Status and Details

Status and Details

This page contains information about the status, approval and a summary of the changes from the previous version of the document. Please note that the Unit Head listed on this page is the current owner of this policy and may not reflect the University position/staff member who owned this policy at the time of publication.

Enrolment Policy

Show Field Notes
Status Historic Indicates if this version of the document is in effect (Current), yet to come into effect (Future), or expired (Historic).
Effective Date 17th April 2013 This is the date on which this version of the document came into effect.
Review Date 17th December 2015 The next review of this document is scheduled to commence on this date.
Approval Authority Academic Senate The noted authority approved this is version of the document.
Approval Date 17th April 2013 This is the date on which this version of the document was approved by the authorised authority.
Expiry Date 9th December 2013 This is the date on which this version expires. It may still apply, conditionally, after this date.
Unit Head Jess Gleeson
Director, Data Integrity, Quality and Operations
This is the officer generally responsible for day to day administrative matters.
Author Gillian Brown
This is the author of record for this version of the document.
Enquiries Contact Karen Wilson
Enrolments Coordinator
General enquiries should be directed to the officer/area listed.

Summary of Changes from Previous Version

The amendments to the policy are to clearly identify the options available for students wanting to take a break in study as follows:

Deferred admission for students in the first session of study in a course (clause 87);

Leave of absence for continuing students after the first session of study (clause 88);

The requirement for students to successfully complete one or more units in their enrolled course to be eligible for leave of absence has been removed. Instead, applications for leave of absence simply need to be submitted prior to the census date of the teaching session in which leave is being sought (clause 92); and

Students who have an internal transfer request approved and request leave for the first semester of their new course are currently transferred back to their original course and placed on leave. This anomaly has been corrected by a new clause 93.

Clauses Amended

Procedure: 86-89, 92, 93, 98