(1) The Curriculum Approval Procedures stipulates that the process for the approval of a new (2) In considering proposals for new Associate Degree (3) Nil. (4) The principal function of the Course Advisory Committee is to provide advice on the relevance of (5) A Course Advisory Committee may be established to provide advice over a considerable period - from inception of a particular (6) The majority of members of the Committee must be external, for example, community members and relevant industry professionals, and may include members of the teaching staff of other institutions. (7) The internal members should include: (8) The Chair will be an external member of the Committee. (9) The term of office for members will be two years. Consecutive terms will be permitted. (10) The purpose of the Committee is to act in a consultative and advisory role in the (11) The Course Advisory Committee will: (12) The Course Advisory Committee will meet at least once a year face-to-face. There is no specific maximum number of meetings set and the Committee is free to meet as often as it considers necessary. Minutes must be taken for each meeting whether held face-to-face or via electronic technology. (13) Quorum is 50% of the membership and the majority of those present must be external members. (14) The University recognises that an external committee is not the only way to obtain evidence, information, external views, and feedback on (15) Other sources of information include: (16) The Academic Director The College will be responsible for the establishment of the Course Advisory Committee. (17) In establishing a Course Advisory Committee, the Academic Director The College will: (18) The Course Advisory Committee will report on a new (19) An annual report of the Committee should be provided to the The College Academic Committee. (20) Nil.Associate Degree Course Advisory Committee Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Terms of Reference
Other Sources of External Advice
Top of PageSection 4 - Procedures
Appointing the Course Advisory Committee Members
Section 5 - GUIDELINES
View Current
This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.
NOTE: The Associate Degree Course Advisory Committee Policy has been subsumed by the revised Curriculum Design and Approval Procedures - External Advisory Committee published and effective from 7 March 2024. As a result, the Associate Degree Course Advisory Committee Policy is retired with immediate effect.