(1) Western Sydney University's conditions of employment provide that, subject to approval, an employee may receive an allowance for the use of a private motor vehicle on official business. This policy outlines the matters to be considered when seeking approval to use a private motor vehicle for University business travel and the procedures to claim reimbursement for such use. (2) This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Motor Vehicle Policy and the Travel Policy. (3) Nil. (4) A staff member should only seek approval to use a private vehicle for official business when: (5) Where a senior staff member (eligible for a Salary Sacrifice vehicle) opts to continue to use their own private vehicle the Vice-Chancellor and President may approve the use of this private vehicle provided that the staff member has a consistent need to travel for the University outside of their home campus (externally and between campuses). Any reimbursement consistent with this policy will be subject to legislated taxation treatment as per the Australian Taxation Office. (Refer clauses (15) and (16)). (6) Approval to use a private vehicle for business travel must be obtained from a relevant line supervisor who holds the necessary delegation to authorise the expenditure in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy (refer Schedule AA - Financial Delegations). The travel must also be approved in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Travel Policy. (7) The University will only reimburse a staff member for use of a private vehicle for business travel where the staff member certifies, at the time of submitting their claim, that the vehicle is covered by Comprehensive Insurance and Third Party Insurance policies. (8) If a private vehicle is damaged whilst being used for University business purposes any 'normal' excess insurance charges prescribed by the insurer will be reimbursed by the University unless they include an amount prescribed by the insurer as 'punitive' excess charges. (9) The University will only reimburse excess where a claim has been made on the insurer and the insurer has deducted an excess at settlement. (10) All claims are to be submitted in writing to the Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer and must be supported by evidence of excess deduction applied by vehicle insurer. (11) The University will not accept any claims for damages other than in respect of insurance excess. (12) The University applies the Australian Taxation Office's 'reasonable reimbursement' rate for motor vehicles. The rates per business kilometre are available on the Australian Taxation Office's website. (13) All claims must be submitted online via the mileage Claim Form and be approved by the staff member's designated supervisor. (14) All payments of mileage claims will be processed via Staff Online and be made via the payroll. Claims should be submitted within one month of the vehicle usage being claimed. (15) PAYG tax is not deducted where the cumulative annual business kilometres reimbursed during any financial year (1 July to 30 June) does not exceed 5,000kms, and the amount will be shown as an "allowance" on the staff member's annual Payment Summary. (16) Reimbursements in excess of 5000 annual business kilometres will be subject to PAYG tax and deducted accordingly at the time of reimbursement. It is the responsibility of the staff member to keep their own records for taxation purposes. (17) Where a private vehicle is used for official business, a deduction from the allowance payable must be made to take into account the distance that would normally be travelled daily by the staff member from home to home campus and return, together with any other distance travelled in a private capacity during the business use period. (18) The Motor Vehicle Allowance Claim Form shows the University's official 'set' distances for travel between most campuses. Where shown, the official distances must be used in making claims for inter-campus travel. (19) Nil.Motor Vehicle - Private Vehicle Use Reimbursement Policy
Section 1 - Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Approval to Use a Private Vehicle
Requirement for Private Vehicle to be Covered by Insurance
Section 4 - Procedures
Part A - Reimbursement for Use of Private Vehicle
Part B - Calculation of Official Business Distances
Section 5 - Guidelines
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