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Higher Degree by Research Policy

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Section 1 - Policy and Context 

(1) This Policy establishes the principles for the governance and conduct of Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Programs and candidature at Western Sydney University (University). 

(2) The rules applying to specific HDR programs, including any requirements for admission, period of candidature and examination, are detailed in the relevant HDR program entries in the University Online Handbook.

(3) This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Higher Degree by Research Procedures and the: 

  1. Charter of Academic Freedom
  2. Conflict of Interest Policy 
  3. Copyright Policy
  4. Foreign Arrangements and Foreign Interference Policy
  5. Freedom of Speech Policy
  6. Responsible Conduct of Research Policy 
  7. Student Code of Conduct 
  8. Schedule of Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Delegations 
  9. Student Learning Abroad Policy
  10. Student Misconduct Rule
  11. Support for Students Policy
  12. Western Sydney University Indigenous Research Strategy 2024 - 2028
  13. Western Sydney University Indigenous Strategy 2020 - 2025

(4) This Policy and its associated Procedures apply: 

  1. to all HDR programs offered by the University 
  2. to all applicants for, and candidates registered in, HDR programs
  3. from the date of publication and where previous HDR Policy Documents are silent on a matter.

(5)  This Policy and its associated procedures do not apply to candidates in Stage One of the Master of Research (MRes) including the Bachelor of Research exit award unless specified (refer to the Curriculum Design and Approvals Policy).

(6) Candidates in Stage Two of the Master of Research are subject to this Policy and its related Procedures.

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Section 2 - Definitions

(7) For the purposes of this Policy, definitions that apply can be found in the Policy DDS Glossary, in addition to the following: 

  1. Applicant means a person applying for admission to a HDR program
  2. Associate Dean, Research and HDR, or equivalent means the Associate Dean, Research and HDR and Associate Dean, Research, or HDR Director, as determined by a Dean or Director
  3. Candidate means a student registered in a HDR program, including Stage Two of the Master of Research
  4. Confirmation of Candidature (CoC) means a formal and comprehensive process in the first year of research that reviews the current progress of HDR candidature and plan for completion
  5. Dean, GS & RD means the Dean, Graduate Studies and Researcher Development
  6. Director, GRS means Director, Graduate Research School
  7. Doctoral Program means a research degree at Level 10 of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). This includes Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Professional Doctorates and named Doctorates
  8. Dual Award Higher Degree Research Program means a collaborative HDR program (doctoral or research master’s degree) offered under an authorised Institutional Framework Agreement with a degree awarded by each participating institution
  9. Fee offset means an RTP Fees Offset which extinguishes the liability of the student to pay tuition fees
  10. Fee waiver means full or partial fee reduction of HDR program fees by the University
  11. RTP means the Commonwealth Research Training Program
  12. Research Master’s Program means a HDR degree at Level 9 of the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF). For the purposes of this Policy this includes the Master of Philosophy and the Master of Research (Stage Two) unless otherwise specified
  13. Scholarship means a University or third party funded living allowance stipend for a HDR Program
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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(8) HDR training is undertaken at the University as a whole-of-university endeavour that recognises disciplinary differences and approaches but encompasses consistent standards in keeping with sector-wide best practice (Refer Australian Council of Graduate Research (ACGR)). 

(9) The University is committed to the highest standards of integrity in the conduct of higher degree research and fulfils its responsibilities by: 

  1. maintaining a safe intellectual environment with all academic freedoms (as defined within the University's Charter of Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech Policy) that supports candidates’ research activity, creative endeavour, inquiry and scholarship
  2. ensuring that all higher degree research is conducted in accordance with relevant University policy documents, standards and legislation, including the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (HESF), the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018, the National Code 2018 together with relevant defence and foreign interference legislation
  3. ensuring all research that may attempt to represent and/or include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities, Countries, cultures, and/or Indigenous Knowledges associated with such, must also adhere to established Indigenous ethical guidelines such as the AIATSIS Code of Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research (2020), the NHMRC - Ethical Conduct in Research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and Communities: Guidelines for researchers and stakeholders (2018), and Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property Rights (Terri Janke and Company, 2017).

