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Gift and Benefit Reporting and Registration Procedure

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

(1) Note: 8 March 2012 - The Gift and Benefit Reporting and Registration Procedure is currently under review. Queries relating to this matter should be referred to the Office of Marketing and Communication.

Section 1 - Purpose and Context

(2) This document should be read in conjunction with the Gift and Benefit Acceptance and Management Policy.

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Section 2 - Definitions

(3) Nil.

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Section 3 - Policy Reference

(4) Refer to the Gift and Benefit Acceptance and Management Policy.

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Section 4 - Procedures

Reporting Gifts of Appreciation

(5) It is not a requirement to report the offer/acceptance/refusal of gifts of appreciation to the Office of Engagement & Partnerships for formal recognition in the Gifts Register, however the University recommends employees protect themselves by declaring all such gifts. To achieve this it is recommended that employees notify their supervisor every time they are offered a gift. The notification should be submitted to their supervisor in writing or via email within 48 hours of the offer being made. Notification should include the following details:

  1. The date on which the offer/presentation occurred
  2. The name(s) of those involved in presenting the gift
  3. The name of the recipient
  4. A detailed description of the gift
  5. An estimation of the value of the gift, or actual value if known
  6. The outcome of the offer (refused/accepted)

Reporting Token Gifts

(6) Acceptance of Token Gifts must be reported to the Office of Engagement & Partnerships ( via email or in writing. Notification must include:

  1. The date on which the offer/presentation occurred
  2. The name(s) of those involved in presenting the gift
  3. The name of the recipient
  4. A detailed description of the gift
  5. An estimation of the value of the gift, or actual value if known
  6. The intended utilisation/disposal of the gift (eg. Retention by recipient/Display in x location).

Reporting Official Gifts

(7) Acceptance of Official Gifts must be notified to both the Director /Executive Dean and the Office of Engagement & Partnerships ( via email or in writing. The notification should include:

  1. The date on which the offer/presentation occurred
  2. The name(s) of those involved in presenting the gift
  3. The name of the recipient
  4. A detailed description of the gift
  5. An estimation of the value of the gift, or actual value if known.
  6. The intended utilisation/disposal of the gift (eg. Retention by recipient/Display in x location)

(8) If a recipient wishes to retain a particular gift they should submit an application to retain the gift to their Director /Executive Dean at the time of lodging the above notification and should note this as the desired outcome against clause (6)(f).

(9) Alternately, if the recipient does not wish to retain the gift but wishes to make a recommendation for the utilisation of the gift this should be included at clause (6)(f) in their notification.

(10) On making their decision, the delegated approving officer is to notify the Office of Engagement & Partnerships of the outcome regarding clause (6)(f).

(11) In circumstances where the recipient is at or above Director /Executive Dean level, divisional reporting is automatically escalated one level. (e.g. If the Executive Director, People and Culture is the recipient, the report is submitted to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Corporate Strategy and Services ).

Reporting Gifts that form part of an Agreement

(12) Where the University has entered an agreement that incorporates the receipt of a gift, acceptance of such gifts will be reported to the Office of Engagement & Partnerships. The notification will include:

  1. The date on which the offer/presentation occurred
  2. The name(s) of those involved in presenting the gift
  3. The name of the recipient
  4. A detailed description of the gift
  5. An estimation of the value of the gift, or actual value if known.
  6. The intended utilisation/disposal of the gift (e.g. Retention by recipient/Display in x location).

Reporting of Bribes, Potential Bribes and Compromising Circumstances

(13) Bribes, potential bribes and Compromising Circumstances must be reported to an employee’s supervisor or another line manager. Under these circumstances notification may be achieved in the following manner:

  1. employees should notify their supervisor or another line manager of the incident as soon as practicable, preferable within 24 hours (excluding weekends and public holidays for non-shift workers) of the incident
  2. initial notification may be in verbal or written form
  3. where initial notification is provided verbally, this should be followed by a written report (email is acceptable) containing the information specified in clause (4) (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) within 48 hours (excluding weekends and public holidays for non-shift workers) of the incident

(14) Where a supervisor is presented with an Official Declaration they must:

  1. report the incident and outcome to the Office of Engagement & Partnerships as per clause (4) (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) and
  2. notify their Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the incident, and
  3. on receiving the employees written declaration, submit it to the DVC for consideration.

(15) In circumstances where the recipient is at or above DVC level, reporting is automatically escalated one level. (e.g. If a DVC is the recipient, the report is submitted to the Vice-Chancellor ).

(16) When presented with a report of a Bribe, Potential Bribe or Compromising Circumstance the delegated approving officer must assess the incident and make a determination in regard to further action as per clause (40) of the Gift and Benefit Acceptance and Management Policy, then notify the Office of Engagement & Partnerships as to the outcome of their deliberations.

(17) Where it is determined under clause (15) that the reported incident involves or is likely to involve corrupt conduct the Vice-Chancellor must be notified. The Vice-Chancellor will then report such incidents in accordance with section 11 of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act, 1988.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(18) Nil.