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Standing Committees of Academic Senate and College Academic Committees

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Purpose and Context


(1) The following document defines the roles, terms of reference, and memberships for standing committees of the Academic Senate, including committees at the college and school-level.

(2) Because the Senate and its committees are accountable to the Board of Trustees, the roles, terms of reference, and membership were originally approved by the Board. The Board also authorised the Academic Senate to approve any future amendments to the roles, terms of reference and memberships for standing committees of the Academic Senate.

(3) The Academic Senate may not delegate the authority to amend the roles, terms of reference, and memberships for standing committees of the Academic Senate.

(4) Elected positions are filled for two-year terms.

(5) The Vice-Chancellor is, by virtue of office, a member of all Senate committees.

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Section 2 - Definitions

(6) Nil.

Top of Page

Section 3 - Academic Committees

Part A - Academic Senate Specialist Standing Committees

Senate Executive Committee


(7) The College Executive Committee determines urgent matters on behalf of Senate between meetings of the full Senate, monitors the business of the Senate and all Senate committees, and reviews Senate action sheets, to ensure that appropriate follow-up is taking place. It also assists in the process of determining which matters should be referred to Senate for attention.

Terms of Reference

(8) Identify issues requiring attention by the Academic Senate and ensure the preparation of appropriate draft proposals and recommendations, together with supporting documentation, for consideration by Senate.

(9) Facilitate the flow of business among Senate and its other standing committees.

(10) Determine urgent matters within the jurisdiction of Senate, which arise between meetings of Senate, and report action taken to the Senate.

(11) Consider and determine any matters referred to it by Senate, or the Chair Academic Senate, or, where urgency is required, by the Academic Senate's other committees.


(12) Membership is as follows:

  1. Chair Academic Senate (Chair)
  2. Deputy Chair Academic Senate
  3. College Board of Studies Chairs
  4. Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching
  5. Pro Vice-Chancellor Research
  6. Pro Vice-Chancellor Quality
  7. Academic Registrar
  8. Two of the elected members of Academic Senate, excluding ex-officio members, chosen by the Chair Academic Senate

Education Committee


(13) The Education Committee of the Academic Senate assists the Senate by addressing academic policies relating to learning and teaching in the University and the quality framework for the University's academic programs.

Terms of Reference

(14) Provide advice and comment to Academic Senate, supporting it by undertaking the following tasks:

  1. Develop appropriate policies, guidelines and protocols to foster the improvement of learning and teaching within the University.
  2. Review key performance indicators for the learning and teaching component of the University's Strategic Plan.
  3. Develop policies and protocols for assuring the quality of academic programs and articulation arrangements, both domestic (on and off campus) and off shore.
  4. Develop mechanisms for the identification and dissemination of good practice and excellence in learning and teaching.
  5. Develop Codes of Practice for teaching, learning and assessment that specify the obligations of staff and students.
  6. Develop and review academic rules, policies and processes.
  7. Formulate advice to Senate and the University Executive on priorities and guidelines for educational innovation and enhancement projects and grants and internal awards for excellence in teaching.
  8. Consider any matters referred to it by the Academic Senate or by the Chair Academic Senate, or by college committees.


(15) Membership is as follows:

  1. Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching (Chair)
  2. Deputy Chair Academic Senate [who will normally be a Senate member on the Committee nominated by the Chair Academic Senate. Where the Deputy Chair position is not filled by the Chair of Senate's nominee, there is an additional position on the committee for the "Chair Academic Senate, or nominee (who must be a member of Senate )"]
  3. One of the elected members of Academic Senate, chosen by the Chair Academic Senate
  4. Pro Vice-Chancellor Quality
  5. Associate Dean Academic from each College
  6. Director Student Support Services
  7. University Librarian (or nominee)
  8. Director, Educational Development Centre
  9. Academic Registrar (or nominee)
  10. Director International or nominee
  11. One undergraduate student, selected by the appropriate student association
  12. One postgraduate student, selected by the appropriate student association

Courses Approvals and Articulations Committee


(16) The Courses Approvals and Articulations Committee of the Academic Senate assists the Academic Senate by considering proposals for new and proposed variations to the University's academic programs and new and amended course articulation agreements with other institutions.

Terms of reference

(17) Provide advice and comment to Academic Senate, supporting it by undertaking the following tasks:

  1. Develop and review policies and procedures for course and unit accreditation and approval.
  2. Consider proposals for new and amended undergraduate and postgraduate courses and units and proposals for new and amended articulation arrangements.
  3. Academic Senate Under delegated powers from the Academic Senate, approve proposals for new units and changes to units.
  4. As and when appropriate, refer course and unit proposals back to the relevant College for amendment and resubmission.
  5. Ensure that proposals for articulation arrangements are consistent with the University's advanced standing policies and precedents and that they will add significant value to the alternative of awarding advanced standing to individual students.
  6. Recommend to Senate, for approval, any proposals for new or amended courses that are endorsed by the Committee.
  7. Recommend to Academic Senate, for endorsement, any articulation agreements that meet the criteria as stated in 5 above.
  8. Consider any matters referred to it by the Academic Senate or by the Chair Academic Senate, or by college committees.


(18) Membership is as follows:

  1. Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching (Chair)
  2. Deputy Chair [who will normally be a Academic Senate member on the Committee nominated by the Chair Academic Senate. Where the Deputy Chair position is not filled by the Chair of Senate's nominee, there is an additional position on the committee for the "Chair Academic Senate, or nominee (who must be a member of Senate )"]
  3. Chair, or Deputy Chair, Academic Senate (or nominee of Chair)
  4. One of the elected members of Academic Senate, chosen by the Chair Academic Senate
  5. Associate Dean Academic, of each College
  6. Academic Registrar (or nominee)
  7. University Librarian (or nominee)
  8. One undergraduate student, selected by appropriate student association
  9. One postgraduate student, selected by appropriate student association

Research Committee


(19) The Research Committee of the Academic Senate encourages and assists the development of high quality research practices across the University.

Terms of reference

(20) Provide advice and comment to Academic Senate, supporting it by undertaking the following tasks:

  1. Provide advice to, and make recommendations to, the Academic Senate regarding the development of research policy in the University.
  2. On behalf of the Academic Senate and having regard for the University's mission, goals and priorities, develop and review regularly, and establish key performance indicators for, the research component of the University's academic plans.
  3. Assist the Academic Senate to:
    1. identify, encourage and promote the development of good practice and excellence in research, and encourage innovative and flexible research practices;
    2. promote the development of productive collaborative research across and beyond the University; and
    3. advise University management on the development of research directions and priorities for the University.
  4. On behalf of the Academic Senate, monitor performance and trends in research by considering regular reports relevant to the Committee's work.
  5. Consider matters referred to it by the Academic Senate or by the Chair Academic Senate or the Research Studies Committee or by college committees.


(21) Membership is as follows:

  1. Pro Vice-Chancellor Research (Chair)
  2. Deputy Chair [who will normally be a Senate member on the Committee nominated by the Chair Academic Senate. Where the Deputy Chair position is not filled by the Academic Senate's nominee, there is an additional position on the committee for the "Chair Academic Senate, or nominee (who must be a member of Senate )"]
  3. Dean Research Studies
  4. Chair Academic Senate, or nominee (who must be a member of Senate )
  5. One of the elected members of Academic Senate, chosen by the Chair Academic Senate
  6. Associate Dean Research of each college, or alternate nominated by the Executive Dean.
  7. One representative of the University's research centres, elected by the Director of University Research Centre's
  8. University Librarian or nominee
  9. One postgraduate research student, nominated by the Postgraduate Students Association, or alternate, nominated by the Association.

Research Studies Committee


(22) The Research Studies Committee of the Academic Senate provides advice to Academic Senate regarding matters to do with research undertaken by research and higher degree students of the University. On behalf of Academic Senate, it oversees the candidatures of those students and has the delegated authority to approve the conferral of research higher degrees. The committee provides advice to the Academic Senate regarding the development of research training policy in the University.

Terms of Reference

(23) Provide advice and comment to Academic Senate, supporting it by undertaking the following tasks:

  1. In accordance with the University's rules for Masters (Honours) degrees, and PhD, Professional Doctorate, and other doctoral programs with research components:
    1. admit candidates for higher degree research programs,
    2. vary candidatures for higher degree research programs,
    3. appoint supervisory panels for higher degree research programs,
    4. approve the awarding of degrees for higher degree research programs other than higher doctorate degrees of Doctor of Letters and Doctor of Science. The authority to approve degrees can not be delegated by the Committee; in exceptional circumstances, the Chair Academic Senate will approve research and higher degrees on behalf the Academic Senate.
  2. Assist the Academic Senate to:
    1. identify, encourage and promote the development of good practice and excellence in research training;
    2. promote the development of productive collaborative research training initiatives across and beyond the University.
  3. Provide advice to the Academic Senate on any policy matter affecting the studies of students undertaking research programs in the University, including the following:
    1. codification of supervision requirements;
    2. student progress;
    3. terms and conditions of postgraduate scholarships;
    4. examination processes for research students;
    5. audit of academic support provided for postgraduate students;
    6. postgraduate research program development,
    7. quality assurance mechanisms for postgraduate research; and
    8. content of research training plans.
  4. Consider matters referred to it by the Academic Senate or by the Chair Academic Senate or by college committees.


