(1) Western Sydney University is located on six campuses across Greater Western Sydney. The Greater Western Sydney area has the largest population of Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islanders in NSW. The University is therefore well placed to provide opportunities to, and to partner with, Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islanders, especially those in Greater Western Sydney, to achieve sustainable economic and social outcomes in line with the University's Mission, Goals and Strategic Plan. (2) The University recognises that Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islanders are statistically amongst the most disadvantaged groups in Australia. This includes employment. Improved labour market participation is central to achieving positive outcomes for individuals and their families in terms of social and economic engagement. (3) In addition, the University acknowledges that Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander staff are central to the development of teaching and research of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, which is critical to the higher education sector and society. (4) Underpinning this policy is the University's commitment to reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians as outlined in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Reconciliation Statement, and to the provision of equal opportunity in employment together with the promotion of inclusion through valuing diversity in the workplace. (5) The University is committed to improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander enrolment and progression rates across all levels of university education, to incorporating Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander content in its curriculum, and to increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research. The University's position is outlined in the Indigenous Education Policy. (6) For the purpose of this policy: (7) This policy describes the principles underpinning Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples employment and engagement (in the context of employment) at the University. (8) The University seeks to: (9) The University aims to: (10) The University aims to achieve a level of employment participation by Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islanders at the level of their representation in the community, or greater, noting that Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islanders make up 2.5% of the Australian population and 2.2% of the NSW population. (11) The University aims to increase retention in the workforce and long term career and employment prospects for Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islanders. (12) The University will promote and support its Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy as the foundation of Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander employment at the University and incorporate the Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy within its employment policies, including the Recruitment and Selection Policy. (13) The University will seek to: (14) The University will further support Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander employment by adopting Government initiatives that promote increased Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander employment participation. For example, the NSW Government Guidelines for Aboriginal Participation in Construction. (15) The University will provide support to managers and supervisors in the process of recruiting and selecting Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander employees, and managing and supervising Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islanders on traineeships or internships, or other employment programs. This will include support in undertaking career development planning, performance and review processes, and reward and recognition. (16) The University encourages Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander employees or potential employees to identify themselves. (17) The University will seek to engage with external organisations (community, businesses, industries, and government), starting with the Greater Western Sydney region to foster alliances and partnerships, and to develop programs that improve Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander employment opportunities. (18) The University will seek opportunities to raise awareness of cultural diversity within employment by cooperating or partnering with external organisations and businesses including developing and providing training programs in cultural diversity within the workplace. (19) The University aims to build mutually beneficial partnerships based on respect through the participation and contribution of Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander employees in employment-related decision-making processes. This will include membership of certain selection panels, and involvement in staffing strategy development. To ensure cultural diversity is embedded within the University, all University-wide employment or staff-related strategies or policies will give consideration to the cultural diversity of the community in which the University operates. (20) Training programs on cultural diversity for staff will be developed and, once in place, attendance will be a requirement for all staff participating in recruitment and selection processes. (21) The University encourages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees to participate in cultural diversity programs and services such as activities, committees and networks organised by the Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement and the Badanami Centre for Indigenous Education; University wide activities such as the Yarramundi Lecture series; and School-based programs. The University will incorporate into its policies and procedures the opportunity for Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander employees to participate in cultural activities and events, such as national days of observance, eg. NAIDOC. (22) The University will place the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement Strategy on its web site. (23) The University has established a number of bodies to advise on and monitor its activity and progress on providing opportunities for employment and for engaging with Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islanders. (24) To oversee the implementation of the Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy Consultative Committee has been established. The Consultative Committee is chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Academic. (25) Nil. (26) Nil.Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Indigenous Education Policy
Section 2 - Definitions
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Employment and Career
Engagement Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian Employment and Engagement Strategy
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
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This definition is the same as the definition of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander that has been adopted by the Commonwealth of Australia for administrative purposes.
Top of PageThe University will strive towards these guiding principles by undertaking the following actions: