) If the Appeals Committee allows an appeal, it must either:
(6) Any appeal must be decided on the basis of:
(1) The Appeals Committee is to prepare and send to the respondent student a report that sets out:
(2) The decision of the Appeals Committee takes effect immediately from the date on which it sends its report to the student.
(1) There is no further avenue of internal review or appeal following completion of an appeal under this Part 4 – Appeals.
(1) There are three categories of Sanctions that may be imposed for Misconduct by the relevant Authorised Officer or Committee as specified in Schedule 1 to this Rule.
(2) Nothing in this Rule prevents a Senior Authorised Officer or a Committee applying Category 1 Sanctions for findings of Category 2 Misconduct.
(3) Certain types of Misconduct attract a minimum Sanction in accordance with clause 25.
(1) A Category 1 Sanction is any one or more of the following:
(1) A Category 2 Sanction is any one or more of the following:
(2) The following types of Misconduct are automatically characterised as Category 2 Misonduct:
(1) A Category 3 Sanction is the revocation of an award conferred on the respondent student. For the purposes of this Rule, it can be imposed for misconduct where a student has graduated from the University after referral of misconduct under clause 4(2)(b) or after commencement of a preliminary assessment under clause 4(2)(c). Otherwise, the matter is to be investigated and dealt with under the Revocation of Awards Rule.
(2) A Category 3 Sanction, in respect of misconduct dealt with under this Rule, may only be imposed by the Board of Trustees. A Category 3 Sanction may be recommended to the Director, Student Administration following findings made by either a Student Misconduct Committee, Appeals Committee or a Senior Autorised Officer at the conclusion of proceedings under this Rule.
(3) The provisions of Part – E of the Revocation of Awards Rule apply to Category 3 Sanctions.
(1) For all findings involving the following types of Misconduct, unless the Authorised Officer, Student Misconduct Committee or Senior Authorised Officer consider that there are extenuating circumstances that warrant a lesser Sanction in accordance with any Guidelines or procedures relating to the imposition of Sanctions, then the following Sanctions apply as a minimum:
(2) Nothing in subclause (1) prevents the imposition of a more severe Sanction under this Rule.
(1) Any readmission to the University or a course following temporary exclusion or suspension is subject to any:
(1) A Sanction may be suspended with or without conditions except:
(2) A respondent student may be required to comply with any one or more of the following as a condition of suspending a Sanction:
(3) If the respondent student fails to comply with a condition imposed under subclause (2), then the full Sanction will apply and take effect immediately when the University gives the respondent student notice to that effect.
(1) The effective date of a Sanction may be adjusted, backdated or delayed to take account of:
(1) Subject to clause 23(2), a Sanction must be proportionate to the type and circumstances of the Misconduct, and take into account the following:
(2) Any Sanction imposed under this Rule in relation to conduct that occurred within a student residence does not affect or preclude any other action concerning the respondent student’s continued occupancy of or access to that student residence.
(1) The effect of a Category 3 Sanction (to revoke an award) is described in the Revocation of Awards Rule.
(2) A Sanction to not confer or to defer conferral of an award means the respondent student will not be permitted to graduate from their award course either during the deferral period or at all.
(3) A Sanction to expel a student means that:
(4) A Sanction to exclude a student, either permanently or for a specified period of time, from a course at the University means as follows:
(5) A Sanction to temporarily exclude a student for a specified period of time from a unit(s) of study at the University means as follows:
(6) A Sanction to suspend a student means as follows:
(7) A Sanction that a ‘fail grade’ to be applied to a unit of study means as follows:
(8) An Authorised Officer, Senior Authorised Officer or a Student Misconduct Committee may impose conditions on any Sanction that deals with any of the matters outlined in this clause.
(9) An Authorised Officer, Senior Authorised Officer or a Student Misconduct Committee may amend the effect of any Sanction as outlined if there are any extenuating circumstances considered relevant to the imposition of the Sanction pursuant to clause 29.
(1) All Committees shall be convened by the Director, Governance Services and should include at least one male and one female member.
(2) Except for external members, Committee members must be selected from the members of the relevant Student Misconduct Panel.
