(1) This Policy defines the objectives of providing students with clearly articulated pathways between a course or courses of the University and those of other educational institutions, by means of the award of advanced standing and/or guaranteed entry. It also outlines the processes to be followed in the development, approval and recording of pathways. (2) The Policy applies to agreements with both higher education providers or vocational education and training providers, whether Australian or overseas providers, and whether public or private. (3) This Policy is to be read in conjunction with the Advanced Standing Policy. (4) The following definitions apply for the purposes of this policy. (5) The University is committed to providing and expanding clear pathways to assist students, who have previously successfully completed some studies elsewhere and who otherwise qualify for admission, to enter an appropriate course of the University with the maximum amount of advanced standing warranted by their previous studies. The University is also committed, where practicable and by means of similar pathways, to assisting its own graduates and enrolled students, who wish to enrol in a course of another educational provider. (6) The University will therefore enter into agreements with other selected education providers to define and publicise the advanced standing, together with any guarantee of entry to a course. The award of any advanced standing to a particular student entering the University will be subject to the provisions of the Advanced Standing Policy. (7) Articulation arrangements shall conform with the University's strategic objectives and result in clear benefits to the University and its enrolled students and graduates. (8) Consistent with the provisions of the Advanced Standing and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy, the University will endeavour to ensure that students granted advanced standing and/or guaranteed entry to a course of the University under this Policy, are academically equipped to undertake the relevant University course. (9) In order to ensure that articulation pathways are publicly available to existing and intending students, the University will publish on its website the advanced standing determined under all articulation agreements. (10) In order to assure the quality of the articulation pathways covered by agreements, the University will periodically monitor and evaluate their effectiveness and review their currency. (11) The University will provide to students awarded advanced standing under this Policy towards a course of the University an appropriate schedule of study to be completed in the University. (12) When proposing or negotiating an articulation pathway or associated agreement with other education providers, staff of the University will ensure that the proposed agreement aligns with the University's objectives. (13) Articulation agreements with other Australian education providers will generally be for a period of two years and will be reviewed during the second year to determine whether the arrangements remain current or require updating. Articulation agreements with education providers outside Australia will generally be for a period of three years and will be reviewed in the third year to determine whether the arrangements remain current or require updating. (14) Any person wishing to propose an articulation pathway or an articulation pathway agreement between the University and another education provider must first consult with one of the following Articulations Pathway Coordinators, as appropriate who will then submit that proposal for approval by Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic and Research: (15) The advanced standing, if any, to be given to students and any guarantee of entry in an articulation pathway to a course of the University will be determined by the relevant Heads of Program and by the relevant Heads of School and Associate Deans in accordance arrangements and standards approved by the Academic Senate. They will also advise in any negotiations of advanced standing or guaranteed entry to be awarded to graduates or enrolled students of the University in an articulation pathway into a course of another educational provider. In determining or providing advice about those matters, they will consult with the content specialist of the other education provider. (16) Once the proposed advanced standing and any guarantee of entry for an articulation pathway have been endorsed by the relevant UWS Heads of School, the proposers of a pathway, or a pathway agreement, will, in consultation with the relevant Articulations Pathway Coordinator, prepare a formal proposal, using a standard template. (17) The formal proposal will be transmitted by the appropriate Articulations Pathway Coordinator to the relevant College Education, Assessment and Progression Committee. If the Committee supports the proposal, it will recommend it to the Academic Planning and Courses Approvals Committee (APCAC). (18) The final proposal and form of articulation pathway agreement, including international agreements (which must be in a standard or other form approved by the University Legal Counsel ) must be forwarded to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic and Research for final approval and signature. (19) The Executive Officer to APCAC will notify the Colleges, other relevant officers, and UWS International or the Relationships Manager, UWS/VET, as appropriate, when the articulation agreement has been approved by Academic Senate. The Articulation Pathways Coordinator is responsible for notifying providers of the final approval and for recording the notification in TRIM. (20) Final approved articulation agreements will be noted in the relevant course documentation in TRIM and recorded in accordance with the Records Management Policy. (21) The appropriate Articulations Pathways Coordinator will be responsible for ensuring that articulation arrangements are published on the website. (22) Before the term of an articulation pathway and any associated agreement has expired, or whenever the University's or other education provider's course changes significantly, the pathway and the agreement will be reviewed to ensure that the contents remain current and that the articulation agreement remains aligned with the University's strategic objectives and current standards as approved by Academic Senate. If the agreement does not require amendment, it is submitted for re-approval to the relevant Associate Dean (Academic) for