(1) The UWS Graduate Attributes initiative is one of five strategic priorities for UWS in the Teaching and Learning Plan 2004 - 2008 which outlines strategies for their implementation. The list of UWS Graduate Attributes, approved by Academic Senate (AS03/4.15), replaces the "Characteristics of the UWS Graduate" which were developed in 1998. (2) The development of the list of UWS Graduate Attributes was based on a number of guiding principles: (3) The UWS Graduate Attributes are expected to be woven into all academic programs, with the requirement that the course-specific (or discipline-specific) attributes of graduates are to be defined with reference to the UWS Graduate Attributes. The University's Course and Unit Approval Processes require curriculum documentation to show how this is done, both in mapping where particular attributes are reflected in course and unit design, and in relating how teaching and assessment processes make these explicit. (4) Similarly, the University's academic program review and assessment processes will be informed by Graduate Attributes outcomes, and the processes of gathering student feedback on their experience will invite them to consider how much their capabilities for lifelong learning have been developed. (5) Academic support units in Division of Academic and Research (the Teaching Development Unit, Student Learning Unit and the Library's ) are available to provide expert advice and services to assist Colleges and Schools in their development of Graduate Attributes initiatives in academic programs and support mechanisms for students. (6) Nil. (7) Refer to the UWS Graduate Attributes. (8) Nil. (9) Nil.Graduate Attributes
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
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