(3) Each Committee is to comprise three members:
(1) The Director, Governance Services may appoint one external member to a Committee as follows if it is considered appropriate in the circumstances of the proceedings:
(1) The quorom for any Committee is two members, one of whom must be:
(1) A person is disqualified from appointment to a Committee if that person:
(2) Subject to subclause (3), a person ceases to be a member, or is disqualified from membership of, a Committee if that person:
(3) A person appointed to a Committee from a Student Misconduct Panel may continue as a member of the Committee if, after the hearing or consideration of a matter commences, he or she:
(4) If a vacancy on a Committee occurs after that Committee begins to hear or consider a matter, but before it makes a decision, then the Director, Governance Services, in consultation with the remaining Committee members, shall decide as follows, taking into account what is convenient and fair in the circumstances:
(1) The Chair of a Committee is to be:
(2) The Chair:
(1) A Temporary Restriction Order may be summarily imposed on a respondent student:
(1) The Authorised Officers designated in Schedule 2 have power to summarily impose Temporary Restriction Orders as specified in Schedule 2.
(1) A Temporary Restriction Order:
(2) An Authorised Officer may inform himself or herself as to any matter before imposing a Temporary Restriction Order, but does not have to give the respondent student an opportunity to be heard before making that order.
(1) A Temporary Restriction Order may withdraw, restrict or limit any right, entitlement or privilege applicable to a respondent student of the University, including:
(2) A Temporary Restriction Order:
(1) An Authorised Officer must within one business day of making a Temporary Restriction Order:
(2) Following notification, the person to whom the Temporary Restriction Order is notified must decide whether the incident warrants further investigation or action for Misconduct.
(1) A respondent student who is given a Temporary Restriction Order must comply with it and failure to do so is Category 2 Misconduct.
(1) There is no internal avenue of review or appeal against a decision to summarily impose a Temporary Restriction Order.
(1) A Suspension Order may be imposed on a respondent student for the purpose of preventing or minimising any of the following risks:
(2) For a respondent student accused of general misconduct involving a sexual offence, serious bullying or harassment or an offence punishable by 12 or more months’ imprisonment (regardless of whether the respondent student is charged with that offence), a Suspension Order will be imposed automatically for the duration of proceedings under this Rule, unless the respondent student can reasonably satisfy the Senior Authorised Officer that:
(1) Only a Senior Authorised Officer can impose a Suspension Order.
(2) A Suspension Order may withdraw, restrict or limit any right, entitlement or privilege applicable to a respondent student of the University, including:
(3) A Suspension Order:
(1) A Suspension Order must be in writing and must:
(2) If the Suspension Order is to be issued for more than 30 days, or for the duration of proceedings under this Rule, the notice must also:
(3) The Senior Authorised Officer must consider any submissions made by the respondent student made in accordance with subclause (2).
(1) A Senior Authorised Officer may vary or lift a Suspension Order at any time to take account of any submission made by the respondent student under clause 45(2) or changes in circumstances, including the continued likelihood of any risks, by following the process specified in this Part.
(2) A Suspension Order ends on the earliest of:
(1) A respondent student against whom a Suspension Order is made must comply with it and failure to do so is Category 2 Misconduct.
(1) There is no avenue of internal review or appeal against a Suspension Order, including a decision not to vary or lift a Suspension Order.
(1) Authorised Officers, Senior Authorised Officers and Student Misconduct Committees have power to carry out those functions specified in this Rule (including Schedules 1 and 2), and are required to:
(2) Authorised Officers, Senior Authorised Officers and Committees:
(1) All students and members of the staff of the University must:
(2) A respondent student or a witness may be directed to leave a hearing if his or her behaviour is unreasonably disruptive or in any way undermines the hearing process.
(1) Hearings under this Rule must be conducted in private.
(1) All proceedings before a Student Misconduct Committee or an Appeals Committee will be recorded in an audio or audio visual format. An Authorised Officer or Senior Authorised Officer may also designate any interviews or proceedings before them to be recorded.
(2) Where hearings are conducted by videoconferencing, the respondent student must access the hearing using such methods as directed by the Authorised Officer, Senior Authorised Officer or Student Misconduct Committee, and ensure that they are able to be appropriately identified. For example, a student may be directed to login to the videoconference using their official University student email account and/or provide information as requested to enable their identity to be verified before the hearing proceeds.
(1) A respondent student may bring along a support person to assist the student or to speak on his or her behalf (including as an advocate) at any hearing or an allegation of Misconduct or an appeal. However, that person must be available at the date and time specified in the notice of hearing.