(24) Membership is as follows:

  1. Dean Research Studies (Chair)
  2. Deputy Chair [who will normally be a Academic Senate member on the Committee nominated by the Chair Academic Senate. Where the Deputy Chair position is not filled by the Chair Academic Senate's nominee, there is an additional position on the committee for the "Chair Academic Senate, or nominee (who must be a member of Academic Senate )"]
  3. Pro Vice-Chancellor Research
  4. Associate Dean Research of each College, or alternate, nominated by Executive Dean
  5. Chair Academic Senate (or nominee, who must be a member of Academic Senate )
  6. One of the elected members of Academic Senate, chosen by the Chair Academic Senate
  7. Nominee of the Academic Registrar (for example, School Administrative Coordinator, Postgraduate Research)
  8. One representative of the University's Research Centres, elected by the Directors Research Centres
  9. One representative of the University's research groups, elected by the leaders of the research groups
  10. One postgraduate student, nominated by the Postgraduate Association of the University of Western Sydney (one alternate also to be nominated).

Appeals Committee


(25) See Misconduct - Student Academic Misconduct Policy and Progression and Unsatisfactory Academic Progress Policy, etc.

Terms of Reference

(26) As per policy.


(27) As per policy.


College Boards of Studies


(28) The College Board of Studies are standing committees of the Academic Senate and meet two to three times per year.

They are high level, strategic committees, responsible for providing academic leadership in the College's and for advising the Academic Senate on policy, planning and academic development matters relevant to the College and the University at large.

Terms of Reference

(29) Each College Board of Studies is responsible to the Academic Senate for:

  1. providing academic leadership to the College by identifying academic issues of strategic importance to the College;
  2. making appropriate recommendations to the Academic Senate and to relevant College and School academic committees;
  3. commissioning and/or receiving and considering purpose specific reports from School boards and College academic committees and from Academic Senate;
  4. fostering academic cooperation and collaboration within the College and the University and with prospective partner institutions.


(30) Membership is as follows:

  1. Chair, elected by and from the full-time academic staff of the College
  2. Deputy Chair, elected by and from the full-time academic staff of the College
  3. Executive Dean of the College
  4. Associate Dean's of the College
  5. The Head of School of the College
  6. Chairs of School Boards of the College
  7. College Manager
  8. One School Administrative Coordinator of the College, chosen by the College's School Administrative Coordinator's
  9. Vice-Chancellor, or nominee
  10. Chair Academic Senate, or nominee
  11. Chairs of the other two College Board of Studies, or nominees
  12. Academic Registrar, or nominee
  13. University Librarian, or nominee
  14. One Head of Program from each school chosen by Head of Program from among the School's Head of Program
  15. Two Academic Staff elected from each School, at least one of whom must be at level A-C
  16. Undergraduate student nominated by the Student Association
  17. Postgraduate student nominated by the Student Association
  18. The four members of academic staff of the College elected to the Academic Senate

(31) In addition, the Chair Academic Senate may, in consultation with the Chair of the Board, appoint up to three additional members for the purposes of achieving gender balance and an informed perspective on matters within the remit of the Board.

College Executive Committee


(32) The College Executive Committee is a standing committee of the College Education Assessment and Progression Committee. Its role is to determine urgent matters within the Committee's jurisdiction, which arise between meetings of the Committee. The College Executive Committee may approve the conferring of awards to undergraduate, honours and postgraduate coursework students who have completed their studies, when this authority has been explicitly delegated by the College Education Assessment and Progression Committee.

Terms of Reference

On notice by the Chair, determine urgent matters within the jurisdiction of the College Education Assessment and Progression Committee, which arise between meetings of the Committee, and report action taken to the Committee.


