(1) Western Sydney University's learning and teaching space is first and foremost for University learning, teaching and research purposes. However, to facilitate the life of the University community, and satisfy student and community service objectives, the University makes teaching and learning space available to hire for academic seminars, conferences, student activities, and community and commercial events when possible. (2) This policy covers all University space and establishes a framework for the University to balance efficient and effective use of space with considerations of community access and engagement. It provides procedures to be followed for assigning space for use for events other than normal teaching, learning and research activities. (3) The policy applies to all parties that utilise University space, including academic and professional staff, students and student associations, not-for-profit organisations, professional associations and memberships, and government and commercial entities. (4) The policy is to be read in conjunction with the policies and documents listed in Section 5 - Guidelines below. (5) For the purpose of this policy: (6) The following principles apply to the use of University space: (7) The University's hireable spaces are registered on the corporate central timetabling system or determined suitable by the Division of Operations and Commercial. (8) The University will not charge parties who book allocated or timetabled space for core business through the casual room booking system where the space is used as indicated. Refer to the Space Policy and the Timetabling Policy. (9) All space hire bookings, other than for space to be used for core business, are subject to a fee unless the Vice-President, Operations and Commercial or nominee specifically waives or subsidises the fee. (10) The hiring fee categories are: (11) The hiring party may submit an application to Infrastructure and Commercial Performance for a subsidy in relation to the space hire fee where they can demonstrate one or more of the following criteria: (12) Infrastructure and Commercial Performance will make a recommendation to the Vice-President, Operations and Commercial who may accept, reject or vary the recommendation and the decision is final. (13) Where a subsidy is granted: (14) Infrastructure and Commercial Performance will coordinate all room bookings that are not related to the University's core business, and is the primary contact for the bookings. (15) The hiring party is to complete and submit a Space Hire Application Form to Infrastructure and Commercial Performance, which includes all requirements for their booking.] (16) The Vice-President, Operations and Commercial will govern the application process, with no right of review of their decision. (17) If an application is approved, Infrastructure and Commercial Performance will issue a Space Hire Contract which outlines the specific space hire information. The contract is to be signed and the original copy returned to Infrastructure and Commercial Performance prior to the space hire taking place. This contract will be deemed as written approval once executed by both the hiring party and the University. (18) The conditions of space hiring, in addition to any particular conditions the Division of Operations and Commercial specifies, are as follows. (19) The University retains the right to: (20) Under no circumstances is the hiring party to use the University logo without the University's written consent. (21) The hiring party must: (22) The University accepts no responsibility for the hiring party's property, including equipment hired from external sources by or on behalf of the hiring party. (23) The hiring party will: (24) Campus Safety and Security will determine any additional security measures required for space hire. The University will organise the additional security measures and the hiring party will meet all associated costs. (25) Infrastructure and Commercial Performance may grant written approval for the hiring party to use their own (or externally hired) equipment where it determines the equipment is compatible with existing systems and will not prejudice the space in any way. (26) Hire of space may include use of the equipment and facilities as determined by Infrastructure and Commercial Performance. (27) The hiring party is responsible for excess cleaning and rubbish generated throughout the hire and must clean all spaces at the end of the hire. Failure to comply with required cleaning will result in additional cleaning charges being passed on to the hiring party as determined by the University. (28) Under no circumstances should the number of patrons exceed the stated seating capacity of any space on campus. (29) In theatre-style venues, aisles and emergency exits must be kept clear at all times. (30) The consumption of food and drink is prohibited in University teaching spaces, unless special permission is granted. If special permission is granted to a hiring party: (31) The University may approve the distribution or sale of alcohol at events on condition of the hiring party meeting statutory requirements and applicable liquor licences. (32) The hiring party must not promote the use of the space without receiving Infrastructure and Commercial Performance's written consent, which will only be granted once the contract has been executed by the hiring party and the University. (33) Material advertising the use of the hired space, and/or invitations to the general public to attend functions or courses to be held in the hired spaces, must not contain statements which would infer that such events are in any way connected with or being operated by the University. The University has the discretion to request copies of any advertising material for the event. (34) Staff who wish to undertake core University business on any University campus should use the Casual Room Booking System. (35) Students who wish to use facilities for core business can do so via Campus Life Officers. (36) The primary contact for bookings related to the University's core business of teaching, learning and research are timetabling unit personnel within the Office of Student and University Planning. (37) The document links and policies that should be read or used in conjunction with this policy include the following:Space Hiring Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Statement
Top of PageSection 4 - Procedures
Part A - Space for Hire
Part B - Hiring Fees
Part C - Space Hiring Applications
Part D - Space Hiring Conditions
University's Rights
Liability and Insurance
Using the Space
Additional Security
Equipment and Facilities
Cleaning the Space
Food and Beverage
Event promotion
Part E - Exemptions
Section 5 - Guidelines
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