(2) A support person may be directed to leave a hearing if that person unreasonably disrupts or delays the hearing. If this occurs, the hearing or appeal is to proceed to completion in the absence of that support person.
(3) Notwithstanding that a support person may advocate on behalf of the respondent student, the Authorised Officer, Senior Authorised Officer or Student Misconduct Committee may direct the respondent student to answer any question put to them in relation to the allegations.
(1) The respondent student is not entitled to be issued with any academic results that relate to allegations of Misconduct until the finalisation of proceedings under this Rule. Sanctions imposed under this Rule may impact a respondent student’s progression as set out in the Progression and Unsatisfactory Academic Progress Policy.
(2) The respondent student may not be entitled to graduate from the University until all proceedings related to the Misconduct (including under this Rule) are completed, having regard to the requirements of the Graduation Policy.
(1) The University must make reasonable allowance for any academic disadvantage a respondent student suffers (such as permission to re-sit an examination or an extension of time to complete an assessment task) following a Temporary Restriction Order of Suspension Order where subsequently:
(1) Authorised Officers and Committee members must always:
(1) Any action taken under this Rule does not preclude the University from doing any of the following in relation to the circumstances involving the alleged Misconduct:
(1) The University may designate a person to present evidence or make submissions on behalf of the University to a Committee.
(1) Except for minimum periods of notice to be given to a respondent student, any deadlines specified in this Rule are indicative only.
(2) Non-compliance with a deadline does not render a decision or action void or capable of being set aside merely for that reason.
(1) If a clause in this Rule states that a decision cannot be the subject of any further internal review or appeal under this Rule, then that decision cannot be the subject of any further review or appeal under any other internal rule, policy or process of the University.
(2) However, this does not preclude a respondent student from exercising a right of review of that decision by a court, tribunal or other external body with power to do so.
(1) A decision made under this Rule may be corrected where:
(2) Any correction made to a decision must be notified to the respondent student promptly following discovery of that error, defect or omission.
(1) Subject to any right of appeal a respondent student has under this Rule, any finding of Misconduct and any Sanction(s) imposed shall be recorded on the University’s electronic document and records management system relating to the student in accordance with the State Records Act 1998 (NSW) and as specified in this Rule.
(2) All relevant University staff (including any prescribed in Schedules 1 or 2) will be notified about any decision or action taken under this Rule for the purpose of recording and implementing the decision.
(1) A Senior Authorised Officer may, at any stage of proceedings under this Rule suspend or adjourn any proceedings under this Rule pending the outcome of any police investigation or criminal proceedings, or any other actual or potential legal proceedings about the same circumstances of the alleged Misconduct.
(2) A decision under subclause (1) does not:
(1) If before commencement or any amendments of this Rule, a hearing of an allegation or an appeal has already commenced under a process prescribed in an earlier version of this Rule, or under another rule or policy, but a decision has not yet been made, then that matter shall continue to be dealt with under that rule (or version of this Rule) or policy or under this Rule before amendment, until all processes are completed or exhausted.
(2) Any act, matter or thing that immediately before commencement or amendment of this Rule had effect pursuant to any by-law, rule, policy or other instrument of the University is taken to have effect under this Rule.
(1) This Rule supersedes and revokes any previous rules, policies or procedures of the University or of The College relating to Misconduct.
(2) Nothing in this Rule has the effect of invalidating any past act validly performed under any previous rule, policy or procedure of the University or The College relating to Misconduct.
(1) In this Rule the following words have these meanings, unless the context otherwise requires.
Conduct by a student that is in breach of any academic policy of the University or in any way undermines or otherwise puts at risk the academic integrity of any course, unit of study or assessment (including examinations) or the University’s academic reputation.
b. working with another person in order to gain an unfair advantage in assessment;
c. copying another person’s answers or improperly obtaining answers to questions in an examination or other form of assessment;
d. submitting work for assessment that is not the student’s own work;
e. re-submission of work for assessment that has previously been submitted for a different assessment without approval;
f. communicating in an examination, or other test, with other students, or bringing into the examination room any textbook, notebook, memorandum, other written material or electronic device or any other item not authorised by the person who set the examination or the examinations supervisor in charge or other supervisor of a test;
g. writing an examination answer, or consulting another person or materials, for an examination answer, outside the confines of the examination room, without permission to do so;
h. attempting to read another student’s work in an examination, or, in other circumstances, without their permission;
i. where an individual work is required, making or receiving available notes, papers or answers related to the content of an examination or assignment (in whatever form) to or from another student, without the permission of the teacher of the unit;
j. not following the directions about seating location and movement about the examination room;
k. where a student submits work in which ideas, words or other work are taken from a source and presented as if these are the student’s own work, without appropriate acknowledgement of the original author, ‘Appropriate acknowledgement’ being the conventions of citation recognised as acceptable to the University;
l. a breach of the Student Honour Code.
