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Conjoint Appointments Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose and Context

Part A - Purpose of Policy

(1) The purpose of this policy is to guide the approval processes for creating and renewing conjoint academic appointments. The policy is written specifically for the School of Medicine, School of Nursing and Midwifery and School of Science and Health (because of their particular reliance on such positions) but the policy framework may be used in similar circumstances for other disciplines, subject to approval.

Part B - Objectives

(2) To enable effective clinical teaching and research linkages between the UWS School of Medicine, School of Nursing and Midwifery and School of Science and Health and their teaching institutions such as hospitals and teaching general practices. A further objective is to allow for cross-appointments of academic staff between a primary School or organisational unit within the University (which holds the budget for the position and within which the position primarily reports) and another School or unit, for the mutual research and/or teaching benefit of both Schools or units.

Part C - Background to Conjoint Appointments

(3) A typical purpose for such a linked appointment is to provide clinical teaching for the University's medical, nursing and health science students by non-University employees in hospitals and in other sites of clinical practice. The majority of clinical teaching is done in this way. The teacher's substantive position may be as a staff specialist, visiting medical practitioner, hospital registrar, registered nurse, registered health professional or practitioner in a private practice setting. The conjoint nature of the relationship lies in the appointee's ability to carry out the teaching or research role for the University being dependent on their other, substantive, position.

(4) The appointment benefits the University as a result of the cooperation that it fosters with the other institution - by expanding the capacity for productive research and/or by providing teaching that is of high relevance to the University and generally not obtainable in other ways.

(5) When the policy is used to make a conjoint appointment to another School or unit, the appointment benefits the University by demonstrating and facilitating a substantive teaching or research linkage between the Schools or units. This may be of importance, for instance, to authenticate the linkage for external granting bodies or for bodies that externally accredit courses.

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Section 2 - Definitions

(6) For the purpose of this policy:

  1. Registered Nurses - are expert clinical nurses involved in providing patient care or leading nursing research or clinical management developments.
  2. Registrars - are trainee specialists in hospitals or teaching general practices (General Practice is now included as a specialty).
  3. Staff Specialists - are medical practitioners who provide care for patients in public hospitals on a full-time or nearly full-time basis under the Salaried Senior Medical Practitioners (State) Award. Performing medical research and teaching are generally included in their position descriptions.
  4. Visiting Medical Practitioners - are medical practitioners who provide care for patients in public hospitals on a part-time basis.
  5. Registered health professionals - are qualified health professionals registered to practice in their discipline area who provide patient care in public or private health care organisations.
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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(7) UWS will offer conjoint academic appointments where the appointee is to be attached to a unit of the University, on an entirely or predominantly honorary basis, and where the linkage to their substantive position in an external body such as a hospital or teaching practice or to another School or organisational unit within the University, is advantageous for the teaching or research performance of the University or both. Unlike an adjunct or visiting appointment, the linkage with the other institution, or School or unit, is essential to the success of the relationship.

(8) Duration of appointments will normally be for up to five years, but will be renewable on following the procedures in Section 4.

(9) Levels of appointment are:

  1. Conjoint Professor

    The title is conferred when the person is recognised as a leading national or international authority, with a sustained and in-depth record in a designated area relevant to the University's interests, who is able to provide leadership in this area on behalf of the University.
  2. Conjoint Associate Professor

    The title is conferred when the person is recognised as a significant authority, with a sustained and in-depth record in a designated area relevant to the University's interests, who is able to provide leadership in this area on behalf of the University.
  3. Conjoint Senior Lecturer and Lecturer

    These titles are conferred when the person is recognised as a respected contributor in a designated area relevant to the University's interests, who is able to participate effectively in this area on behalf of the University. The proposed level of appointment is commensurate with that of a Level C or Level B academic staff member, although level of achievement in a profession may be an important consideration, as well as achievements in teaching and research.
  4. Conjoint Associate Lecturer

    This title is conferred when the person is a valued but junior contributor in a designated area relevant to the University's interests. An example is a hospital or community medicine registrar who undertakes some clinical teaching for the University. The normal duration of an appointment at this level is one year.

(10) Conjoint appointees from organisations outside UWS:

  1. Are accorded the normal rights and privileges of University staff (either academic or general), except that they may not become members of formal workplace or Academic committees, except by decision of that committee, or vote in University elections (unless otherwise provided for in the University's bylaw or rules).
  2. Are entitled to nominate the University as host institution for the purpose of research applications, with the University administering any grants and associated staff appointments. Any publications resulting from the research must recognise the University.
  3. Appointees at the level of Conjoint Senior Lecturer and above are eligible to be co-supervisors of higher degree candidates.
  4. May represent the University in professional forums, conferences, and seminars, and are acknowledged in official University or other rolls.
  5. With respect to their university functions, are governed by the policies, rules and regulations of the University, and are responsible to the head of the appropriate University unit, where applicable.
  6. Are not eligible to undertake paid teaching for the University when the teaching activity is part of their normal responsibilities at their employing institution, but may receive remuneration for casual teaching under other circumstances if approved by the Dean.
  7. Are not appointed as an alternative to normal competitive recruitment and appointment processes for academic staff. Thus, if paid employment with the university other than casual teaching is to be entered into by a conjoint appointee, it should rarely exceed ten hours per week and the appointee will be issued with a separate contract of employment, which will need to meet normal industrial and other requirements.
  8. May, however, receive non-salary remuneration (e.g. a living allowance or allowance for work-related expenses, as appropriate).
  9. May be eligible to have their appointment renewed at the end of an initial or subsequent appointment. Renewal is based on demonstrable, positive contributions during the preceding period of appointment.
  10. May terminate the association with the University at any time, upon mutual consent. The Vice-Chancellor may terminate the appointment at any time in writing.
  11. When engaged on University business are covered by the University's insurances for the following, public liability, professional liability, medical malpractice and clinical trials.

(11) Conjoint appointments from units within UWS:

  1. May participate in advisory bodies within the host School but for the purpose of formal representation or election to workplace or academic bodies or their committees can only do so within their primary or home School.
  2. May undertake teaching in the host School in accordance with workload policies and principles and relevant employment agreements.
  3. May terminate the appointment with the host School at any time, upon mutual consent. The Dean of the School may terminate the appointment at any time in writing.

(12) Conjoint staff members who are attached to a unit of the University may, upon approval of the Dean, have access to unit resources.

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Section 4 - Procedures

Part D - Appointment and Renewal for Clinical and/or Research Staff Already Appointed to the External Body

(13) Appointments will be initiated usually by the head of the relevant teaching or research unit within the School of Medicine, School of Nursing and Midwifery or School of Science and Health who will make a proposal to the Dean. The proposal will include:

  1. current curriculum vitae of the individual;
  2. a completed Application for Recommendation for a Conjoint Appointment form;
  3. details of current and expected contribution to the School;
  4. a recommendation for the level of appointment, in accordance with the guidelines in clause 9 above and other guidelines that may be provided currently by the School;
  5. proposed period of attachment to the University, including a termination date;
  6. statement about the ownership of intellectual property generated during, and as a result of, the appointment (ownership would normally be the University's but shared ownership with a Health Service may also be negotiated); and
  7. any special conditions.

(14) In the case of Conjoint appointments below the level of Professor:

  1. Appointments at level of Conjoint Associate Professor are approved by the Dean, and the file forwarded to the Office of People and Culture for the appropriate letter to be issued by the Executive Director, People and Culture to the conjoint appointee.
  2. Appointments at levels up to Conjoint Senior Lecturer are approved by the Dean, and the file is forwarded to the Office of People and Culture as above.

(15) In the case of Conjoint Professor appointments:

  1. The Dean will either:
    1. reject the application;
    2. suggest that another category be considered;
    3. endorse it and refer it to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Corporate Strategy and Services; or
    4. refer it to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Corporate Strategy and Services with the recommendation that it be reviewed by the Visiting, Adjunct and Conjoint Appointments Reference Panel.
  2. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Corporate Strategy and Services will recommend professorial appointments to the Vice-Chancellor, who is the approving authority, following which the papers go to the Office of People and Culture as in clause 14.
  3. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Corporate Strategy and Services or Vice-Chancellor may (but is not obliged to) refer the matter to the Panel for evaluation. Where the matter has been referred to the Panel, the Panel then makes a recommendation back to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Corporate Strategy and Services or Vice-Chancellor and the latter then proceeds to determine the application.

Part E - Appointment of Conjoint Staff Simultaneously with their Appointment by the External Body

(16) In instances where an external body (usually a teaching hospital or a medical research institute) and the University wish to jointly advertise for a senior position in the external body, indicating that the successful applicant may be offered a conjoint position with the University, it may be possible to determine the likely level of conjoint appointment offered to potential applicant(s) prior to finalisation of the external body's recruitment process. The following procedure allows a fast-tracking of the process for awarding a conjoint title, available to be used when it advantages the external body in its recruitment efforts.

(17) In the case of potential Conjoint Professor appointments, the procedure is:

  1. Academic referees are sought in advance and the Dean is consulted.
  2. Appointments are made by selection panels constituted in accordance with the procedures of the external body but including the Vice-Chancellor (or nominee), the Dean (or nominee), a professor from the relevant School (nominated by the Dean ) and the Chair, Academic Senate (or nominee). The University representatives on the selection panel should make up a minority of its total membership.
  3. Immediately after the selection panel has decided on its preferred candidate, the committee reconvenes under the chairmanship of the Vice-Chancellor or nominee to determine the appropriate level of conjoint appointment to offer (or to recommend for approval by the Vice-Chancellor if s/he is not present but represented on the committee by a nominee).
  4. The substantive position will then be offered by the external body, which may indicate in its letter of offer that the University has agreed to a Conjoint Professorial appointment.
  5. When the substantive (e.g. hospital or research institute) position has been accepted, the Dean will forward the file to Office of People and Culture, who will write to the candidate as in clause 14 above.

(18) When the level of conjoint appointment is expected to be Conjoint Associate Professor, the selection panel will include the Dean (or nominee) and two other academic members at the level of Associate Professor or above. If the selection panel recommend appointment at this level, a recommendation is forwarded to the Dean for approval. If the Dean was on the selection panel (i.e. not a nominee), the recommendation is forwarded to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Corporate Strategy and Services.

(19) For appointments below the level of Conjoint Associate Professor, the selection panel should normally include at least one academic member (or conjoint member) of the School of Medicine. Once the position has been accepted, a request for Conjoint appointment can be dealt with expeditiously by the Dean as in Part D (12) above.

Part F - Appointment of Conjoint Staff Already Employed Within the University

(20) For appointments of staff already employed at UWS in other Schools or units the procedures outlined above under Part D should be followed. In addition, the proposal for the appointment as provided for under clause 13 must include the endorsement of the Dean of the home School or unit of the staff member.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(21) Nil.