(1) These procedures guide Schools and Research Institutes in their responsibilities regarding the provision of facilities and resources to support Higher Degree Research (HDR) candidates in their studies. (2) Higher Degree Research (HDR) candidature resources are supported by Research Training Program (RTP) funding, which provides Commonwealth funds to enable flexibility in meeting the requirements of candidates working in broadly different areas of academic enquiry and ensures equity of candidature support. (3) For the purposes of these Procedures, definitions that apply can be found in the Higher Degree by Research Policy and the Policy DDS Glossary, in addition to the following: (4) Refer to the Higher Degree By Research Policy. (5) The University provides resources and infrastructure to support HDR candidates to complete their degree and to participate in and contribute to the research culture of their School or Institute and the University within the financial constraints of the University and consistent with principles of equity. (6) Provision of resources and infrastructure are also governed by policies on Work Health and Safety (WHS) and Equal Employment Opportunity. (7) The nature and extent of resources and infrastructure available to support individual candidates will be widely communicated to include HDR candidates, supervisors, and all academic leaders in HDR education on the University website. (8) Standard support is reviewed on a regular basis, no less than every two years. (9) Candidature Support Funds (CSF) are available to assist in meeting the costs of the research work undertaken during HDR candidature. CSF should not be viewed as the main source of funding for the candidature but as an additional pool that can pay for legitimate costs relating to a specific candidature. (10) Indigenous Cultural Support Funds (ICSF) are available for Schools and Research Institutes to allocate to Indigenous and non-Indigenous HDR candidates whose research requires added costs (e.g., reciprocity, capacity development, returning results to communities) to engage ethically with Indigenous peoples and communities (see the WSU Indigenous Research Strategy: Theme 3 SA 7 and Theme 4 SA 3). (11) The funding allocation provided to Schools and Research Institutes as CSF must be used specifically to support the research of HDR candidates. (12) In allocating CSF Schools and Research Institutes: (13) CSF is approved and managed by School Deans and Directors, Research Institutes. (14) CSF funds are available for a range of items including, but not limited to: (15) HDR candidates outline CSF requirements as part of their Confirmation of Candidature (CoC) and these requirements are reviewed in their Annual Progress Report. However, it is recognised that expenses and opportunities arise that may not have been anticipated during the Confirmation of Candidature or at the time of the Annual Progress Report. (16) Equipment purchased will remain the property of the University and is to be returned to the School or Institute upon completion of study or withdrawal from candidature, unless approval is granted by the Dean or Director, Research Institute for the candidates to retain ownership. (17) Changes to the direction of candidate’s work will not automatically guarantee additional resources and any changes to estimated resource requirements must be negotiated within the School or Research Institute. (18) Requests for CSF must be supported by the HDR candidates Principal Supervisor. (19) The Associate Dean, Research and HDR or the HDR Director consider the timing of requests, taking a whole of candidature view and must endorse CSF requests prior to approval. (20) The School Dean or Director, Research Institute approve CSF requests. (21) The Director, Indigenous Research will advise on the merit of ICSF applications. (22) Schools and Research Institutes will ensure HDR candidates working on campus are provided with access to: (23) HDR candidates given access to these workspaces are expected to comply with University Policy Documents and contribute to a safe and inclusive work environment. Refer to the Bullying Prevention Policy, Code of Conduct, Discrimination, Harassment, Vilification and Victimisation Prevention Policy, Motting and Hazing Prevention Policy, Respect and Inclusion in Learning and Working Policy, and Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy. (24) Space and storage requirements may be met by shared use of desks and storage, in agreement with the Associate Dean, Research and HDR or the HDR Director. (25) HDR candidates may be asked by Schools or Research Institutes to indicate their time requirements at the beginning of each semester. (26) Part-time HDR candidates will be expected to share workspaces. (27) Workspaces will be configured in such a way as to implement particular methodologies or to comply with confidentiality or other ethical requirements as determined by or agreed with the Associate Dean, Research and HDR or the HDR Director. (28) External Candidates (candidates based outside of NSW) and candidates working off-campus may be occasionally required to travel to campus. The costs associated with this travel should be met by the candidate. (29) HDR candidates are only permitted to install non-University licensed software on University issued devices in accordance with the University’s policy documents including the Acceptable Use of Digital Services Policy, Digital Information Security Policy and Cyber Security Policy. (30) HDR candidates are provided with access to University networks on the same basis as academic staff, where appropriate and approved by the Associate Dean, Research and HDR or HDR Director. (31) HDR candidates are permitted to use personal devices and connect to University web-based applications in accordance with the University's policy documents including the Digital Information Security Policy and Cyber Security Policy and that do not require a specific University licence. (32) HDR candidates are provided with access to physical and online Library holdings to support their research. (33) HDR candidates are provided with access to free document delivery to on-campus locations through requests to the Library. (34) HDR candidates are granted differential loan periods with approval from the Library. (35) The Library will assist HDR candidates to borrow suitable resources from other Australian libraries. (36) HDR candidates have access to specialist referencing software and training through the Library. (37) The University is committed to providing equitable support to HDR candidates from diverse groups, such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, international, and those with a disability. (Refer to the Support for Students Policy) (38) Where registered disability support and/or an Academic Reasonable Adjustment Plan (ARAP) or Placement Reasonable Adjustment Plan (PRAP) is in place, requests for additional support or reasonable adjustments will be accommodated wherever possible, in consultation with the candidate, the relevant School or Institute and a Disability Advisor. (39) The University is committed to providing appropriate levels of pastoral support for all HDR candidates and promoting health and wellbeing, which includes counselling, peer support, and spiritual needs.(Refer to the Support for Students Policy) (40) The Graduate Research School (GRS) ensures that appropriate and accessible information is available to candidates on support services including: (41) Schools and Research Institutes may support candidates with publication or other research dissemination activity until graduation, subject to available resources. This may include a workspace, equipment, facilities, IT and Library access where appropriate. (42) Enrolled HDR candidates have access to career, resume advice and job matching services provided by Western Careers and Employability. (43) Higher Degree By Research Procedures - Admission (44) Higher Degree By Research Procedures - CandidatureHigher Degree by Research Procedures - Resources
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of Page
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Procedures
Part A - HDR Candidature Support Funds
Part B - On-Campus Workspace and Secure Storage
Part C - Computing and Information Technology Facilities
Part D - Library
Part E - Diversity and Pastoral Care
Part F - Post-examination and Career Development Support
Section 5 - Procedures
Section 6 - Guidelines
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