Appeals Committee
A Committee convened under Part 6 – Committee Constitution and Procedures to decide appeals under Part 4 – Appeals.
Authorised Nominee
A person authorised to deal with matters referred under the Student Misconduct Rule - Inappropriate Behaviour Guidelines as defined in those Guidelines.
Authorised Officer
A person (other than a Committee or Senior Authorised Officer) with authority as specified in Schedule 1 or 2 of this Rule to:
a. hear and decide Category 1 Misconduct;
b. impose a Category 1 Sanction; or
c. make a Temporary Restriction Order,
and includes any person authorised by the Vice-Chancellor and President under clause 68(3).
A place designated as a campus or teaching and learning space of the University or a University Affiliate, including any buildings, facilities or services available there.
Category 1 Misconduct
Misconduct (whether it be academic, general or research) that is either specified as Category 1 Misconduct in this Rule, or would, if substantiated, attract a Category 1 Sanction.
Category 2 Misconduct
Category 3 Misconduct
Misconduct (whether it be academic, general or research) that is either specified as Category 3 Misconduct in this Rule, or would, if substantiated, attract a Category 3 Sanction.
A Sanction specified in clause 22.
Category 2 Sanction
A Sanction specified in clause 23.
Category 3 Sanction
A Sanction specified in clause 24.
A person appointed to chair a Committee.
A Student Misconduct Committee or an Appeals Committee.
A formally approved program of study (whether coursework or research, or a combination of both) regardless of whether it leads to the award of a degree, diploma or other qualification of the University or a University Affiliate.
Any one of the following:
b. the Dean, Graduate Studies;
c. the Chief Executive Officer of Western Sydney University - The College.
The responsible Authorised Officer or Committee that makes a decision under this Rule.
exclude or exclusion
Termination of enrolment or prohibition from enrolling in a specific unit or a course or with the University more generally for a defined period of time. The student’s enrolment is cancelled and they are precluded from re-enrolment in the specfied unit or course during the period of the exclusion.
expel or expulsion
Permanent exclusion from the University or a University Affiliate course or admission to or use of University or a University Affiliate’s lands or premises.
extenuating circumstances
Events or circumstances which directly relate to the timing of the Misconduct and:
a. are beyond the person’s control, i.e. the person is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for the situation. These events or circumstances must be unusual, uncommon or abnormal; and
b. are claimed by the student with appropriate independent supporting documentation which the University may verify.
general misconduct
Conduct by a student that is contrary to accepted standards of behaviour at the University including conduct that:
a. places at risk the health, safety or welfare of any person;
b. places at risk the business or other operations, systems or activities of the University;
c. disrupts or interferes with another person’s ability to access or enjoy the University's facilities or services;
d. breaches the Student Code of Conduct;
e. breaches the Sexual Offences Response Policy and Procedures;
f. breaches the Sexual Harrassment Prevention Policy;
g. breaches the Bullying Prevention Policy;
h. breaches the Acceptable Use of Digital Services Policy;
j. breaches the Respect and Inclusion in Learning and Working Policy;
k. breaches the Privacy Policy and/or Privacy Management Plan.
l. breaches guidelines or other directions given by University staff in relation to acceptable standards of behaviour during University activities.
Examples of general misconduct include but are not limited to:
m. bullying, harassing, vilifying, victimising or threatening another person, including because of that person’s cultural or religious identity, gender, sexual orientation or disability;
n. behaving in an unreasonably antisocial or offensive manner for any reason;
o. not following a direction reasonably and lawfully given by a staff member of the University or a University Affiliate, including non-compliance with a Temporary Restriction Order or a Suspension Order;
p. refusing to produce identification, including a student identification card, when asked lawfully to do so by a University staff member or University Affiliate;
q. engaging in unprofessional behaviour while undertaking a practicum or placement as part of the student’s course;
r. engaging in hazing, motting or other unauthorised initiation activities of a similar kind;
s. unauthorised access to or use of any University property, systems or facilities or those of another organisation or person;
t. submitting forged or fraudulent medical or other documentation to the University;
u. any other conduct that is in breach of any policy of the University in relation to acceptable standards of behaviour.
