(1) Higher Degree By Research (HDR) Scholarships are awarded to support research training and encourage highly qualified candidates to undertake Research Doctorate and Research Masters degrees at Western Sydney University. (2) These Procedures establish the requirements and procedures for the awarding of HDR scholarships at the University. (3) These procedures should be read in conjunction with the Academic Appeals Procedures, Complaint Management Policy, Higher Degree By Research Policy, Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Resources, Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Supervision, Student Code of Conduct and Student Misconduct Rule. (4) From 1 January 2017 continuing students, supported by the previous Research Training Scheme, International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) or Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) were transitioned to an Australian Government Research Training Policy (RTP) Scholarship without being disadvantaged. IPRS and APA recipients were transferred to an Australian Government RTP Stipend Scholarship and an RTP Fees Offset. (5) Candidates who commenced and continue under the previous version of this policy document will continue their awarded scholarship under the provisions in the previous policy document. Where the previous policy document is silent, the provisions in this policy document will apply. (6) For the purposes of these Procedures, definitions that apply can be found in the Higher Degree by Research Policy and the Policy DDS Glossary, in addition to the following: (7) Refer to the Higher Degree By Research Policy. (8) HDR scholarship funding types include: (9) The list of HDR Scholarships available at the University are published on the Scholarships web page and the International Scholarships webpage. (10) The University will ensure that HDR scholarship recipients have: (11) Scholarship recipients can appeal decisions under this policy document as detailed in the Academic Appeals Procedures. (12) To be eligible for a research training program stipend the applicant must: (13) To be eligible for a research training program fee offset the applicant must: (14) To be eligible for a University funded postgraduate research stipend the applicant must: (15) To be eligible for a University funded research scholarship for a Master of Research program the applicant must: (16) To be eligible for a University funded research scholarship for a Masters (17) To be eligible for a co-funded or funded industry research scholarship the applicant must: (18) To be eligible for a University funded Vice-Chancellor research scholarship the applicant must: (19) To be eligible for a University funded fee reduction research scholarship the applicant must: (20) To be eligible for a University funded Yarramundi HDR Scholarship, the applicant must: (21) The awarding of all HDR scholarships is a merit-based selection process and is compliant with the fairness requirements contained in Subdivision 19-D of Part 2-1 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003. (22) Each applicant is assessed, scored and ranked according to the University HDR Scholarship Metric. The basis of merit includes: (23) A University HDR Scholarship Metric is approved each year by the Research Studies Committee. (24) All HDR Scholarship applications must be submitted in the approved format and by the advertised date. Applications received after any communicated closing date will not be accepted, except where approval has been granted by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research or Dean, Graduate Studies and Researcher Development (Dean, GS & RD). (25) Requirements for HDR Scholarship applications will be published and may include: (26) All applications, except for Industry funded and co-funded scholarships, will be reviewed by the University Research Scholarship Ranking Panel. (27) For Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander applicants, the University Research Scholarship Ranking Panel will additionally consider Indigenous community, industry, and cultural experience of the applicant, and advice from the Director, Indigenous Research within the Division of the Deputy-Vice Chancellor Indigenous Leadership. (28) The University Research Scholarship Ranking Panel is appointed by the Research Studies Committee and provides a listing of recommended scholarship recipients to the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Research, Enterprise and Global for approval. (29) For Industry funded and co-funded scholarships applications: (30) Offers to successful applicants must be in writing and explain the assistance they are entitled to and define all terms and conditions of the HDR scholarship. (31) Scholarships for research training program stipends and University funded stipends for Research Doctorates are provided for a maximum period of three years for a full-time candidate and six years for a part-time candidate. (32) Scholarships for research training program stipends and University funded stipends for Research Masters are provided for a maximum period of two years for a full-time candidate and four years for a part-time candidate. (33) Scholarships for research training program fee offset for Research Doctorates are provided for a maximum period of four years for a full-time candidate and eight years for a part-time candidate. (34) Scholarships for research training program fee offset for Research Masters are provided for a maximum period of two years for a full-time candidate and four years for a part-time candidate. (35) Tenure is calculated from the agreed scholarship commencement date. (36) When a part-time HDR scholarship