(1) This policy details Western Sydney University's requirements in regard to recruitment and selection for Academic and Professional staff positions. It sets out the University's standards for employment in such positions and details the principles for recruiting and selecting applicants. (2) The University's goal as part of Our People 2015 strategy is to build a reputation as an employer of choice in the Greater Western Sydney Region and to attract appropriately skilled applicants who reflect the Region's diverse community. The benefits to the University are an increased pool of potential applicants and access to a broader range of knowledge and skills. The University has policies and programs that support workplace diversity such as the Respect and Inclusion in Learning and Working Policy, the Equal Opportunity and Diversity Policy, the Disability Policy, and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement Strategy. (3) The University's objective is to ensure a professional, fair and ethical approach to recruitment that matches the skills, expertise and experience of an individual to the requirements of each operating unit and the University's strategic priorities. It does this by having a range of recruitment, selection and appointment strategies. (4) This document applies to ongoing, fixed-term and internal secondment vacancies within the University. (5) Employment of casual employees are not covered by this policy. A hiring manager who engages a casual employee shall do so in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy and the relevant staff agreement. (6) This policy should be read in conjunction with the current Professional Staff Agreement and the Academic Staff Agreement. (7) Due diligence in recruitment and selection is crucial in minimising risk to the University. Principles and procedures in this policy must be followed and be consistently applied in accordance with staff agreements, associated policies and relevant legislation. The candidate's suitability, identity, ability to work in Australia and any relevant criminal checks must be sought and documented. Privacy is to be maintained in accordance with relevant legislation. (8) For the purpose of this policy: (9) Western Sydney University is committed to the selection of applicants on merit and to building organisational capability and excellence through its people. The University's merit-based recruitment and selection principles allow for competitiveness, fairness and transparency. Merit-based recruitment and selection draws from a wide pool of applicants and assesses applicants on the basis of their knowledge, skills, attributes and experiences as these relate to the requirements of the position, the operational unit and the University. The recruitment and selection process: (10) The University strives to provide a work and study environment for employees and students that encourages fairness, equity and respect for social inclusiveness and cultural diversity and is consistent with the principles of equal employment opportunity. Refer to the Respect and Inclusion in Learning and Working Policy. (11) Employees involved in recruitment are required to conduct themselves in a professional manner, to follow the University's policies and procedures, to maintain confidentiality of the selection process, and to protect individual rights to privacy. The convenor of the selection panel is responsible for ensuring that all Selection Panel members and support staff are aware of these responsibilities. (12) Convenors of selection panels must ensure that any selection panel members who are external to the University have read and understood the policy requirements. (13) Where it can be reasonably expected that an employee will be involved in the recruitment and selection process, recruitment and selection training must be undertaken. Training is provided by Talent and Leadership Development. In circumstances where a selection panel member has not undertaken training, the convenor must ensure that they have read and understood the policy and relevant associated documents. (14) Selection Panel members and employees engaged in the recruitment and selection process must assess potential conflicts of interest in terms of the likelihood of their being influenced or appearing to be influenced in the performance of their role in the process. In accordance with the Code of Conduct and the Conflict of Interest Policy, the onus is on the Selection Panel member or employees to declare any conflict or potential conflict of interest to the convenor of the Selection Panel. (15) The University encourages Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islanders to apply, through a competitive process, for positions at all levels of the University in order to build an employee profile which reflects the region in which the University operates. This is in accordance with the University's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement Strategy and its aim to foster an inclusive and diverse workplace for all employees. Refer to the Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement Policy. (16) The University supports various employment initiatives including recruitment of Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islanders into positions at all levels including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander non-Identified and Identified positions, i.e. trainees, graduates, cadets, interns, management and professorial roles. (17) The Director, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement has responsibility for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement strategy, policy development and implementation across the University. In order to support the University's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement Strategy, the Director, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement must be consulted in recruitment processes involving Identified Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander positions or where applicants declare Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander descent for non-Identified Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander positions. (18) The University acknowledges the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders' contributions to the University community. (19) Recruitment is managed using the University's on-line recruitment management system, eRecruit. The Office of People and Success manages eRecruit and provides training in its use. (20) Employees directly involved in recruiting are to use eRecruit and establish and maintain appropriate records detailing reasons for decisions and providing clear audit trails. (21) Decisions regarding whether to recruit internally only, or internally and externally, will be made by the approving