Guidelines issued under clause 70.
Any one or more of academic misconduct, research misconduct or general misconduct.
Office of Governance Services
The University's Office of Governance Services, or another administrative unit with responsibility for managing student misconduct.
research misconduct
Conduct by a student in connection with research that breaches the University's Research Code of Practice and/or other applicable law, regulation or code relating to research, such as the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, including misconduct that occurs during Stage 2 of the Masters of Research.
A Category 1 Sanction, Category 2 Sanction or Category 3 Sanction as set our in Part 5 – Sanctions for Misconduct.
Senior Authorised Officer
Any of the following:
a. the Vice-Chancellor and President;
b. the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor;
c. a Deputy Vice-Chancellor;
d. a Vice-President;
e. the Chief Student Experience Officer.
sexual offence
Has the same meaning as in the Sexual Offences Response Policy and Procedures.
respondent student
A person who, at the time of the alleged misconduct alleged against him or her:
a. is admitted to the University or a University Affiliate to undertake a course or unit of study, whether or not enrolled;
b. has completed a course or unit of study at the University or a University Affiliate, but has yet to graduate;
c. is otherwise studying or undertaking a student-related activity at the University or a University Affiliate, including as part of any exchange or other arrangement with another university or education provider;
but does not include a person:
d. who is an employee of the University or of a University Affiliate; and
e. the alleged Misconduct is required to be dealt with under the terms of that person’s employment with (as the case may be) the University or that University Affiliate.
Student Misconduct Committee
A Committee convened under Part 6 – Committee Constitution to hear and decide allegations of Misconduct under Part 3 – Hearing.
Student Misconduct Panel
A panel established under Guidelines which academic and professional staff members or students can be selected to serve on a Student Misconduct Committee or an Appeals Committee.
Banning a student from attendance at the University for a specified period of time.
Suspension Order
An order made under Part 8 – Suspension Orders.
Temporary Restriction Order
An order made under Part 7 – Temporary Restriction Orders.
teaching session
The College
The controlled entity of the University known as Western Sydney University Enterprises Pty Ltd ACN 003 474 468 trading as Western Sydney University - The College CRICOS Code 02851G.
unit of study
A component of a course, including any field work, practicum or placement with an external person or body.
Western Sydney University as established by the Western Sydney University Act 1997 (NSW).
University Affiliate
Any of the following:
a. The College;
b. Western Sydney University International College as a Third Party Provider to the University;
c. An organisation with whom the University has a third party arrangement under the Higher Educational Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2015;
d. A person or an organisation with whom the University has arrangements in place for students to undertake placements, practicums or other activities as part of their Course requirements.
(1) In this Rule, unless the context requires otherwise:
(1) An Authorised Officer may designate another person in writing to act as decision-maker in his or her place if that Authorised Officer:
(2) Any delegation of authority given under this Rule applies to the occupant of the position to whom it is made, including any person acting in that position.
(3) The Vice-Chancellor and President has authority to remove or to designate additional or replacement Authorised Officers in Schedules 1 and 2 at any time, including to take account of changes to organisational structure or where it is no longer appropriate for that Authorised Officer to continue exercising that function.
(1) The University may make guidelines not inconsistent with this Rule about any of the following matters:
(2) Guidelines may be made by:
Authorised Officer or Committee
Chief Student Experience Officer
(Senior Authorised Officer)
a. Investigate, hear and decide Category 1 general misconduct.
b. Impose a Category 1 or 2 Sanction, or recommend the imposition of a Category 3 Sanction to the Board of Trustees for admitted general misconduct.
c. Impose a Suspension Order under Part 8.
Appeals Committee
a. Investigate, hear and decide all appeals lodged under Part 4 – Appeals.
b. Impose a Category 1 or 2 Sanction, or recommend the imposition of a Category 3 Sanction to the Board of Trustees.
Chief Executive Officer or Executive Director, Academic Studies of The College
Investigate, hear and decide Category 1 Misconduct by a respondent student enrolled in, or undertaking a Unit taught within The College.