is converted to a full-time HDR scholarship, the remaining Scholarship period will be calculated by subtracting half of the part-time Scholarship period expended up to the conversion date, from the term of a full-time Scholarship. (37) When a full-time HDR scholarship is converted to a part-time HDR scholarship, the remaining Scholarship period will be calculated by doubling the period of full-time HDR scholarship time remaining. (38) The tenure of all HDR scholarships will be reduced by any period of study undertaken at another Australian university prior to the commencement of the Degree at Western Sydney University for a continuing research project. (39) No extensions will be granted, except as listed in these procedures. Refer also Part F – Leave. (40) For Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Yarramundi Post Graduate Scholarship holders, a six-month extension will be offered to translate thesis to language, publish from thesis whilst under review, develop research grant applications (see the WSU Indigenous Research Strategy: Theme 3 SA 11). (41) HDR scholarship recipients must continue to meet their HDR progression milestones associated with their research (42) Where an HDR candidate ceases to meet progression milestones, the School Dean or Director RI will review the scholarship for termination. (43) All HDR scholarship terminations must be endorsed by the Research Studies Committee. Refer Part D Suspension and Termination (44) The Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research or Dean, GS & RD may approve continuing of a scholarship when an HDR candidate becomes part-time for Domestic candidates only. (45) The candidate must be able to provide evidence that they come from one or more of the University's defined equity personal disadvantaged groups which limits their capacity to undertake full-time study or can demonstrate circumstances that relate to significant caring commitments as per the Disability Policy. (46) Recipients approved to study part-time may revert to full-time study at any time with the endorsement of the School Dean or Director, Research Institute and the approval of the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research or Dean, GS & RD. (47) Scholarship recipients must have any change in thesis title or topic approved by the Dean, GS & RD to ensure continuance of their HDR Scholarship. (48) Where an HDR candidate, during the course of a Research Master’s degree, has been approved to convert to a Doctorate, the HDR scholarship may be converted to the new award with the endorsement of the School Dean or the Director, Research Institute and the approval of the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research or Dean, GS & RD. (49) Where an HDR candidate, during the course of a Doctorate degree, has been approved to convert to a Research Master’s degree, the HDR scholarship may be converted to the new award with the endorsement of the School Dean or the Director, Research Institute and the approval of the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research or Dean, GS & RD. (50) The maximum duration of a converted, University funded HDR scholarship, becomes that of the approved candidature and will include the candidature time leading up to the conversion. (51) Any research training program or Western Sydney University funded HDR scholarship cannot be transferred to another university. (52) The provision of a research training scholarship for an HDR candidate transferring to the University must be endorsed by the School Dean or Director, Research Institute and approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research or Dean, GS & RD, prior to candidate’s commencement date. (53) Where a stipend scholarship recipient is unable to pursue their research for a period longer than permitted by approved leave entitlements, their scholarship can be suspended. (54) Stipend scholarships can be suspended for a maximum period of 12 months. (55) Stipend scholarship suspensions are approved by the School Dean or Director, Research Institute. (56) Before stipend scholarships can be restored after a period of suspension, the recipient must receive approval from their Principal Supervisor and the School or Director, Research Institute to resume study. (57) Where the recipient does not resume study at the conclusion of a period of suspension, or does not make arrangements to extend that period of suspension, or has reached the maximum period the stipend scholarship can be suspended, the scholarship will be terminated. (58) An HDR scholarship will be terminated where: (59) Termination of an HDR scholarship must be approved by the Research Studies Committee. (60) The University must give the recipient notice of at least 14 calendar days of the intention to terminate an HDR scholarship. (61) Termination of an HDR scholarship may be appealed as outlined in the Academic Appeals Procedures. (62) A recipient is required to give at least 14 calendar days notice when voluntarily relinquishing an HDR scholarship. (63) If the University knows or has reason to believe that a recipient has provided false or misleading information to the University in relation to the HDR scholarship, the University must immediately: (64) Stipends are tax-free and the rate is specified in the conditions of the Scholarship. (65) Part-time stipends are 50% of the full-time rate. (66) University stipend rates are reviewed annually and published on the Scholarships web page. (67) HDR Scholarship holders can: (68) The duration of HDR scholarships is increased for any period of paid leave, over the standard recreation and sick leave provisions, which is supported by evidence and