delegate and be based on; (22) Prior to proceeding with any recruitment action, advertising must be approved by the appropriate delegate as set out in the Delegations of Authority Policy. (23) In regard to current and future workforce requirements, the proposed type of employment required to fill the vacancy must be considered in terms of strategic impact, taking into account both the duration of the appointment and the type of appointment (i.e. ongoing, fixed-term, casual). Types of employment also include Identified Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander employment, cadetships, apprenticeships, traineeships, and graduate placements. (24) The use of fixed-term employment contracts for Professional and Academic positions is limited to particular circumstances. Please refer to the categories of fixed-term appointments detailed within the relevant Staff Agreements. (25) The University must be able to demonstrate that it has reasonably considered flexible employment options when recruiting to vacant positions. The hiring manager will consider whether a position is suitable for job share, part time or other flexible work arrangement. The appropriate option should be included in the advertisement. (26) Under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement Strategy, certain positions within the University may be designated as Identified Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander positions. Designated development programs which include vocational and professional development opportunities are available for Identified Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander people to assist in increasing the participation of Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander people at all levels of the University in accordance with the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) and the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth). (27) Identified Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander Positions are positions which provide specific services to Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander people and/or provide advice about Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander culture and people and therefore are most effectively filled by Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander people. This includes positions that are established with special requirements to recruit, support, educate and/or provide services to Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander employees and students. A position description for a formally approved Identified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander position must include the following statement: "This position requires an Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander as a genuine occupational qualification under section 14 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW)." (28) The University is required under legislation to fulfil its obligation to employees displaced as the result of organisational change. Employees who elect redeployment will be assessed for placement into suitable vacant positions across the University and its entities. (29) Redeployment of displaced employees is proactively managed by the Office of People and Success. The process involves case management including capability assessment of the displaced employees to facilitate matching and placement into suitable positions. Please refer to the relevant Staff Agreement for further information. (30) Displaced employees have priority for placement where a vacant position is deemed suitable. The position may be ongoing, fixed-term or a secondment. The Office of People and Success will maintain a register of displaced employees and will liaise with hiring managers throughout the redeployment process. (31) The use of an external executive search organisation may assist in sourcing applicants for senior management roles or specialised roles that are difficult to fill through normal advertising. (32) The engagement of an executive search organisation will be facilitated by the Office of People and Success. Advice from the Office of People and Success is to be sought should the services of an executive search organisation be considered necessary. (33) From time to time the University may call for tenders for the provision of search services and appoint preferred suppliers. Where a preferred supplier arrangement is in place the Office of People and Success will liaise with the hiring managers on the procedures and guidelines for the use of such services. (34) The University reserves the right to offer an appointment by invitation to a specific individual where the appointment will meet the strategic requirements of the University, in accordance with the Appointment by Invitation Policy. (35) All Professional staff positions, ongoing and fixed-term must be advertised on the Current Vacancies webpage. (36) All Academic staff positions, ongoing and fixed-term, are to be filled in accordance with Part B of the current Academic Staff Agreement. (37) A position may be advertised either internally only or internally and externally dependent on the vacancy, with the exception of a secondment of less than six months duration which may be advertised via an 'expression of interest'. (38) Where appropriate, the University may employ other advertising media including newspapers, the internet, recruitment services and community networks. Decisions about suitable advertising media must consider the capacity to attract a wide applicant pool, including applicants from a diverse range of backgrounds. All advertising media are subject to approval by the relevant delegated officer as outlined in the Delegations of Authority Policy. (39) Positions which could reasonably be anticipated to involve direct contact with children, where that contact will be unsupervised as defined in the Working With Children (Workers and Students) Policy, must be identified and the Office of People and Success advised. (40) In accordance with the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) where a position provides a service specifically for Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander peoples, the University will identify such positions and include the following wording, or variation thereof: "This position requires an applicant to be an Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander as a genuine occupational qualification as authorised by section 14 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW)." The University will develop a database of relevant publications, networks and media outlets to support effective recruitment of Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander people. (41) Where a position has been advertised as an Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander Identified position and a reasonable number of suitable applications have not been received, the recruitment strategy is to be reviewed in consultation with the Director, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement. (42) Advertisements will direct all applications to be submitted online via the Current Vacancies webpage or to contact the Office of People and Success for submitting a written application. (43) Applicants who are unable to submit applications electronically should contact the Office of People and Success to arrange submission of a written application. On receipt, written applications will be entered into the eRecruit system. Any applications received in other locations are to be promptly forwarded to the relevant Senior HR Partner. (44) Late applications prior to shortlisting of applications will not be accepted except at the discretion of the panel convenor. Applications received after completion of the short-listing process will not be considered. (45) All selection processes will be undertaken by a selection panel. The minimum panel membership will include: (46) For Executive level appointments, the panel will be chaired by the Vice-Chancellor and President or his or her nominee, and must include an external member of the Board of Trustees nominated by the Chancellor. (47) For Academic appointments, the panel will be chaired by a Dean, Director, Research Institute, a Deputy Vice-Chancellor, a Vice-Chancellor or the Vice-Chancellor and President unless otherwise approved by the relevant Deputy Vice-Chancellor. (48) To ensure equity, panel membership should include: (49) The convenor may invite additional people with relevant experience (e.g. for senior positions, academic positions, managerial positions) to the selection panel. (50) Any additional selection panel members must be involved in all aspects of the selection process, including short-listing, interviewing and so on. (51) A selection panel established for the selection of an Identified Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander position, should have at least 50 per cent Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander membership. The selection panel must include the Director, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement or nominee. The convenor of the selection panel or nominee is to liaise with the Director, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement regarding all inquiries associated with the selection process. (52) Selection panel members must declare any conflict of interest early in the selection process and take appropriate action in accordance with the Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy. (53) Selection panel members must sign a confidentiality notice in which they acknowledge the requirement to maintain confidentiality of the selection process. (54) On completion of the selection process it is the responsibility of the selection panel to recommend: (55) Any concerns about the recruitment and selection process are to be referred in the first instance to the convenor of the selection panel. If the convenor is unable to resolve the matter or requires advice or assistance, the matter is to be referred to the Chief People Officer. (56) No commitment of employment is to be made formally or informally by any member of the selection panel or the hiring manager to any applicant, nor any feedback provided to applicants, prior to written approval of appointment being received from the approving officer. (57) The selection panel will consider all applications and undertake short-listing based on whether applicants meet the key selection criteria and apply a merit-based process for selection. As part of a short-listing process the panel may request applicants submit examples of teaching ot research output or impact. (58) Applicants must be provided with adequate notice of scheduled interviews. (59) The convenor must ensure effective communication between the selection panel and applicants in relation to the interview. (60) All applicants attending for interviews must be given the opportunity to indicate that they have particular needs as a result of a disability and have their needs accommodated without discrimination in accordance with the Disability Policy. Where an applicant requires assistive technologies or other adjustments due to disability, the convenor must seek advice from Equity, Diversity and Wellbeing. (61) Prior to making a recommendation to appoint a candidate, the convenor will arrange for a minimum of two and generally three referee reports. (62) Verbal reference checking should be undertaken by the convenor or their nominee for the recommended applicant(s) in addition to a written reference if this has been provided, to ensure a full and rigorous evaluation of the applicant's suitability for the position. Where verbal references are sought, a written summary will be provided to the selection panel by the convenor. (63) Written references should support the applicant's application with specific comments addressing the selection criteria. (64) To avoid a conflict of interest, references will not be accepted from selection panel members for applicants. (65) All references sought by the University are on a confidential basis. Neither the report nor its contents will be made available to anyone other than selection panel members and the approving officer to ensure that references are provided on a full and frank basis. Referees should be advised that their report may be requested as part of an application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW), and that if they wish their reference to remain confidential they should state that they are providing the reference on a strictly confidential basis to those formally involved in the selection process. (66) Where appropriate, having regard to the duties and responsibilities of the position or as required by a particular funding agreement or legislation, a convenor may request the Office of People and Success to arrange for a criminal record check to be carried out in relation to the recommended applicant. The recommended applicant must agree to the criminal record check, either through the eRecruit application or by providing written permission, prior to the check being undertaken. (67) Where more than one applicant is considered suitable for appointment, the selection panel should rank applicants in order of suitability and record an eligibility list in the Selection Panel report. (68) If the recommended applicant declines the position or leaves the University through resignation or any other reason within six months of commencement, the next applicant identified as suitable for appointment on the Selection Panel report may be offered the appointment. Alternatively the hiring manager may readvertise and recommence the