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Higher Degree by Research Procedures - Dual Awards Research Degrees

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Section 1 - Purpose and Context

(1) Dual awards research higher degrees are established to foster and develop research collaboration and partnerships between the University and other institutions by facilitating the movement between institutions of Doctoral or Research Masters candidates under joint supervision and enrolment arrangements.

(2) A dual award research degree agreement is initiated where there is a history of research collaboration between the University and the nominated Partner Institution(s) and/or where the development of such collaboration is assessed as being of strategic or reputational value to the University.

(3) Where more than one partner institution is party to the arrangement, a multi-award research degree agreement is established.

(4) Dual award research degrees arrangements must benefit the Doctoral or Research Masters candidate by providing the opportunity for the candidate to work and access the latest research equipment, facilities and expertise in more than one institution, and obtains award(s) that facilitate professional mobility. These advantages extend beyond the benefit to the individual Higher Degree Research (HDR) candidate and extend to the enhanced research cooperation between the institutions and the Principal Supervisors concerned.

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Section 2 - Definitions

(5) For the purposes of these Procedures, definitions that apply can be found in the Higher Degree By Research Policy and Policy DDS Glossary, in addition to the following:

  1. Institutional Framework Agreement means agreements entered into between Western Sydney University and other institutions involving an agreement or contract.
  2. Partner Institution means the partner university or institution of collaboration that will share the candidature under either a dual award research degree arrangement.
  3. Primary Institution means the institution at which the student is first enrolled, although this may be varied by agreement.
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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(6) A dual award research degree will meet the requirements of each institution independently, and each institution issues a testamur that records that the award is made under a dual award research degree arrangement.

(7) These procedures should be read in conjunction with the following University policy documents:

  1. Academic Appeals Procedures
  2. Complaint Management Policy
  3. Conflict of Interest Policy
  4. Foreign Arrangements and Foreign Interference Policy
  5. Higher Degree By Research Policy
  6. Intellectual Property Policy
  7. Responsible Conduct of Research Policy
  8. Student Misconduct Rule
  9. Student Learning Abroad Policy
  10. Travel Policy.
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Section 4 - Procedures

Part A - Institutional Framework and Individual Candidature Agreements

(8) Prior to offering admission to any candidate for a dual award research degree program, the University must have entered into a formal Institutional Framework Agreement with the participating institution(s) setting out the academic, resource and governance framework under which all candidatures and awards will proceed. Institutional Framework Agreements will be made only where evidence is presented that demonstrates:

  1. an existing research collaboration with participating institutions supported by a School or Institute (for example shared grants or ongoing projects, co-authorship of research publications, programmed visits)
  2. joint enrolment will create a sustainable research relationship and contribute strategic or reputational value to the University, and
  3. research training and development standards at participating institutions are at least equivalent to those at Western Sydney University, and
  4. candidates will be provided with supervision and access to facilities of a similar or better standard than that available at Western Sydney University.

(9) The relevant School or Institute will complete a Dual Awards Research Expression of Interest (EOI) and an Intention Form (IF) to be submitted to the Graduate Research School and International Partnerships Team for endorsement.

(10) An assessment of due diligence and risk assessment of a new partner, or re-assessment of an existing partner, must be undertaken by the relevant staff within the International Partnerships team.

(11) Following review by the International Partnerships team, an Institutional Framework Agreement should be forwarded for endorsement by the Dean, Graduate Studies and Researcher Development (Dean, GS & RD) before being approved in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy (Delegations Schedule EE).

(12) The Institutional Framework Agreement (or an equivalent agreement prepared by a participating institution) will set out details of arrangements applying to all research degree candidatures arising from the collaboration and will be signed by the appropriate authorities at each participating institution. The agreement must include reference to:

  1. the establishment of dual award research degrees generic candidature requirements, e.g., pattern of study, minimum and maximum time to completion, and protocols covering changes to candidature 
  2. supervision practices and supervisor training standards (which must meet the requirements in the Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Supervision)
  3. access to research equipment and infrastructure
  4. access to IT, office and study facilities
  5. standards and accountability of research integrity and conduct which must meet the requirements in the Responsible Conduct of Research Policy
  6. intellectual property, publication and ethics protocols
  7. examination protocols
  8. arrangements regarding fees and scholarships
  9. procedures for dealing with grievances, complaints academic and non-academic misconduct, including cross-institutional matters.

(13) These agreement requirements may be varied by the Dean, GS & RD where there is a compelling specific reason.