(10) To support successful candidature, the University: 

  1. defines and recognises the rights and responsibilities of candidates and supervisors (Refer to HDR Procedures)
  2. monitors and provides feedback on the progress of candidates 
  3. facilitates independent external assessment and examination of candidates’ theses 
  4. supports the presentation and communication of research outputs by candidates  
  5. provides transparent and accessible mechanisms for the resolution of disputes
  6. provides support to students as per the Support for Students Policy.

(11) The University exercises its duty of care for all its higher degree candidates by: 

  1. providing continuing supervisory arrangements and appropriate resources necessary for the completion of quality research projects within the maximum period of candidature 
  2. ensuring candidates complete comprehensive induction to both the University and the local research environment, and relevant training in safety, wellbeing, research skills and integrity, and compliance requirements 
  3. fostering a sense of connection and belonging within the research community  
  4. supporting all candidates on an equitable basis and providing tailored support where required for specific cohorts, such as Indigenous Australians and international candidates (Refer to the Support for Students Policy)
  5. ensuring that all candidates with a disability or chronic health condition have access to appropriate supports and reasonable adjustments, detailed in an Academic Reasonable Adjustment Plan (ARAP) in line with the Disability Policy

(12) Supervision is provided by those with appropriate qualifications and experience, including discipline-specific knowledge, to guide and oversee the candidate’s experience whilst providing training in the planning and conduct of research. (Refer HDR Procedures – Supervision)

(13) For students directly engaging with the discipline of Indigenous Studies, supervision may also include external Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supervisors with exemplary community, industry, and cultural experience (e.g., Elders) which must include the offer of renumeration where appropriate.

(14)  All supervisors must abide by the University's Policy Documents and maintain the highest standards of integrity. This includes: 

  1. Complying with the Conflict of Interest Policy in the conduct of research and in particular in relation to the appointment of supervisors, Confirmation of Candidature panelists, and examiners
  2. Meeting regularly with their candidates and maintaining respectful relationships, including providing support to candidates as required (refer to the Curriculum Advice to Students Procedures)
  3. Ensuring all requirements are met to maintain supervisor registration (refer to Higher Degree by Research Procedures - Supervision)

(15) Candidates are only admitted to HDR programs where an appropriate research training environment can be provided, and the appropriate supervision and resources required for their project are available.

(16) All candidates must abide by the University's Policy Documents and maintain the highest standards of integrity. This includes: 

  1. undertaking their research with integrity by demonstrating respect for others, acting with integrity, being responsible for their actions and demonstrating fairness in their work 
  2. ensuring they have all ethics and other required approvals for their project and that their choice of topic does not breach any relevant legislation 
  3. actively engaging with their research and meeting with their supervisor(s) regularly to ensure they meet all requirements of their HDR Candidate Agreement (refer to the Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Candidature)
  4. complying with the Conflict of Interest Policy in all aspects during the conduct of their research.

(17) The Research Studies Committee (RSC) is responsible for annual monitoring and regular review of HDR Programs. The outcomes of review activities are used to assure the quality of the HDR training experience and optimise the capability of success for all candidates.

(18) The University offers scholarships including stipends and fee offsets consistent with relevant Commonwealth legislation and University Policy Documents, awarded competitively based on merit and according to the University's strategic priorities.

(19) Fee waivers are approved in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy, Delegations Schedule AA based on evidence of:

  1. financial hardship, and
  2. imminent completion, and
  3. the delay in completion not at the fault of the candidate.

(20) The University will consider opportunities for higher degree research candidates to benefit from joint supervision and enrolment arrangements through the establishment of dual awards with partner institutions.  

(21) Dual Awards research degree arrangements are made only where an authorised Institutional Framework Agreement is in place, in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy, that outlines the academic, resource and governance framework under which all candidatures and awards will proceed. (refer also to the Higher Degree by Research Procedures – Dual Awards and Joint Degrees).

(22) The establishment of an international collaboration and establishment of a dual award research degree will follow institutional processes to take account of potential foreign interference.

(23) For dual award research degrees, the University remains responsible for ensuring compliance of the HDR program of study with the standards in the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 that relate to the specific agreement.

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Section 4 - Procedures

(24) Procedures associated with this policy include:

  1. Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Admissions
  2. Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Candidature
  3. Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Candidature Variations
  4. Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Dual Awards Research Degrees
  5. Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Examinations
  6. Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Progress
  7. Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Resources
  8. Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Scholarships
  9. Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Supervision