recruitment and selection process. (69) The eligibility list may also be utilised where a subsequent position/s with the same selection criteria becomes available within six months of the initial advertised position being accepted. (70) The Office of People and Success is the key liaison point for immigration issues. (71) In negotiating a commencement date with the recommended applicant, the convenor must allow time for completion of the immigration process, where applicable. The recommended applicant cannot commence employment with the University until clearance from the Department of Home Affairs is received in writing by the University. (72) The successful applicant may arrive in Australia on the basis of a temporary visa but cannot commence employment until DIBP clearance is received by the University. (73) Applicants on an Employer Nomination for Temporary Visa 457 should be covered by health insurance as per the conditions of his/her visa. (74) To be eligible for appointment to a position within the University individuals must meet all relevant employment provisions including those contained in: (75) A former employee who has previously separated from the University under redundancy provisions cannot be re-employed until after the period of time equivalent to the total redundancy payment (notice period and payment for completed years of service) has elapsed unless there is a clear change in occupation from that previously held (e.g. from a previous Professional position to an Academic position or vice versa). (76) To be eligible to apply for and be appointed to a position that has been advertised internally, with the exception of a secondment, applicants must be: (77) Eligibility for secondments is outlined in Part D. (78) In the event of circumstances that may warrant the payment of fares or relocation expenses to the successful applicant, this must be in accordance with the Relocation Assistance Upon Appointment Policy. (79) All new employees must undergo a probationary period relevant to their employment classification and level of appointment. The duration of the probationary period will be reasonable having regard to the nature and circumstances of the appointment. Managers should refer to the probation clause in the relevant Staff Agreement. Probation does not apply where an existing employee is successful in gaining a new role. (80) All successful applicants must complete the University's induction program and job specific training relevant to their role, within three months of commencement. This includes Work, Health and Safety, Equal Opportunity and Diversity, TRIM Record-keeping, induction for Managers and Orientation to the University. (81) Hiring managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring new employees complete any mandatory or job specific training and are properly inducted into their role (82) New appointees should be encouraged to complete the EEO Survey on the University website and if a disability exists, disclose the need for reasonable adjustments in the workplace. (83) The Director, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement will also provide support to Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander people employed by the University in accordance with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement Strategy. (84) An internal secondment may be offered for periods greater than three months to provide eligible employees with a career development opportunity in accordance with the Professional Development Policy. The principles in this policy also apply for the filling of an internal secondment. Please refer to the Guidelines for Higher Duties and Secondment Appointments. (85) Where a vacancy is for a specified period of time and is advertised internally and/or externally and a current eligible employee is selected as the preferred applicant, that employee may be seconded from his/her substantive position for the duration of the vacancy. (86) Where an internal secondment is for a period of six months or less, the Unit may seek expressions of interest from employees within the Unit, School or Division via email. A suitable pool of applicants should exist within the Unit, School or Division for this to be a viable option. To target a broader pool of internal applicants, the secondment may also be advertised through the eRecruit system on Current Vacancies webpage as an expression of interest. (87) Where an internal secondment is for a period of more than six months, the vacancy may be advertised either internally only, or internally and externally, dependent on the vacancy. Positions up to and including HEW Level 6 positions must be advertised internally only, in the first instance. (88) All ongoing full-time or part-time employees who have completed a minimum of the equivalent of 12 months' full-time continuous service and who are deemed by their supervisor to be performing satisfactorily may be considered for an internal secondment. (89) Internal secondment opportunities are also available to fixed-term employees who have met the requirements of clause 88 above and where the period of their fixed-term contract covers the duration of the secondment. Casual employees are not eligible to apply for secondments. (90) Normally a period of six months is required between the return of an employee to their substantive position following a period of secondment and application for a subsequent secondment. A shorter eligibility period may apply if agreed by the releasing manager in advance of the application for secondment being made. (91) An ongoing employee or an employee on a fixed-term contract employed at the time of the advertisement by an entity of the University in which the University has more than a 50 percent controlled interest may also apply for secondment opportunities at the University so long as he/she meets the above eligibility criteria. (92) The Unit Head or the convenor of the selection panel (where applicable) is responsible for checking the eligibility of applicants. Advice may be sought from the Office of People and Success. (93) Delegation to approve a secondment at the conclusion of the selection process is in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy. This applies to both the approving of the selection process outcome and the release of the employee who is the preferred applicant. (94) After approval of the selection process outcome, the preferred applicant may be verbally advised of the outcome and that approval for release to take up the position is subject to the provisions of this policy. A letter of offer will not be issued until the employee's supervisor has been consulted to determine a suitable release date. (95) Where filling a vacancy will result in an internal secondment, the supervisor or unit head where the vacancy occurs must