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Appointment By Invitation Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose and Context

(1)  This policy should be considered alongside the UWS Recruitment and Selection Policy which outlines the University's commitment to selection on merit of new staff.

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Section 2 - Definitions

(2)  Nil.

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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(3)  The University's objective is to ensure a professional, fair and ethical approach to recruitment that matches the skills, expertise and experience of an individual to the requirements of the operating unit of the University and the University's strategic priorities. This approach should also provide for the flexibility necessary to ensure that certain fixed-term, strategic priority positions can be filled quickly.

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Section 4 - Procedures

Principles and Procedure

(4)  Merit is the overriding criterion and must be established by peer review and other forms of assessment of the qualifications, expertise and achievements of the individual.

(5)  The proposed appointment is required to be made in a short time frame or confidential way.

(6)  The position to be filled is fixed-term.

(7)  A case outlining the circumstances of the appointment, conditions, attached, claim for the position of an individual (including CV and references) will be provided to a Selection Panel.

(8)  The panel will be approved by the Executive Dean or Division Head who will make a recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor.

(9)  The nominator of the individual and the members of the panel should not have a direct professional involvement with the individual. All conflicts of interest must be declared prior to the consideration of the individual and any recommendation coming forward to the Vice-Chancellor.

(10)  On the basis of the panel's report and the reports of appropriate assessors or referees the Vice-Chancellor will consider the recommendation for an invitation to be made to the individual.

(11)  The decision of the Vice-Chancellor will be provided to the College or Division for implementation.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(12)  Nil.