(14) Refer to the Process to Establish Dual and Joint Awards for more detail.

Individual Candidature Agreement

(15) A formal Individual Candidature Agreement must set out the details of the candidature and the specific rules and conditions relating to supervision, research resources, funding (including travel), pattern of study, and compliance with Western Sydney University policy documents.

(16) Before enrolment, an Individual Candidature Agreement must be in place for each individual candidate. The Individual Candidature Agreement must be signed by the University in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy, the Partner Institution, and by the candidate.

(17) Candidates in receipt of a Western Sydney University scholarship will only receive their scholarship for the period of their candidature when they are enrolled and onshore at Western Sydney University.

(18) Western Sydney University candidates can access Candidature Support Funds for the period of their candidature when they are enrolled and onshore at Western Sydney University, where applicable under the  Higher Degree By Research Procedures -  Resources.

(19) All other research costs, including but not limited to, laboratory/fieldwork funding, are to be agreed by both institutions in the Individual Candidature Agreement.

(20) Candidates in dual award research degree programs are usually enrolled at each institution concurrently for the duration of candidature and take leave of absence from Western Sydney University while undertaking research at the partner institution.

(21) The candidate will have a Principal Supervisor and Co-Supervisor at each Institution.

(22) The system of assessment and reporting on the candidate's progress will be included in the Individual Candidature Agreement.

(23) The Individual Candidature Agreement must specify whether the candidate is enrolled in a dual award research degree program and set out:

  1. nominee candidate details including name, student ID, degree enrolled or applied for, visa and health requirements and date of commencement at each institution
  2. nomination of Primary and Partner Institutions
  3. nomination and contact details of supervisors and an outline of supervision arrangements and procedures for assessing and reporting progress including key dates
  4. administrative contacts at the participating institution(s) and their email and postal addresses
  5. details of access to specialist research equipment and infrastructure
  6. candidate’s thesis title and research topic description
  7. proposed period of residency at the Primary and Partner Institutions
  8. protocol for research ethics approval, intellectual property and copyright arrangements
  9. details of satisfactory progress requirements (Refer Higher Degree by Research Procedures – Progress)
  10. details of the examination process and the roles of both institutions
  11. funding arrangements including tuition fees, overseas health cover, examination costs, oral defence costs, scholarship/stipend and travel support, travel support for supervisors and other project costs
  12. relevant codes of conduct for candidates and supervisors and procedures for dealing with grievances and complaints.

Part B - Admission and Withdrawal

(24) Current University candidates and prospective candidates are eligible to be considered for enrolment in the dual award research degree.

(25) If a candidate seeks to withdraw or is excluded from a dual award research degree program, such withdrawal or exclusion will apply to their enrolment at all participating institutions.

(26) Following withdrawal a candidate may apply for admission to a Higher Degree by Research program at Western Sydney University.

Part C - Examination and Awards

Dual Awards Research Degrees

(27) Participating institutions may agree to combine elements of their examination processes for the purposes of a dual award research degree. The decision to award the degree is made independently by each institution.

(28) Candidates are required to submit one thesis for examination at both participating institutions. The thesis is to be written in a language approved by the examining institution. 

(29) Each participating institution in a dual award research degree will nominate examiners and proceed according to its normal process for the relevant award, including, where required, an oral defence of the thesis. The dual examination process will be outlined in the Individual Candidature Agreement.

(30) On successful completion of the examination and award of a dual award research degree,the participating institutions each confer the degree and issue a testamur. The Western Sydney University testamur and the Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) will state that the award was made as a consequence of a dual award research degree candidature agreement, and it will name the Partner Institution. 

(31) If following examination one participating institution does not award the degree, the other participating institution(s) may still award the degree.

Part D - Grievances and Complaints

(32) Candidates and supervisors will be bound by the Policy Documents at the institutions they are attending and will have access to the same grievance and complaints procedures as other candidates at the institution. (Refer to the Complaint Management Policy).

(33) The Institutional Framework Agreement may establish a cross-institutional process for reporting grievance matters and to resolve grievances and complaints where the circumstances or consequences affect both participating institutions. This may take the form of a panel comprising the Dean, Graduate Studies and Researcher Development or equivalent at each institution plus a senior academic from the relevant School or unit who is not associated with the candidature.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(34) Process to Establish Dual and Joint Awards.

(35) Expression of Interest Form.

(36) Intention Form.