liaise with the preferred applicant's supervisor to discuss the details and circumstances of the release from the applicant's substantive position for the duration of the vacancy. The applicant's supervisor must be given the opportunity to consider the impact of the secondment on the operation of the work unit and must agree to the secondment. Where a secondment presents a genuine opportunity for an employee to gain new skills or knowledge and/or to act at a higher level, the delegated officer for the employee's substantive position is expected to support the secondment. (96) Should the supervisor refuse to release an employee, the supervisor must prepare a submission to the Dean/Director explaining the reasons. Should the Dean/Director also refuse to release the employee, the issue must be submitted to the Chief People Officer for determination. (97) Where agreement between the unit heads has been reached on the secondment, the release date from the substantive position would normally occur no later than 20 working days from the date of approval for the internal secondment. Where a date within this timeframe cannot be agreed with the releasing supervisor, the issue is to be referred to the unit heads of the two operational units. (98) Internal secondments may be at the same, higher or lower level compared to the employee's substantive position. If the position is at a higher level, the employee may be eligible for payment of an allowance in accordance with the relevant Staff Agreement. If the position is at the same level, the employee remains eligible for any increments that would normally apply if he/she had remained in his/her substantive position. If the seconded position is at a lower level, the agreement to allow the employee to take up the opportunity is on the understanding that the employee will be paid at the highest salary step for the lower level position. (99) The role and responsibilities of the position (as provided within the position description), a work plan with performance objectives, and a development plan with learning outcomes should be agreed to by the employee and the supervisor at the commencement of the secondment. Appropriate on-the-job training and supervision should be provided during the secondment. (100) An employee who proceeds on a secondment is expected to exhaust any leave entitlement accrued during the period of the secondment prior to returning to his/her substantive position. In the event that it is not possible to take leave accrued, the cost centre where the secondment took place will be required to pay for the cost of the leave accrued. These arrangements must be confirmed before an employee returns to his/her substantive unit. (101) At the end of the secondment the employee will return to their substantive position unless the position has been made redundant. Where this has occurred, procedures will be implemented in accordance with the organisational change provisions of the relevant staff agreement. (102) A Recruitment and Selection Toolkit is available on the University's Intranet website and is linked to the eRecruit system. (103) Only applicants who have established Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander status will be considered for selection into Identified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander positions. University employees who have already established their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status will not need to do so again. (104) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment initiatives requiring proof of Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander status include but are not limited to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement Program, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Graduate Program, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cadetship Program, Traineeships and designated Management and Professorial programs. Refer to the web for further information on these and other identified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander programs. (105) All applicant queries regarding proof of Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander status are to be referred in the first instance to the Director, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement. (106) Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander applicants will be required to provide the necessary proof at a time agreed between the applicant and the convenor of the selection panel. No offer of employment is to be made prior to the convenor's receipt of the proof of identity documentation and delegated approval. (107) In order to establish Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander status, individuals shall provide documentary evidence in accordance with Department of Education, Skills and Employment requirements, namely: (108) In unusual circumstances, where an applicant is recommended for appointment to an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identified position and cannot provide evidence in accordance with Clause 100, the applicant may submit a Statutory Declaration affirming their status as an Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander and setting out the reasons why additional evidence is not available. Approval to appoint will be the responsibility of the Vice-President, People and Advancement on the recommendation of the selection panel, the Director, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement and the Chief People Officer. (109) There is no requirement for an applicant to provide proof of Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander status when applying for a non-identified position. This does not prevent an applicant from choosing to provide such documentation to support his/her application. (110) The Director, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Engagement or nominee may; (111) Where uncertainty remains, the onus shall be on the applicant to prove Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander status.Recruitment and Selection Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of Page
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander Employment/Recruitment
Section 4 - Procedures
Part A - Recruitment
Displaced Employees
External Executive Search
Appointment by Invitation
Submission of Applications
Part B - Selection Panels
Reference Checking
Order of Merit
Part C - Appointment
Eligibility for Appointment
Fares and Relocation Expenses
Orientation and Induction
Part D - Internal Secondment Positions
Section 5 - Guidelines
Proof of Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander Status
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Internal secondments must be advertised through the eRecruit system unless advertised through expression of interest.