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Space Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose and Context

(1) The effective and efficient planning, management and control of accommodation and space are key to the University's strategic planning and operational effectiveness.

(2) The University invests heavily in developing quality teaching, learning and work spaces. These spaces seek to integrate cutting-edge digital technologies, innovative uses of space and modern concepts of working.

(3) To ensure efficient and effective use of space this policy will establish a framework consistent with the strategic objectives of the Sustaining Success Strategic Plan 2021-2026. The key metrics for this initiative will be efficiency and performance.

(4) This policy applies to the allocation of all University-owned and leased assets and resources and to all University staff and students.

(5) This policy is to be implemented in such a way that ensures compliance with the University's obligations under relevant legislation, including the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth), the Workers Compensation Act 1987 and Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998.

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Section 2 - Definitions

(6) The following definitions apply for the purposes of this policy:

  1. Space - includes common teaching space, circulation space, and workspaces that may include office space, flexible open space and activity based space. Space may be assigned (by way of lease, loan or assignment) to the University's Schools and units, or to entities, or to external organisations as part of a contract agreement; however, ownership of the space remains with the University.
  2. Performance - directly correlates with the organisational purpose of the department. For example, where a department's organisational purpose is to innovate, a space will be measured against its ability to facilitate innovation.
  3. Efficiency - a measure of space - cost per square metre — against use.
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Section 3 - Policy Statement

Part A - Principles

Use of Space that Supports Performance

(7) The following five principles apply to the University's allocation, design and configuration of space to increase performance:

  1. The University will design, configure and allocate space according to the University's commitment to provide innovative and dynamic environments that benefit students and staff.
  2. Space will be designed, configured and allocated according to organisational purpose and a spaces ability to support the performance of that department's activities. As such the design, configuration and allocation of a space can be reviewed when activities change or new priorities emerge.
  3. Space should be configured flexibly to promote diverse use and reduce the cost of repurposing and reallocation.
  4. The configuration and design of spaces and interrelated zones should enhance collaboration and should encourage a variety of postures.
  5. The configuration and design of spaces should communicate the University's brand promise and strategic objectives to internal and external audiences.

Use of Space that Supports Efficiency

(8) The following four principles apply to the University's design and configuration of space to increase efficiency:

  1. The University will design, configure and allocate space in an efficient manner that leverages assets, increases income and develops new income streams.
  2. The University will design, configure and allocate space in a manner that builds on its multi-campus and regional competitive advantage.
  3. The University will provide space for staff and students that is of an appropriate quality and meets regulatory compliance requirements, workplace health and safety standards, appropriate and applicable environment and disability standards and applicable professional obligations.
  4. Where possible the University will provide space for staff and students that supports more efficient work place strategies such as sharing, consolidating work groups/functions and flexible work arrangements.

Part B - Roles and Responsibilities

(9) The following positions have key roles and responsibilities in the planning, assignment, and administration of University space:

  1. Board of Trustees:
    1. Is responsible for the approval of the University Capital Works Plan and the annual budget. The University Infrastructure Committee supports the work of the Board.
  2. Vice-Chancellor and President
    1. Is responsible for approving the assigning of space to a Division or School, or the re-assigning of space between a Division and School, upon recommendation from the Vice-President, Operations and Commercial.
  3. Vice-President, Operations and Commercial
    1. Is responsible for approving space utilisation and the distribution of space amongst Divisions and Schools, and reporting to and advising the Vice-Chancellor and President on such.
  4. Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Vice-Presidents and Deans
    1. Are responsible for equitable distribution of space under their custody, periodically reviewing this distribution, and ensuring that units, persons or entities under their control comply with this policy.
    2. Are responsible for approving the sub-assignment of space to units within their Division or School, or the redistribution of space between them.
  5. Deans, Director, Research Institutes, Directors, unit head and Entity Leaders:
    1. Are responsible for ensuring the day-to-day management and administration of space within their custody. For the purpose of this policy the Pro Vice-Chancellors and Executive Directors have the same responsibilities as the Directors.
    2. Unit heads are responsible for ensuring that circulation space of which their unit is a principal user, is used in a safe and appropriate manner.
  6. Infrastructure and Commercial Performance:
    1. Is responsible for any commercially leased property or space subject to a contract arrangement with external organisations. Management of such property or space is in accordance with the terms of the contract.
    2. Is responsible for coordinating the leasing of university land and buildings not required for Academic purposes including buildings specifically constructed for commercial purposes, drafting premises agreements with commercial tenants and maintaining a register of all commercial leases/licences involving the University's land and buildings.
    3. Reports and make recommendations to the Vice-President, Operations and Commercial on matters regarding space utilisation including allocation, reallocation and utilisation.
  7.  The Office of Estate Planning and Strategy:
    1. Has overall authority for the management, modification, and maintenance of the university's building fabric and infrastructure assets, provides advice on assignment of space, and is responsible for the administration of this policy. Is responsible for maintaining a system of standards for the assignment and administration of University space, and integration of these standards into the planning and procurement processes for capital construction and renovation projects. The position is also responsible for collection, compilation, maintenance and periodic audit of the University space inventory database. Other responsibilities include development and maintenance of University Strategic Plan and related policy and procedures;
    2. Regulates to ensure the safety, security, and appropriate maintenance of circulation space;
    3. Reports and make recommendations to the Vice-President, Operations and Commercial on matters regarding space utilisation including allocation, reallocation and utilisation.
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Section 4 - Procedures

(10) Nil.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(11) For guidance on the process involved when seeking space allocation, reallocation or relocation, please refer to the Space Allocation Guidelines.

Associated Documents

(12) Space Allocation Guidelines