(1) Western Sydney University's core objective is to be a distinctively student-centred university. Consistent with the principles of Partnership Pedagogy, the purpose of this policy is to ensure that the University supports staff, students and external partners to achieve this objective through institutional support mechanisms. (2) This policy operates within the broader framework and definitions of the University's Professional Development Policy and focuses on the University's provision of professional development opportunities for all who contribute, or aspire to contribute, to teaching. (3) In line with the University's strategic plan, professional development opportunities support a continuum of teaching development needs and aspirations across all career stages. (4) This policy should be read in conjunction with the relevant Clauses of the current Professional Staff Agreement and current Academic Staff Agreement and with other strategy and policy documents related to learning and teaching activities. (5) For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions apply: (6) Professional development is co-designed and co-delivered by University staff across the Portfolios, Schools and University Research Institutes. (7) The provision of professional development: (8) Professional development is supported by, and articulates with, appropriate University systems for individual and organisational recognition and reward (including promotion and quality assurance systems). (9) It is an expectation that: (10) The University will support staff engagement in creative, innovative teaching and curriculum design through: (11) The University will provide a range of informal professional development opportunities open to all interested staff, in addition to integrating the development of teaching capabilities in formal planning processes for contract and continuing staff. See the Professional Development Policy Section 3 Clause (9)e. (12) The University will advise staff of the availability of professional development opportunities. (13) University-wide provision of activities and resources will be evaluated on an ongoing basis in line with the Professional Development Policy Section 3 Clause (9)f. Criteria for evaluation will include participation, relevance, alignment with strategic objectives and outcomes (for staff and for students). (14) The University will provide a professional development program for teaching staff employed on casual contracts. Staff will be entitled to appropriate remuneration for time spent on formal professional development activities, as outlined in the relevant current Enterprise Agreements. (15) Schools will be responsible for providing discipline-specific aspects of induction, orientation and professional development for casually employed teaching staff. (16) All new academic staff appointed to teaching positions at levels A-C for 12 months or more must successfully complete a Foundations of University Learning and Teaching Program (FULT) as part of their probationary requirements. (17) New staff may apply for exemption from the requirement to complete the Foundations of University Learning and Teaching (FULT) if they have evidence of equivalent prior learning. (18) The University will provide a range of professional development resources and activities that staff can draw upon to support teaching, from basic practice through to curriculum leadership. Examples include: (19) The University will support staff in documenting and evidencing their teaching achievements and professional development. While the University will maintain central records of staff participation in formal development activities, individuals and teams are responsible for recording their informal professional development activity. (20) The University will provide an institution-wide collegial peer review process to assist staff who have introduced and evaluated a significant teaching innovation to have their work validated by peers. (21) The University will encourage and support external peer review of teaching, for example with discipline colleagues from other universities. (22) Nil. (23) The Foundations of University Learning and Teaching (FULT) is delivered via the University's learning management system (LMS).Professional Development in Learning and Teaching Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of Page
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Casually Employed Teaching Staff
New Fixed-Term and Ongoing Teaching Staff
All Teaching Staff
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
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