(1) As an accredited animal research establishment, the University is subject to a number of statutes governing the use and care of animals for research and teaching purposes. Under these statutes the University is responsible for the animals' welfare and standard of care. (2) The University also acknowledges that it has an obligation to protect native fauna that utilise our campuses as an extension of their habitat. (3) The University recognises that animals can and do present a risk to the health and safety of individuals who attend its campuses and to those animals kept for research and teaching purposes. Some animals have the potential to inflict harm (i.e. attack) and the vast majority pose a potential threat in terms of their capacity to contribute to accidents, spread disease and/or cause allergic reactions. (4) This Policy provides the University's strategies to reduce and manage the risk that animals present. (5) The Policy applies to all individuals and groups, whenever they are on University premises. (6) For the purpose of this policy, definitions that apply can be found in the Policy DDS Glossary and the following: (7) To protect the health and safety of individuals who attend the University's premises and to guard the welfare of animals retained by the University for research and teaching purposes or native fauna, no animal is to be brought or kept on University premises at any time, unless that animal is covered by a current exemption in accordance with Part B of this policy. (8) The University reserves the right to: (9) Native fauna are automatically exempt. (10) Where an exemption is granted, the person bringing the animal onto the University's premises must ensure that they: (11) The University reserves the right to amend and/or revoke exemptions to address changing circumstances and/or failure to comply with the conditions of the exemption. (12) Under a standing exemption, an animal may be brought or kept on University premises at any time to perform the activities for which the exemption has been granted. (13) Where the University grants an animal a standing exemption, a description of the animal as well as the details and extent of its exemption, will be recorded. (14) Standing exemptions apply to: (15) The Vice-President, Infrastructure and Commercial grants, amends or revokes a standing exemption. (16) Anyone seeking to add to or amend standing exemptions must submit a written application to the Vice-President, Infrastructure and Commercial. The application must clearly state the purpose and extent of the exemption. (17) The Vice-President, Infrastructure and Commercial may approve the University's participation in discrete community-based campaigns that promote pets accompanying students and staff on to campus. When approved, students and staff may bring to campus domestic pets of the type contemplated in the approved campaign, taking reasonable precautions to ensure the pets are: (18) Under a temporary (short-term) exemption, animals may be brought onto University premises for a limited period of time. The University may grant a temporary exemption where it deems that an exemption is necessary to support the University's business objectives and/or fulfil the University's mission or where it deems that the animal poses no risk to the fulfilment of the University's obligations as an organisation or accredited animal research establishment. (19) Where an animal is used for certain educational activities (e.g. open day, external course activities, etc.) temporary exemption is subject to approval by the ACEC. Where a non-research/teaching animal is used, the Director, Campus Safety and Security may, having due regard for the purpose and intent of this Policy, approve a temporary exemption. (Refer to Section 4). (20) Animals found or injured on University premises must be handled as per Part E and ensuring individuals do not place themselves or others at risk. (21) Applications for a new Standing Exemption must be submitted in writing to the Vice-President, Infrastructure and Commercial. (22) Applications for a Temporary Exemption must be submitted in writing to the ACEC or the Director, Campus Safety and Security. (23) All applications for exemption must clearly state: (24) Where the exemption relates to an animal being used for educational purposes, the applicant must also complete and submit an ACEC application clearly stating: (25) Exemptions are not automatically granted on submission of an application and applicants must wait until they have written confirmation that an exemption has been granted prior to bringing an animal on campus. Accordingly, applications should be lodged as early as possible to allow time for processing as follows: (26) The Vice-President, Infrastructure and Commercial, ACEC or the Director, Campus Safety and Security will consider applications for exemption. (27) The Vice-President, Infrastructure and Commercial, ACEC or Director, Campus Safety and Security will notify applicants of their decision regarding exemptions in writing. Where an exemption is granted, the written notification will detail any additional conditions applicable to the exemption and state the period for which the exemption will apply. (28) Whenever on campus under a temporary exemption, the person in control of the animal must: (29) The person in control of the animal is responsible for removing any faeces deposited by the animal. The minimum acceptable action in this regard is that the individual collect, bag and deposit the faeces in an appropriate general waste disposal bin. Faeces are not to be deposited in paper or other recycle bins. (30) When an animal is found on University premises and is without its controller, unrestrained or violent, or where natural fauna is considered to present a risk to safety or is injured, Campus Safety and Security must be notified immediately. (31) Notification must include: (32) With the exception of the animal's owner, controller or an expert handler called in to provide assistance, no individual is to attempt to handle any: (33) Having reported the presence of the animal on campus, individuals should attempt to keep track of the animal until Campus Safety and Security arrives. In tracking the animal, individuals should not place themselves or others at risk. (34) Where handling of the animal is not prohibited and the individual is comfortable doing so, they may detain the animal until a Campus Security Officer arrives. (35) Campus Safety and Security will evaluate the situation and make appropriate arrangements for the capture, detainment and/or removal of the animal. Such arrangements will include the engagement of expert assistance in the capture, detainment and removal of those animals. (36) Campus Safety and Security will also determine whether the animal is permitted on University premises under a current exemption and establish whether the conditions of the exemption are being adhered to. Where a breach has occurred, Campus Safety and Security will issue further instructions and/or initiate further action in accordance with this Policy. (37) Where the animal's owner/controller is not present, Campus Safety and Security may: (38) The mechanism (e.g., collar, leash, pen or cage) used to detain the animal must be suited to the animal and be unlikely to cause the animal any harm. (39) Where Campus Safety and Security detain an animal, they will provide it with water only and: (40) Where an animal has been collected by an animal control officer, the animal's owner will be responsible for retrieving the animal from the relevant authority and for any costs associated with the animal's detainment by that authority. (41) Helpful information and advice for bringing a pet on to campus is available at RSPCA knowledge base.Animals on Campus Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of Page
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Part A - General Prohibition
Part B - Exemptions
Standing Exemptions
Temporary Exemptions
Part C - Handling Animals Found on University Premises
Section 4 - Procedures
Part D - Exemption Procedures
Applying for an Exemption
Approval of Exemptions
Exercising an Exemption
Part E - Animal Handling Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
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