(1) The University of Western Sydney is committed to the Internationalisation of its activities. Consistent with its international objectives and strategic directions, the University will maintain and foster existing and valued international partnerships, as well as develop new partnerships. (2) For the purpose of this policy: (3) International Partnerships will be developed in accordance with the University’s Mission and Strategic Plan. (4) The number of International Partnerships will be linked to strategic objectives, and controlled to ensure agreements are active. (5) The nature of International Partnerships will vary in response to UWS objectives and those of particular partner institutions. (6) A diversity of International Partnerships will be encouraged. (7) International Partnerships will be pursued for the purposes of the: (8) Each International Partnership as defined by this policy, will be formalised initially by an Academic Co-operation Agreement. (9) A separate student exchange agreement (Supplemental Letter of Agreement, Exchange) will be supplemental to the Academic Co-operation Agreement, where student exchange activity emerges as a consequence of that Agreement. (10) Other specific collaborative projects will also be detailed in separate Supplemental Letter of Agreements to the Academic Co-operation Agreement, as projects arise. (11) Agreements will not be signed by UWS until all resource implications are identified, and appropriate resource allocation agreed. (12) The Academic Co-operation Agreement and/or Supplemental Letter of Agreement pro-formas adopted for the purpose of formalising the partnership can be supplied by either partner, but must be acceptable to both partners. (13) All agreements will be institution-to-institution. Any collaborative/ cooperative agreement between sub-academic units within either or both institutions (eg. School-to-School), will be supplemental to the general Academic Co-operation Agreement. (14) The Vice-Chancellor and President (or nominee) of UWS will be the official signatory to all Academic Co-operation and Supplemental Agreements. (15) All Agreements should have a review/revision clause, and procedures for termination. (16) All Agreements must be signed in hard copy. The original will be filed in the official Records and Archives Management Services Unit with copies placed in UWS International. (17) Determine whether the proposal is specifically for non-commercial or commercial outcomes (you may wish to refer to the terminology/definitions listed in Section 2). (18) Some proposals may have the potential to develop commercial outcomes, but this may not be the initial objective. (19) Nil.International Partnerships for Academic Cooperation
Section 1 - Purpose and Context
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of Page
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Part A - Agreements
Types of Agreements
Formal Requirements
Contents of Agreements
Section 4 - Section 4 -Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
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