(33) Membership is as follows:

  1. Associate Dean Academic or nominee (Chair)
  2. Chair of the Board of Studies or nominee who is Deputy Chair of the College Education Assessment and Progression Committee
  3. Executive Dean of the College or nominee
  4. Associate Dean Development and International or nominee

Education, Assessment and Progression Committee


(34) The College Education Assessment and Progression Committee is a standing committee of Academic Senate, and tenders purpose specific reports to each specialist Senate committee (Education Committee, Courses Approvals and Articulations Committee, Research Committee, and Research Studies Committee ) as required.

(35) The Committee is the main academic business committee for the College. The Committee meets six to eight times a year. It is chaired by the Associate Dean Academic.

(36) The Committee monitors the operations of the University's academic policy in the College. It makes recommendations to the Courses Approvals and Articulations Committee of Academic Senate regarding the approval of new and amended courses, units and articulation arrangements. It has oversight of the assessment and examination of students in the College, matters relating to the awarding of degrees, medals and prizes to students in the College and determines appeals made by the College's students placed on conditional enrolment under the University's Progression and Unsatisfactory Academic Performance Policy. The Committee acts as the College's Board of Examiners, and authorises the conferral of degrees and awards to students.

(37) The Committee therefore has a considerable work load and will in practice, may arrange for its specialist work in relation to assessment and unsatisfactory academic progress to be undertaken by a sub-set of its members, and delegate to the chair of the committee or the College Executive Committee the responsibility for authorising decisions.

Terms of Reference

(38) Review the operation in the College of the University's academic rules and policies, and, as appropriate, make recommendations to the Education Committee of Academic Senate to create or amend rules and policies.

(39) Consider College course proposals and proposals for articulation arrangements, ensuring they conform with requirements prescribed by the Academic Senate, and advise Senate's Courses Approvals and Articulations Committee as to their readiness for offer or implementation.

(40) Oversee the College's review, evaluation and quality assurance of its teaching activities and of its units and courses, monitor and benchmark outcomes of such evaluation, and, make appropriate recommendations to Senate or other committees, as necessary.

(41) Following all teaching sessions, approve and/or modify recommendations from Schools for the awarding or reviewing of assessment grades for undergraduate, honours and coursework postgraduate students.

(42) Confirm or review recommendations from Schools regarding the conferring of awards of graduate status and degrees, diplomas and certificates to undergraduate, honours and postgraduate coursework students who have completed their studies.

  1. Note - the Committee does not have responsibility for the awards of research higher degrees. These are the jurisdiction of the Academic Senate's Research Studies Committee and the Senate.
  2. Note - the authority to approve degrees can not be delegated by the Committee except to the College Executive Committee; in exceptional circumstances, the Chair Academic Senate will approve the conferral of awards on behalf of the Academic Senate.

(43) By comparative analysis of unit results in the College and, where appropriate, those for other Colleges, provide advice to Schools, which will help to ensure consistency and fairness in assessment across the College and the University.

(44) Consider and determine appeals from students placed on conditional enrolment in accordance with the Progression and Unsatisfactory Academic Performance Policy.

(45) Consider and make recommendations regarding any academic matter or process referred to it by the Academic Senate or the Chair Academic Senate.


(46) Membership is as follows:

  1. Associate Dean Academic of the College (Chair)
  2. Chair of the College Board of Studies, or nominee, who will serve as Deputy Chair
  3. Executive Dean of the College
  4. Associate Dean Academic of the other colleges (or nominees)
  5. Associate Dean Engagement, Associate Dean Development and International
  6. College Honours Coordinator
  7. Head of School (or nominee)
  8. One Head of Program from each School, nominated by the Head of School
  9. Academic Registrar, or nominee
  10. University Librarian or nominee
  11. Undergraduate student nominated by the Student Association
  12. Postgraduate student nominated by the Student Association

In Attendance

(47) It is expected that appropriate officers of the Office of the Academic Registrar, such as college Course Officers, Timetabling Officers and Student Support Officers, will attend meetings of the Committee, to provide advice and assistance, as required.

Research and Higher Degrees Committee


(48) The Research and Higher Degrees Committee is a standing committee of Academic Senate, and tenders purpose specific reports to each specialist Senate committee (Education Committee, Courses Approvals and Articulations Committee, Research Committee and Research Studies Committee ), as required.

(49) The committee meets six to eight times a year. It is chaired by the Associate Dean Research.

(50) The Committee is responsible for assisting the Schools in assuring the quality of the College's research activities and research training and for making decisions regarding the admission and assessment of higher degree candidates.