Dean or Deputy Dean of a School
Investigate, hear and decide Category 1 Misconduct by a respondent student enrolled in, or undertaking a Unit taught within that School.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Academic
(Senior Authorised Officer)
a. Investigate, hear and decide Category 1 academic misconduct.
b. Impose a Category 1 or 2 Sanction, or recommend the imposition of a Category 3 Sanction to the Board of Trustees for admitted misconduct.
c. Impose a Suspension Order as specified in Part 8.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Research, Enterprise and International
(Senior Authorised Officer)
a. Investigation, hear and decide Category 1 research misconduct.
b. Impose a Category 1 or 2 Sanction, or recommend the imposition of a Category 3 Sanction to the Board of Trustees for admitted misconduct.
c. Impose a Suspension Order as specified in Part 8.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Strategy and Planning
(Senior Authorised Officer)
a. Impose a Category 1 or 2 Sanction, or recommend the imposition of a Category 3 Sanction to the Board of Trustees for admitted misconduct.
b. Impose a Suspension Order as specified in Part 8.
Director, Governance Services
Investigate Misconduct following a referral under clause 4(2)(b) or 5(6).
Provost or Deputy Provost
Investigate, hear and decide Category 1 general misconduct that occurs within campus or other premises (including Student residences) for which that person has responsibility.
Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Senior Authorised Officer)
a. Investigate, hear and decide Category 1 Misconduct.
b. Impose a Category 1 or 2 Sanction, or recommend the imposition of a Category 3 Sanction to the Board of Trustees for admitted misconduct.
c. Impose a Suspension Order as specified in Part 8.
Student Misconduct Committee
Investigate, hear and decide all categories of Misconduct and impose a Category 1 Sanction or Category 2 Sanction, or recommend the imposition of a Category 3 Sanction to the Board of Trustees.
Vice-President, Finance and Resources
(Senior Authorised Officer)
a. Hear and decide Category 1 general misconduct.
b. Impose a Category 1 or 2 Sanction, or recommend the imposition of a Category 3 Sanction to the Board of Trustees for admitted general misconduct.
c. Impose a Suspension Order under Part 8.
Vice-President, People and Advancement
(Senior Authorised Officer)
a. Hear and decide Category 1 general misconduct.
b. Impose a Category 1 or 2 Sanction, or recommend the imposition of a Category 3 Sanction to the Board of Trustees for admitted general misconduct.
c. Impose a Suspension Order under Part 8.
Vice-Chancellor and President
(Senior Authorised Officer)
a. Impose a Category 1 or 2 Sanction, or recommend the imposition of a Category 3 Sanction to the Board of Trustees for admitted misconduct.
b. Impose a Suspension Order under Part 8.
Authorised Officer
Designated Restricted Areas or Activities
Person to whom Restriction must be Notified within 24 Hours
Any Campus Safety and Security Officer
Any building, land, facilities or services of the University (including Student residences) or a University Affiliate
Chief Student Experience Officer, (as applicable), Dean or College Chief Executive Officer and Director, Campus Safety and Security
Campus Provost or Deputy Provost
Any University building, lands, facilities or services on a Campus for which that Provost has responsibility
Any member of academic staff of the University or a University Affiliate
a. Any lecture theatre, laboratory or other teaching or research setting or facilities
b. Any area (including offices and common areas) within a School or The College building
c. Any area (on or off a Campus) where the Student undertakes any field work, placement or other activity related to his or her Course
Chief Student Experience Officer, (as applicable) Dean or College Chief Executive Officer and Director, Campus Safety and Security
Any person supervising or monitoring an examination (including casual invigilators)
Any area where or in immediate vicinity of where an examination is being conducted
Chief Student Experience Officer and (as applicable) Dean or College Chief Executive Officer
Any member of University or The College library staff
Any University or The College library areas, facilities, resources or other privileges
Director, Library Services or The College Librarian and Director, Campus Safety and Security
Any person (including any third party) responsible for the management of Western Sydney University Village
Any University Student residence land, building, facilities or privilege
Chief Student Experience Officer and Director, Campus Safety and Security
Any Senior Authorised Officer
Any University building, lands, facilities or services on any Campus (including Student residences)
Chief Student Experience Officer and Director, Campus Safety and Security