(1) The Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 (NSW) (Act) aims to protect Children by prohibiting any person from engaging in Child-Related Work unless that person holds a Working With Children Check (WWCC) clearance. Working With Children Checks are administered by the NSW Office of the Children's Guardian. (2) The Act and the Regulations made under the Act define Child-Related Work to include work in educational institutions other than universities. The definition implies work in universities is generally not Child-Related Work, and that workers whose only involvement with children in the workplace is teaching students aged under 18 will not require a WWCC. Other activities undertaken by the University will, however, constitute Child-Related Work, such as programs specifically developed for participation by high school students or research involving Children. In addition, some students who are undertaking practical training as part of their studies may be considered as "Workers" within the meaning of the Act. The University therefore has obligations under the Act. (3) This Policy sets out: (4) This policy applies to all Workers of the University as defined below. It does not apply to any entities that provide services at or to the University, but are separate from the University. Those entities have their own policies in place. (5) This policy should be read in conjunction with the Code of Conduct, Student Code of Conduct, Recruitment and Selection Policy and External Work Policy. (6) For the purposes of this policy: (7) The University aims to comply with the Act by: (8) If a Worker engages in Child-Related Work, they must first obtain a WWCC clearance. A WWCC will result in either: (9) The NSW Office of the Children's Guardian will monitor Cleared Workers and may cancel a WWCC clearance under certain circumstances. (10) For existing employees, and existing and new volunteers: (11) New Workers and other persons who commence in Child-Related Work must obtain a WWCC clearance under the new WWCC system as a precondition of their employment in the Child-Related Work. (12) If a Worker engages in external Child-Related Work in a private capacity (for example, in the form of providing private tuition to Children), the Worker must obtain a WWCC clearance as a condition of the University permitting them to engage in that work under the External Work Policy. (13) The Office for People (O4P) is responsible for managing all Workers' WWCC records with the exception of students' WWCC records, and for providing advice when required. (14) Every Worker, with the exception of students, must inform O4P in writing as soon as they become aware they are engaged in, or intend to engage someone (either as a volunteer or a paid employee) in, Child-Related Work. (15) Students who undertake a practical or professional placement involving Child-Related Work must obtain a WWCC for the placement. (16) Working With Children Checks for students are managed at the School level by the School Placement Coordinator or nominee in accordance with legislation. The School reports to Student Administration in the Office of Student and University Planning on WWC issues. (17) Every student who intends to engage in a placement that has not been organised by the University must inform their School Placement Coordinator in writing as soon as possible after being accepted for the placement. (18) In some circumstances, a WWCC clearance may be required by an organisation providing a student placement. (19) Every student must comply with the procedures outlined in this policy and related University websites, and any related directions of the School Placement Coordinator, O4P or the Office of General Counsel. (20) As part of the pre-recruitment phase, the relevant Dean/Director or nominee must determine whether a position involves Child-Related Work and notify O4P accordingly. (21) Advertisements for roles involving Child-Related Work must include the requirement that applicants obtain a WWCC clearance as a condition of employment. (22) A successful applicant must not be offered employment in a position involving Child-Related Work before O4P has verified their WWCC clearance. Workers must comply with the procedures outlined in this policy and any related directions of O4P or the Office of General Counsel. (23) Where a position has been identified as involving Child-Related Work, WWCC requirements will be included in the employment contract. (24) Some individuals, despite their positions involving Child-Related Work, are exempt from the requirement to obtain a WWCC clearance under the Act. These exemptions include: (25) Verification of a WWCC clearance is conducted online by O4P or the relevant School Placement Coordinator or nominee, and requires the Worker or student to provide the University with their WWCC number, date of birth and surname. (26) The University will record the date on which verification is received and the outcome of the verification for audit purposes. (27) If an existing Worker of the University is required to obtain a WWCC clearance, that Worker cannot verify their own clearance. (28) All Workers must keep the University informed of any incident or issue that may impact on their eligibility for a WWCC clearance. In particular, the Worker must inform the University if they receive a notification from the NSW Office of the Children's Guardian that it is considering implementing a ban on the Worker engaging in Child-Related Work. (29) If the University becomes aware that a Worker's WWCC clearance has been cancelled, the University may take immediate action to prevent that person engaging in any future Child-Related Work with the University. (30) The University has an obligation under the Act to notify the Office of the Children's Guardian of any finding by the University that a Worker has engaged in: (31) For further information, see the O4P Working with Children web page. (32) The phase-in schedule for each industry for the new WWCC is available on the NSW Office of the Children's Guardian website.Working with Children (Workers and Students) Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Statement
Top of PageSection 4 - Procedures
Part A - Who needs to obtain a Working With Children clearance?
Part B - Recruitment
Part C - Exemptions
Part D - Verification of a WWCC
Part E - Adverse Conduct
Top of PageSection 5 - Section 5 Guidelines
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However, work as a student in the course of clinical placement in a hospital or other health service is not Child-Related Work under the Act.