approved by the relevant School Dean or Director, Research Institute. (69) Recipients may take up to 20 working days paid recreation leave for each year of a stipend scholarship and this may be accrued over the life of the stipend scholarship. The Principal Supervisor's approval must be obtained in writing before recreation leave is taken. (70) Recipients may take up to 10 working days paid sick leave per year of a stipend scholarship and this may be accrued over the tenure of the stipend scholarship. (71) Recreation leave of up to 20 days per year or sick leave up to 10 working days per year do not extend the duration of candidature or scholarship. (72) For Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander candidates, cultural and ceremonial leave of up to five working days per year are available. This leave does not extend the duration of candidature or scholarship (as per the academic and professional staff enterprise agreements). (73) Additional paid sick leave up to two research quarters over the total scholarship period may be requested. The candidate must provide evidence (medical documentation) and this request must be approved by the Principal Supervisor and the relevant HDR Director. (74) Sick leave entitlements may be used to cover leave for recipients with family caring responsibilities. The candidate must provide evidence (medical documentation) and this request must be approved by the Principal Supervisor and the relevant HDR Director. (75) In circumstances where additional paid sick leave up to two research quarters is required, the candidature and scholarship duration will be extended by up to two research quarters. (76) Any unused leave on termination or completion of a Scholarship is forfeited. (77) Recipients who have undertaken 12 continuous months of their candidature and have been in receipt of a scholarship stipend for 12 continuous months are entitled to a maximum of two research quarters paid parental (maternity or paternity) leave during the duration of the scholarship. (78) In circumstances where parental leave up to two research quarters is required, the candidature and scholarship duration will be extended by up to two research quarters. (79) Paid parental leave may also be approved if the recipient adopts a child, other than a child who has been living with them continuously for 26 weeks or more. Adoption leave may commence immediately prior to the date of placement of the child being adopted. (80) Stipend scholarship recipients should view their candidature as their main occupation and focus of their financial income. (81) An HDR candidate is permitted to undertake a limited amount of paid employment provided they meet the time commitments required to their candidature as follow: (82) Work undertaken by International stipend scholarship recipients with a student visa must be consistent with legislative requirements and the conditions of their student visa. (83) An HDR scholarship recipient may undertake a research internship of up to six months duration as approved via the School Dean or the Director, Research Institute and the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research or Dean, GS & RD and remain compliant with eligibility criteria. (84) The research training program fee offset or fee waiver/reduction will be extended by the duration of the industry research internship up to the maximum period. (85) Stipend payments may continue during an industry research internship for up to one research quarter where: (86) In circumstances where continued payment of scholarship during an industry HDR internship up to one research quarter is required, the candidature and scholarship duration will be extended by one research quarter. (87) Wherever possible, applications for overseas research for scholarship recipients must be submitted to the relevant HDR Director at least three months before the proposed date of departure. (88) The HDR Director will approve overseas research where: (89) Unauthorised absences from Australia may result in the termination of the HDR scholarship. (90) Overseas research for scholarship recipients is limited to 12 months. (91) Overseas research for scholarship recipients must be important for successful completion of their (92) The recipient must return to Australia to complete the research (93) If approval is given for a specific period of overseas research and for any reason the dates are altered (by a period greater than 20 working days), or if a recipient returns from a period overseas and intends to proceed to a subsequent period overseas, fresh approval must be sought. (94) All travel must comply with the Travel Policy. (95) For Dual Award recipients also refer to the Higher Degree by Research Procedures – Dual Awards Research Degrees. (96) The relevant School Dean or Director, Research Institute may approve an HDR scholarship recipient conducting research at other organisations. In such cases:Higher Degree by Research Procedures - Scholarships
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Procedures
Part A - Eligibility Criteria and Selection Process
Eligibility Criteria
Selection Process
Part B - Tenure and Progress
Part C - Variations
Scholarships for Part-time Candidates
Changes in thesis topic/title
Changing between Research Masters and Doctoral Studies
Transfer to/from another University
Part D - Suspension and Termination
Suspension of a Scholarship
Termination of a Scholarship
Part E - Stipend and Allowances
Part F - Leave
Part G - Employment
Part H - Industry Research Internships
Part I - Overseas Research
Part J - Research at Other Organisations
Top of PageSection 5 - Guidelines
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