Terms of Reference

(51) Provide advice and make recommendations to the Academic Senate's Research Committee and Research Studies Committee regarding the development of good practice in research and research training in the Schools and in research entities of the College.

(52) Regularly review the research profile of the College, identify key research areas and research links with external agencies and industry for development in the College and provide advice to the Academic Senate's Research Committee and Research Studies Committee regarding such development.

(53) Monitor research performance in the College against performance indicators in the University's and the College's Academic and Research Management Plans and provide related analysis to Schools of the College and to the Academic Senate's Research Committee and its Research Studies Committee.

(54) Make recommendations to the Research Studies Committee of Senate regarding the admission of research higher degree students to candidature and degree status, and regarding the confirmation of their academic results, and eligibility for the award of scholarships, awards and prizes.

(55) Make recommendations to the Research Studies Committee of Academic Senate about other issues related to the admission of higher degree students to candidature and degree status, the confirmation of the academic results of higher degree candidates.

(56) Consider, and make recommendations regarding, any academic matter or process referred to it by the Academic Senate or the Chair Academic Senate.


(57) Membership is as follows:

  1. Associate Dean Research (Chair)
  2. Chair of the College Board of Studies, or nominee, who will serve as Deputy Chair
  3. One representative of the "research active" academic staff of each School, nominated by each Head of School and endorsed by the Executive Dean of the College
  4. Heads of University Research Centres attached to the College
  5. Up to three research leaders, appointed by the Executive Dean of the College for the purpose of ensuring gender balance and disciplinary diversity in the Committee
  6. Honours Coordinator of College
  7. Postgraduate coordinator of the College or equivalent
  8. One postgraduate research student, nominated by and from the postgraduate research students of the College

College Misconduct Committee


(58) See Misconduct - Student Academic Misconduct Policy.

Terms of Reference

(59) See Misconduct - Student Academic Misconduct Policy.


(60) As per policy.

Part C - School Boards


(61) The School Boards are standing committees of the Academic Senate, reporting to it through the College Board of Studies. They meet two to three times per year.

(62) They are high level, strategic committees, responsible for providing academic leadership in the College's and for advising the Academic Senate on policy, planning and academic development matters relevant to the College and the University at large.

Terms of Reference

(63) Each School Board is responsible to its College Board of Studies and the Academic Senate for:

(64) Providing academic leadership to the School by identifying academic issues of strategic importance to the School;

(65) Making appropriate recommendations to the Academic Senate through the College Board of Studies;

(66) Fostering academic cooperation and collaboration within the College and the University and with prospective partner institutions.


(67) Membership is as follows:

  1. Chair Academic Senate, elected by and from the full-time academic staff of the School
  2. Deputy Chair Academic Senate, elected by and from the full-time academic staff of the School
  3. All academic staff of the School
  4. The School Administrative Coordinator

Part D - School Assessment Committees

Terms of Reference

(68) Moderation of results.

(69) Consider applications for review of grade.

(70) Recommend results to College Education Assessment and Progression Committee.

(71) Provide a written report to the College Education Assessment and Progression Committee to accompany the recommended results detailing the reasons for unit results that fall outside the distribution guidelines.

(72) Consider applications from students for grades achieved through approved concurrent study at other institutions to be included in the calculation of the GPA.

(73) Consider and approve applications for a supplementary assessment from students who failed in a final unit.


(74) Membership is as follows:

  1. Head of School (HOS)
  2. One representative from each program area (a minimum of three Academic Staff of the School; where possible, 'Service Teaching' representatives should attend).
  3. Administrative staff member with 'on-line' access to the results processing system will attend.


(75) Each academic staff representative on the Committee will have on hand copies of the unit summaries from their course/program area and will provide background information on matters noted during the unit level review.

(76) The School Assessment Committee may refuse to approve unit grades, may seek advice and/or make recommendations to the Unit Coordinator particularly regarding incomplete information, grade distributions and special consideration.

(77) After all matters are confirmed, a School Assessment Committee report based on the discussion and decisions of the meeting will be prepared for the College Education Assessment and Progression Committee, including a School Special Consideration Report. The Head of School will sign off on the reports before submission to the College Education Assessment and Progression Committee.

(78) Where the School Assessment Committee is considering a review of grade, the academic staff members on the Committee must not have been involved in the teaching and/or assessing of the unit/s being considered.