renewal. Agreements with overseas providers also require the approval of the relevant Associate Dean (Development and International). (23) If the relevant Associate Dean decides that the agreement should be amended or re-negotiated, he or she will refer it to the appropriate Articulation Pathways Coordinator who will commence the re-negotiation process and refer any draft agreement for review by University Legal Counsel. (24) In cases where the University decides not to continue with an agreement it will advise the provider in writing that the agreement will not continue beyond the period of the existing agreement. In cases where the University has serious concerns about the quality of the provider's program it may place the provider on notice that the agreement will not continue for the full term and a report will be sent to the appropriate accrediting authority. (25) All prospective articulation pathway initiatives must be discussed with the appropriate Articulation Pathways Coordinator in the first instance. For VET sector pathways this is the Relationships Manager UWS/VET (referred to as 'RM' in these Guidelines). (26) Where a private VET provider seeks a partnership with the University for the purpose of establishing an articulation pathway, the provider will be required to complete a 'Request for Partnership' application Part A and meet the eligibility criteria stated therein. (27) Private VET providers will also need to complete a Part B of the application for each VET course for which a pathway is being sought. (28) The RM will make contact with key stakeholders from the VET provider and UWS to discuss the general pathway opportunity and to confirm mutual interest and feasibility. (29) The RM will arrange a meeting with key stakeholders including content specialists from the University and the VET provider. Where possible, negotiations and mapping to determine the advanced standing to be given are finalised at this meeting. Mapping which affects more than one College or School will need careful consideration and appropriate consultation. (30) The RM manages the credit mapping process and provides advice to ensure consistency and equity across Articulation Pathways Agreements. (31) Academic staff and the VET provider negotiate the advanced standing to be given under the terms of the agreement and determine any other conditions. The information will be incorporated into an electronic proposal by the RM and circulated to stakeholders for comment. Key stakeholders include the Head of Program, Head of School, the Associate Dean (Academic), and the VET provider contact. (32) The RM will arrange for endorsement or approval, as appropriate, by the relevant College Education, Assessment and Progression Committee, the Academic Planning and Courses Approvals Committee (APCAC) and Academic Senate. (33) If APCAC endorses the proposal it will be forwarded to Academic Senate for final approval. (34) The RM will advise all stakeholders that an agreement has been approved. The RM will prepare and send a formal communication as required by the local provider. The RM will prepare information for the website. (35) The RM will update all necessary data sites such as the Callista Pathways and e-forms database and will liaise with key managers in the Office of the Academic Registrar to ensure that the new Pathway is understood and included in appropriate automated processes. (36) The RM will arrange for information to be published on the UWS Pathways website and will advise stakeholders that the information has been published. (37) All prospective articulation pathway initiatives with overseas providers must be discussed with the International Liaison Officer in UWS International (UWSI) in the first instance. (38) The Associate Dean (Development and International) of the relevant College will ensure that a standard template is completed (containing information listed in the UWSI checklist), in consultation with the appropriate UWS International staff member. (39) The draft agreement must be submitted for endorsement by the Director, International. (40) The Associate Dean (Development and International) manages the credit mapping process in consultation with UWS International who provides advice to ensure consistency and equity across Articulation Agreements. Mapping which affects more than one College or School will need careful consideration and appropriate consultation. (41) Once the mapping is complete the formal proposal is transmitted by UWS International to the relevant College Education, Assessment and Progression Committee. (42) Following endorsement by the College, the Associate Dean (Development and International) or UWS International forwards the proposal to the Executive Officer to the Academic Planning and Courses Approvals Committee (APCAC) for inclusion in the agenda for the following meeting. (43) If APCAC endorses the proposal it is forwarded to Academic Senate for final approval. If amendments are required the proposal is amended accordingly and re-submitted to a subsequent Academic Planning and Courses Approvals Committee meeting. (44) UWS International advises all stakeholders of the approved agreement. UWS International prepares a formal agreement for approval by the Office of University Legal Counsel and sends a formal communication as required by the overseas provider. UWS International files the final approved articulation agreement in TRIM and prepares information for the website entry. (45) UWS International arranges for information to be published on the UWS International website and advises stakeholders that information has been published. (46) UWS International is responsible for ensuring that students given guaranteed entry to, and advanced standing in, a course of UWS are aware of the English language requirements of the particular course. (47) UWS International is responsible for ensuring that students entering UWS by an articulation pathway accept, in writing, the advanced standing granted, as mandated in the ESOS requirements.Articulation Pathways Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Procedures
Matching Proposals with the University's Objectives
Proposing an Articulation Pathway or Articulation Pathway Agreement
Determining Advanced Standing/Guaranteed Entry
Referral of a Formal Proposal for Approval
After Approval
Reviewing and Re-Accrediting Pathways
Section 5 - Guidelines
Part A - Establishing pathways with Australian VET sector providers
Part B - Establishing pathways with overseas providers
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